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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 5 minutes ago, Zarrostarr said:

    Even though iam not that long a Tenno (shame on me i know ) one off my favorite streamers is Tactical Potato .

    His Chroma love shines very bright so i wondered and speculated off course would it not be appropriate to announce our next Prime ; Chroma Prime ??? 

    It will not be Chroma, the MMFF system requires a Female frame to be Primed next, Probs Zephyr or Mirage...

  2. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    needs more Linkin Park and quotes about how humanity needs to be purged, and your scythe was using Orange energy instead of blood red. otherwise this was enough to induce slash Procs everywhere, good use of Acanthus prime armour.

    8.5 edges out of 10, these images are CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN!.

    Nonconformity is the Edgiest Edge.

  3. It might just be one of, if not the best Skin DE has come up with, I mostly only use the Head on the Prime body, but I use Reaper Prime also, so the scythe skin and all the danglies he comes with are just epic, I'm so happy my Main got such an epic looking Delux skin, bought that shizz in a second.

  4. 2 hours ago, Nichorasu said:

    I have a feeling that the warframe support really doesnt give a crap when it comes to helping people. I sent in about 7 tickets to help me with my negative balance which I have provided 100% proof that I never did a chargeback, or even could file a charge back. All I've been getting is automated messages from the support area 100% of the time its bugging me when Warframe is the only game I play atm and coming home to not being able to play this and waiting days and hours "hoping" for someone to email me about the bug. I watched some videos that the support team really doesnt give a single F*** when it comes to helping players. I just want to discuss this with other people if they had the same problem.

    Is it a bug? Or did you go buy some naughty plat from a naughty site?

  5. 9 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:


    I thought when you update a website you're suppose to make it better, but there's something wrong with WF market 2.0.....


      Reveal hidden contents


    Who on earth thought this is acceptable? 

    LOOK BROTHERS.......NO %$#!!!!!!

    They need to fix this asap, this stupid search bar is the most important part(s) of that awesome picture. seriously if they don't do something about this I won't use WF market anymore XD


    Thank you! (yes this is a joke post, but it's kinda real, can you move the bar a little? or maybe adjust the picture? XD) 

    So your issue is that the bar is too... 'in the middle"?

    Scroll wheel is to complex? you know it moves when you scroll right? and has a nifty set selection area now?

    Not sure what is suppose to be needing a fix... Because you're go vague...

  6. 5 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

    Damn, so apparently spawns are better after the Teralyst is out and about? I usually try to get a quick solo kill in before I go fishing most nights. I'll have to give this a go if I can curb the Sentient bloodthirst. Thanks for the info.

    Well the Teralyst indicates when night is actually night, You can also use the bounty board and wait for it to hit 50 minutes remaining.
    The Radiation on the ground remains during dusk and twilight, and although it's dark it may not actually be the night time hours that count yet, so the teralyst being out I find is a good way to tell if Norgs will be available to catch in their specific areas.

  7. On 19/10/2017 at 7:00 AM, sp4rtan148 said:

    Literally every pool of water I use this thing it doesn't show up, the wiki says to go to the big pool of water in the middle but nothing spawns. Is anyone else having this issue?


    On 30/10/2017 at 2:33 PM, xylina said:

    Used all my bait.  Day and night. Threw bait on bubbles.  NOTHING.  There's rare and there's just plain unobtainable.  Definitely not my idea of fun..


    21 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

    This is ridiculous and should not be possible of occurring. At 7.5k standing, it isn't cheap, and for it being possible that you receive nothing in return for your time investment is simply poor design. Hopefully it isn't intended, or perhaps overlooked, but it needs to change. 

    The image where I got 40 norgs (in one night with 2x drop booster) was at the 2 spots below, remember to wait for the Teralyst to spawn before using bait, and yes use dye right after you toss bait out, just hang around the bubbles, they do show up, but seem to be under the floating plants 80% of the time.

