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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 7 hours ago, Tsunero said:

    Technically, no, DE just intentionally keeps it in open beta so they have an excuse to nerf the S#&$ out of everything later even if you paid money for a certain weapon. It's the best excuse ever.

    Given your DP, you're suppose to bring the salt, not be the salt.
    And you mean "technically yes" and "practically no"... if that's your argument, using the term "technically" would refer to the technical development side, to which the specific definitions would be used... and given the definitions, it would technically be in beta. If you're going to say it's not in beta, then you'd being using the general opinion or in a practical sense, not a technical one...

    Ppl that can't use words... this is why this entire issue of "if in beta" even exists.

  2. 1 hour ago, McAllister21 said:

    "You casuals don't know what beta REALLY means."

    I'm gonna stop you right there.  If you think WF is in beta because Focus and Arcanes aren't complete, then any game that adds any subsystem to it has retroactively been in open beta the whole time.  League of Legends wasn't in open beta until they implemented the quest system, and Warframe has been feature complete for years.  Feature complete doesn't mean that every feature it will ever have is complete.

    I guess you didn't actually read my post did you?
    I'm just pointing out the technical term devs commonly use. Love the "casuals" slang btw, and how it's not even applicable to working professionally within an industry and therefore knowing the terms used... Kinda just proves my point that in general people just latch onto a word and the general meaning for them changes to something that the specific meaning lacks, which makes it pretty funny and ultimately ignorant to use said term in the context of the industry to which it originates with that meaning.

    It's a bit like when "casuals" start talking about science, then refer to basic ideas as theories when they actually mean hypothesis and to scientists "theory" means scientific theory which is far from a hypothesis... it happens in every industry, I was simply pointing it out for OP in this case, that's just how it is, I didn't intend to crank the gears of your salt train mate.

  3. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)JaysInc_ said:

    Um, are you saying you're going to re-download Warframe just for Limbo?




    13 minutes ago, Orabell said:



    You can still redownload and play Limbo if you want. PoE seems to drop in a matter of hours.

    He's saying he's stuck in limbo because he can not decided to DL now or after PoE release...

  4. Odd... I've said gay a few times... actually talking about Golden Gaytimes... Because I'm from Oz, and they just released a topping which is the Golden Gaytime crumbs in their own container... It's clearly an object of conversation...

    If there is enough voices maybe it they can reverse... You know what... I just need a reason to post this, I regret nothing.


  5. 7 hours ago, HarambeForbidd-EN- said:

    well.... the title says it all, im kinda curious if the game is still in beta or something. 😀

    There is a good argument to say that it's not, but technically speaking yes it is in beta (actually in alpha), because they are still adding features.
    I'd say it will be in beta until we are able to reach MR30, the achievements exist but we cannot obtain them due to the game not actually being finished.

    The problem is that there is the actual meaning of alpha and beta:

    • "Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished"
    • "Beta is feature and asset complete version of the game, when only bugs are being fixed."

    Is WF "asset complete"? not really, we still have a bunch of unfinished mechanics (like Arcanes and Focus).

    However there seem to be an "internet consensus" by people who chose not to use the actually meaning of alpha and beta, that when a game has been in development for a long time, or starts taking in money that that means the game is released, which means it's no longer in alpha/beta...

    But release and alpha/beta are not mutually exclusive. They are not directly related positions a game is in, one is a position of technical completion, the other I guess is when a publisher will charge full price and sell in the normal sales outlets... Sure in the most normal release scheduled a release is the outcome of a beta, but in modern gaming when we can all get access to unfinished software it's not so simple. Why ppl chose to think a release is absolutely the point after a beta ends without exception, I don't know... It seems to be an idea that has just manifested from terminology ignorance.

    I don't think 'beta' is used as a shield, or a way out if something goes wrong, or is nullified if the game has an in game currency, I just think that DE use the term 'beta' because they are engulfed in the technical side of development, and they use technical terms related to what they do, which means if you're part of that world, then in all meaning the game is in beta and it's not a discussion. But as the player base is not in the technical world, they use their own version of beta/release in a very general version.

    I personally chose to just use the term DE uses, they say it's beta, so I concur that it's beta.

  6. This game should not cater to automatons... You should be putting in at least a little thought to the mission you're doing, yes it's irritating when a bloody Banshee is killing everything before it really spawns and you don't get 10 reactant, it's a problem, and as a game it's your task to work around/resolve that problem, not go running to the forums asking for changes to the game so you can play in a semi-conscious state.


    And as for you wanting Prime Parts to be quicker and easier, I feel you're not really understanding the purpose of the fissures... Prime Parts should be harder to get IMHO, Seen a MR 2 running around in a Prime the other day...  I personally think all Primes should be Mastery locked to 10+, half of them are easier to get than their non-prime variant. Which is kinda silly...

  7. 6 minutes ago, Prime said:

    Write a PM to @[DE]Rebecca and tell her about your problem!

