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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. I see no issue with simply opening new open world areas on each planet, maybe 2 or more on the same one in future, maybe with some better interaction between the old and new areas, because Cetus/The Plains may as well be on another planet that is not Earth, it's not interacting with the normal Earth tiles at all..

  2. 36 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

    Actually, it is. You have to consider a single unvaulting of a frame cannot meet the demand of the following years. Just take Frost as an example, if DE is going to unvault him again AFTER they unvault of the rest of vaulted primes there will be another few years of waiting. That's why DE is unvaulting the same prime warframes again and again in the last few unvaulting events (yes...2 unvaulted primes in 2017 are repeated. Mag and Frost were unvaulted in 2016 already, so technically they only unvaulted 2 new primes this year). And by the time you're unvaulting an old prime, new vaulted primes will join the queue also.

    To clarify "no it's not" was in reference to you saying "the speed of frames getting vaulted is faster than frames being unvaulted" which it's not, it's the same...

    The only reason a few primes have been unvaulted twice is because of the lack of primes in the vault for a particular amount of time, not because the frame will not be unvaulted for a long period, that was always going to happen.

    What primes get unvaulted is irrelevant to the numbers, 4 primes go into the vault a year, 4 primes become unvaulted a year... new or old, 1st or 2nd time out, those are the numbers, You're using the fact that they have been building up to an equilibrium of 4 in 4 out over the past 2 years as a reason to create some sort of hypothesis... of which I'm not even sure you've clarified... that they will unvault 3 or more in future?

  3. 9 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

    It's possible coz the speed of frames getting vaulted is faster than frames being unvaulted, and as more frames get vaulted it may eventually take few years for a single frame to get unvaulted (image Trinity Prime, with current rate she will probably return in a few years). DE have to unvault more of them at once if they don't want to screw the market price and anger the players.

    No it's not...

    We have 4 frames vaulted a year, we have 2 frames unvaulted every 6 months... It's just that the vault fills up over time as we're past the point where there are more frames out than in... 

  4. While I don't mind fishing, it should NOT be a requirement to progress in game, particularly to such a grindy degree, the fact you need to fish for endless hours to get a better AMP weapon for your operator, which is likely to be an important part of the game later on, is ridiculous. 

  5. I would not have as much of an issue with this if the items they gave out were not vaulted. 2ish years ago I had to pay out the a$$ for Frost, because you could not get it, and now that I have its parts farmed and ready to sell, it may as well be worth nothing... I Know those were my choices, but it just feels super lame. I would have less of an issue if it were something like Vauban Prime, who is still available to grind for, same goes for the weapons, why vaulted items?

    And on top of that, it seems lame to allow new players prime stuff, theoretically Primes should be the end game items you can unlock after passing the Mastery of the standard game, the bling bling you need to put some time into. Saryn Prime is the obvious example here, it seems easy as to get her prime, but regular forces you through the Kela De Thaym BS for hours...

    It'd be all in favour of a higher Mastery Lock for Prime items in general.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

    I actually enjoy fighting Grineer in the open.

    As for bugs: Everything is running fine for me, even had my game crash but I still got to keep all the fish/minerals I gathered.

    So you can play it...

  7. 2 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

    Is not being able to play it. I want to play it but I need to go to boring Corpus tiles to farm Oxium (or other non-PoE resources).

    Would be nice if you could raid resource caches or something to aquire those kinds of resouces. Think a Grineer supply ship or something that we could shoot down.

    The only thing you're missing is endless grinding of mostly useless resources that you can't use anywhere else, in missions that bug out 95% of the time...

    May as well wait till they get this under control...

  8. On 18/10/2017 at 7:11 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.0.5


    • Fixed sometimes matchmaking with players doing Bounties when loading into the Plains. Matchmaking should match you with other players who are roaming around doing Incursions as opposed to Bounties.


    This is not even close to fixed.

    Doing Pub bounties or anything Pub related in the plains is a complete nightmare.

    Go free roam: Players entering, getting irritated they were loading into a bounty and leaving, often causing host migration and all the issues that come with it.

     Try a bounty: one person leaves because their HUD is busted, bounty is now bugged due to host migration.
    Or half the squad is free roaming...
    Or you get shoved into a free roam, meaning you have to abort...
    Or the mission bugs out and you have to just leave...

    Something of this nature happens EVERY SINGLE TIME entering the plains via Pub, and sometimes just with clan mates...

    I cannot be screwed playing in the Plains until this is fixed. it's horrid...

    Patch and it's worse than ever...

    I just tried about 5 Bounties, had something in the above list happen each time, So I just added 1 clan mate and attempted another bounty with just us 2, did a vault brake in only for no reward and no start of next (2nd) mission forcing us to just exit...

    Completely pointless waste of an hour... 90% of my game time is loading in and out of Cetus...

  9. 1 hour ago, EZIOilMentore said:

    EDIT: Didn't mean to post under PoE > Bug Reports > General. If there's a moderator available, I'd appreciate if you could move this post to "Community > General Discussions", where it was intended to be. If not, you can delete this post as a whole. Thanks. 

