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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. On 27/11/2016 at 0:47 AM, Madamou said:

    I have a Riven Mod with Negative Multishot, and I wondered what kind of effects it would have.
    The mod is for the Tiberon, so I figured it might reduce the bullets/burst but It doesn't seem to.

    Does anyone have an idea of what it does ?

    Late I know, but i just got -80% multishot on a Mut Cernos, and it just makes the bow not fire an arrow 80% of the time... :(

  2. 4 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

    Read the EDIT 

    Constructive feed back is appreciated

    I did and basically I have to agree with WindigoTP, I'm in the same boat as you OP, but I don't expect a "solution" because there is no problem, "your people" are not relevant, neither are mine or anyone eases. The only solution is a personal one, as the problem is a personal one, it's not the devs obligation to extrapolate competition details to appease one person who is trying to speak for his nation and frankly it's selfish to expect a solution to such presumption of rights.


    4 hours ago, WindigoTP said:


    And yeah, everything is still fine as it is.

    They do an extra move on their part by giving gifts they aren't obligated to give, so an extra move on a receiver's part, who isn't entitled to it, to receive it is fine.

    Pretty much my thoughts...

  3. 45 minutes ago, Thargoid said:

    I don't know what the spawns are in a pub game, but in solo the first 2-3 rounds are a single Ambulas, so you don't even get fails until then. It was the same during the event, so either my experience was bugged somehow, or you haven't tried it solo.

    well it would have to be 3-4 rounds on a single Ambulas, in a cell only the 1st round is a single, all other rounds are doubles, can't play it now to test, but I've never seen more than a single single.

  4. 5 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

    If its pointless, Why take part in it? I do not force anyone to speak

    and that IS NOT what i excpect, urgh im tired of this, I expect someone to come up with solutions, jeez

    Ummm because you're posting it in the general forums... where you want opinions... and you just received some... just because a topic is pointless does nit mean I should not post to describe it as such...

    Then I don't know what you expect, there is no 'solution' either you be on for the stream competitions during the stream, or you don't.... the choice is very very simple...

    What exactly are you expecting as a "solution" to your personal problem?

  5. Frost, Nidus, Valkyr and Atlas... no issue at all...

    3 hours ago, Thargoid said:

    You don't have to hack them both. I did it solo with Loki, I just kept one hacked and let the other one fail. The mission wasn't even a challenge with Tigris P, just had to be a bit wary of the bombardments.


    Those numbers do not add up at all, you would have 5 fails in total, you can only have 3... 


  6. Egggh...

    This Again...

    I don't play Mag or Oberon, but Saryn is in my top 3 and I do like Ash now that he's had a rework, there is nothing wrong with these 2 frames and the only ppl crying about 'failed reworks' are those not maining the frames.

    I consistently wreck with Saryn, 44-60% of damage in a 4 man cell, add a nidus with a good link to that and it's just watch the PROCs bubble off in every direction, I don't even use her 4 that often, 1, 2 & 3 do so much.

  7. Eh! Stream is 3-5 AM for me also in Australia... it's just the way things go, it's always going to be the middle of the night for some part of the world, I don't think the devs should alter their time because some people can't be up when they are on... it's just a pointless topic.

    The devs have a limited time frame to do streams because they have other things to be working on during normal times, I don't know what OP expects, the devs stream at 3AM to appease India?

  8. 6 hours ago, fantamoves said:


    I'd like to know if there are some better missions to farm to get the keys in order to unlock the paris prime handle 



    Let my introduce you to WF Intel:

    select the parts you want from the wishlist, go to the reliquary tab and it will give you a list of missions with percentages on your best chances to get something you want.

  9. They should make it a little harder, but then make him go hide in specific set areas, that's not difficult AI coding, or make him follow the host around. Hell we can tell spectors to stay or follow... apply that option to the operative, he's useless with secondary weapons anyway...

  10. 2 hours ago, Ricardo58 said:

    The first failed and Destiny 2 will fail too. They are so afraid that they sold themselves out to Blizzard :crylaugh:, expecting people that play Blizz games to go and play Destiny...

    I'm sure that would be hilarious... I guess... if not for the fact that Activation and Blizzard have been the same company for almost 10 years now... well before Destiny 1 came out...


    Anyway... Jubei Kibagami was doing sword energy stuff decades before WF was a thing...

  11. I just noticed this animation bug playing archwing last night.

    Equip Quaro Armour on frame, enter archwing mission.

    The armour (all of it) is bound to the (internal) centre of axis of the warframe, performing some melee moves will allow you to see it floating as per the video.

    I'm in a volt with the Amesha Archwing.


  12. 5 hours ago, (PS4)ExetSM said:

    I would guess not. Loki have not been away for that long. It's probably going to be Mag, and maybe Rhino in that cause. So either Mag or Mag + Rhino is my guess.

    It won't be mag, Mag unvaulting was just last year, it will be Rhino. He has not been available for well over a year, going on 2.

  13. I figure if we can digitize and suck mofos into a device on our hand, we can do the same with frame/weapon segments.

    Some weapon display items would be nice for prime stuff.

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