    She's got better s**t to do, there is literally a team of ppl tasked with handling this type of thing...


    and I quote:

    About Me

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  8. 2 hours ago, MaalemHout said:

    Warframe is a versatile game that has many things in it, that many people like- HOWEVER! Warframe has been missing out on a rather large particular playerbase that has been avoiding it due to how it lacked one thing: Vehicles. Now I know what you guys are going to say, but please really think about this, imagine how much money DE can make if players can own their own personal and customizable vehicle! It would take fashionframe to a new level into fashionvehicle! Imagine all the customizations players can make for this and how much money would be made from doing so!

    Not only that but a huge number of people have been wanting vehicles for a long time and play APB, GTAV, Destiny, Destiny 2, but they completely avoid Warframe due to a lack of vehicles! Introducing vehicles will definitely attract a large number of people into the game and hold their interests!

    If DE and it's community is smart and business savy, they would invest in making vehicles!

    I imagine this is how a Trump sales pitch goes;
    Toss out idea, assume a large population of people is not invested because of lack of idea being an option and that said people would become invested if idea was implemented.

    ... Imagine...

    Get money...

    Reiterate that lot of people want idea, but "completely avoid" (lolwut) game because of lack of idea, and that implementing idea will defiantly attract said "a lot of people"...

    Then claim that people (that just happened to have an add in times square atm and created one of the biggest F2P games from almost nothing) would be "smart" and "business savvy" for doing so...

    Sorry OP, but this entire post is possibly the poorest of "sales pitches" I'v ever seen, it looks like you took a page out of 'the idiots guide to dodgy arse sales to pitch to lonely house wives' and just changed the words to refer to Warframe...

  9. 14 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    Just a topic where we discuss our favorite non-meta, full-riven deposition weapons.

    I personally enjoy the Tonbo. The looks, the damage, everything.

    I really like my Reaper Prime, I use a channelling build with this:


    not max disposition, but pretty close, I never see anyone else using the Reaper P.
    As I use it on Nekros, energy is never a problem.

  10. 8 hours ago, Fulgie said:

    What are the exact limitations for skywings in PoE? Are you telling me that I can use my all Archwing abilities in there? can I just press 3 and watch grineer get bombarded or just press 4 and nuke an entire camp?

    From what I can see almost any damage will drop you from the skywing...

  11. 14 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

    Like, how do they work? Mods like Serration are straightforward I guess. If you think of a mod as an energy source, then you just dump energy into a weapon. I suppose you can make a bullet radioactive or something if you put the right kind of energy into it and stuff. But what about stuff like stances? How's that work? I stick this mod in and now I'm a  master of the backwards blade?  What about Body Count? How does the combo counter work anyway? What about multishot? Where do the other bullets come from? How does ammo mutation work? How do you turn rocket ammo and shotgun shells into bullets? How is rocket and bow ammo the same thing anyway? What exactly is endo? 



    Inb4 space magic

    Trying to theorise a logical reason to way a game mechanic works is a pointless endeavour...

    I guess you can think of most mod applications like the weapon being tuned like a guitar to work a specific way, but the stance is specifically an alteration beyond the 4th wall.

  12. Looking at it all now... I gotta say... it's all pretty meh... it really just makes it annoying to gain energy... I feel that's all it's done.

    As far as I know you STILL cannot link a school to a WF build, and as I never remember to go to the back of my ship to manually change schools as I'm changing frames between missions, I guess I'll just use Zenurik and only use the operator to charge energy... That I now have to do twice a minute?? egghhh. I was looking forward to these changes, but as the way-bound passives are so limited it all just seems redundant and with extra indefinite steps to accomplish what we've been doing for 2 years already.

    Everything else feels as pointless to level as before TBH... at least from the initial outlook... I guess we'll see when we get in game.

  13. 13 hours ago, AzoreanEve said:

    Have you ever been able to check if the trade affected your account? I've been only selling lately and while unable to check if I got the plat when this happens, I notice that if I check my inventory right away, it tells me I still have the bps I just *traded* away.

    Well when this happened yesterday which prompted this thread (not the 1st time) I did get the item and the guy stated he did get the plat, we both had to restart the game to end the trade, but it did seem to go through.

  14. 1 part of this bug is the fact I enter our clan dojo and cannot see the other person I'm going to trade with, we're in the same dojo standing same spot, but we both seem to be in a separate instance.

    Only way to fix this is to return to ship, add the person to squad, then enter the dojo and drag them in with you.


    After dealing with that ordeal for 10 minutes, trading is horrifying. your trade request does not seem to work, so then they try a trade request, trade starts, then the original request comes though, accepting/cancelling the original kicks 1 of you out of the trade, the other person is still in the trade, then they can't leave the trade, so you try a trade request again, only to be told they are in a trade, mean while they get told you've cancelled the trade...

    Repeat any of the above situations for 10-20 minutes until you finally think you've accepted the trade (with massive lag) only for the finalisation of the trade to stall, not allowing you to leave the trade or cancel, meaning an alt-tab to close off WF and restart, hoping you got what you traded for...


    Frustrating as hell.

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