    I was hasty and made a mistake, clicked on the wrong forum via browser history and didn't realize. Yea... laugh all you want.

    This question has been lingering in my head since the first day I started playing back in early 2015.

    Wondering if I'm the only one to notice this. The color scheme used for Warframe's health HUDs bear uncanny resemblance to that of Mass Effect 2 and 3. I don't include Mass Effect 1 here because from what I can remember, the designs were quite different.

    Did DE actually take inspirations from Mass Effect when designing these color schemes? It would be pretty cool if that was the case.

    What I'm addressing here is something quite minor to the game, so I have to admit, I have some doubts about this. I feel some of you may think this is too vague, and that it's not worth pointing out. I'm not entirely sure if this is a consistent design choice among several other sci-fi games. I only know Mass Effect... and Warframe. Love 'em both. Except for Andromeda.


    Comparison between the HUD color schemes of both titles are as followed:

    -Warframe uses RED bars to indicate regular health type, same goes for Mass Effect. A nobrainer of course.

    -Warframe uses BLUE bars to indicate shields, same goes for Mass Effect. In both games, shields can regenerate, although I'm not sure whether or not enemy shields in the Mass Effect games do regenerate... it's been a while since I played.


    -Warframe uses YELLOW bars to indicate armor, same goes for Mass Effect.


    -Warframe uses PURPLE to indicate overshield. In Mass Effect, it is called barrier. Despite the differences in names, both function the same way. They are a type of shield used for buffing, and cannot regenerate on its own.


    1. Report your own thread, ask it to be moved in report.

    2. Not only are these common colours to use for a game, I'm sure you can find 20 games that use the same colour scheme, but there are so many games out there, that if you did a swap of a colour you could find another game and make the same point...

  10. The Sun is a no-go zone as in the future it's still in control by the greatest ever country/god state North Korea, who in 2014 landed a 17 year old astronaut on it during the night (to evade the suns harmful rays) to establish ownership, They would later go on to establish an entire empire on the dark side of the Sun. This was documented in the archive: Iron Sky 3.

  11. 1 hour ago, Caelward said:

    I could totally solo it if my bounties didn't break 4 out of every 5 attempts.

    I've just stopped trying until I see a patch note about the armored vault among other things. I'm tired of wasting my time (and I've wasted more than enough) until they sort out why the bounties don't like to progress.

    Basically this.

    I attempted about 10 bounties today, I completed 4... got fed up on the last one as the vault didn't open on the final mission... and eventually just failed us even though we were all standing around it waiting with the enemy waves all finished.

    I swear it's worse now then when the patch dropped.

  12. 1 hour ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    Literally the only purpose of this trader is to sell cosmetics (mask trader feels unfinished too in this regard)

    He feels like a huge missed opportunity and could be incorporated into a needed update to the pet system. 3 major things I would like to see.

    1. Method to change pet breed at a cost.

    2. Could sell blueprints for specialized DNA stabilizers (pet food made from plains materials) that confers timed status buffs for pet (ex. can increase bonus attack/hp >200% when pet is well fed, increase pet casting frequency, attack speed, etc). Maybe some pet food that changes size/body type of pet.

    3. Could be basis of a system that allows further pet maturation beyond rank 30 based on how long the  pet has been used by the player (ex. new maturation stage at 20/50/100/200 hours mission time) that confers permanent stat boosts (more armor, hp, cast frequency, ability strength, improved AI, etc). Given pets require constant upkeep (as opposed to sentinels) this would reward dedicated pet users and maybe even make up for the lack of a pet vacuum.

    Ideally the depth I would like to see is something similar to the breeding system in pokemon games but that's probably too complicated.

    I imagine he is unfinished, DE will likely add more cosmetics to the Cetus cosmetic trades as time goes on, maybe in a year he will be full of stuff to get.

  13. 1 hour ago, (PS4)HAWKEYExPIERCE said:

    I've been googling this bug and it goes back YEARS! I can't progress in the game! I love Warframe and I don't want to stop playing!HELP!

    This is a sub forums of the plains of Eidolon...

    nothing to do with Jackal...

    Not only that, but saying "there is a bug" is completely useless...

    What bug? how dose it happen? etc etc... you know... a description...

  14. Here is some BS, I put out MY archwing deployable on the plains, Stand on it to get MY archwing and some A****** can just run up and take it?

    what the F*** DE?

    How, If I'm on MY deployable does it be taken by someone else? Do I as the owner not get preference to my own equipment?

    Make this deployable ONLY work on the owner unless they are a 10m distance away because I can feel a lot more chat abuse coming.

    Between the s***ty PUG squads wanting to stay in the plains after a bounty is ended and this type of BS, I find myself only wanting to play Solo or with clan.

    Wasting my resources on randoms is not my idea of fun, particular when that resource is a fish extract to run avionic/space tech... Because logic right?

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