  8. 3 hours ago, Sean said:

    The reputation system is a key example of all flash and no substance. The illusion of it being useful applies to taking advantage of newer players that think it actually means something and thus could spend money since they would think it gives them a "boost" when that same money could be spent on platinum that they would see far more gains with.

    That is poor as hell, so it's gone from giving other users an advantage of some kind to it taking advantage of the average gullible idiot because it has the 'appearance of an advantage'... This is the most asinine argument I've seen on this topic...

    3 hours ago, Sean said:

    The major points of this update were the visuals and Patreon/Ads, again, choosing "flash".

    Cool so ignore any additions call it "without substance", refer to it all as flash because it looks nicer... Love how no1 has provided any indication of what "substance" means to them... Ambiguous terms tossed around with meaning but lacking substance themselves... This is really really weak.


    3 hours ago, Sean said:

    A website shouldn't be designed with the intention of requiring AdBlock. Ads are a necessity, but they stop being so when the site puts Patreon front and center with "perks" that benefit the paying users. If the Patreon they have was just a tip jar with nothing that gave preference from one user to the next, then that'd be great, but that is not the case.

    I doubt any website is... No, there is no "patreon therefore no ads" the 2 are not mutually exclusive, ads might be frowned upon for a site making 10s of thousands in donations, but this entire concept of 1 or the other is an entire fabrication you created.
    And then we're back to patreons getting an advantage... is it an advantage or the illusion of an advantage? Make up your mind...
    1. In a months time the rep points will be all over the place, you will not be able to tell a good seller from a patreon because +15 rep point is nothing, it only stands out right now because everyone else is at zero.
    2. Take a giant games support site like the Nexus, it takes in donations and has ads which you can not see if you are a supporter... Or you can just use ad block... the 'issue' you have created is the norm for most other sites in general... The Devs of WFM get less in patreon donations than I do living off my government as a student, which is not a lot, so I see no issues with them having ads on the site if they are working on it full time, which I'm led to believe they are.
    Even Youtube has Youtube Red... It's normality to pay to not see ads, and you act like the WFM devs are picking the pinnies from pockets devoid of coin, it's a stingy as hell attitude.

    3 hours ago, Sean said:

    Will end up repeating myself a bit here, but it isn't so much of the rep system actually being useful, it's back to the illusion of it and there will be those that think that ones with some rep are actually more trustworthy than those that do not. The rep system should really just be removed, it serves no real purpose other than to push Patreon.

    And back to it being an illusion... You flip flop more than my flipflops... The ads are the push to patreon, and they are pretty light tbh. The rep system will end up the same for everyone in a month or so and it will mean less than it does now as you do not need to visit a profile to contact them and in that case you'll never know they paid anything.


    3 hours ago, Sean said:

    Often ads on that site sit for months or even years and are thus no longer relevant,

    Jesus.. you mean item listings? or ads? using "ads" for both a thing on the site that gains revenue and also the item listing that ppl put up for their item is stupefying... And how do you know it's not been addressed? have you been reading the dev posts? I highly doubt it... and there has not been enough time to see if the issue has been fixed... making this assertion a presumption on your part, and therefore an irrelevant issue created to further a weak agenda...

    3 hours ago, Sean said:

    opinions are a helluva thing.

    Opinions based on poor deduction, presumption and ignorance are meaningless.

  9. 54 minutes ago, Sean said:


    "reputation system adds nothing of real value to a player"

    Other than give the illusion of actual reputation and make paying members more visually appealing which is part of the whole issue.


    This update does nothing to actually fix the underlying issues that have been with WFM since Day 1, instead it creates more problems with its unintuitive design, advertisements, and systems that only benefit and favor paying users. They've chosen "flash" over "substance" now.

    "an illusion"... which is entirely subjective... that's what you have as visually more appealing and adds value? Which also can be built up by other players... ridiculous...

    Who the hell looks at the reputation over the plat cost?
    WF has a build in system to stop ppl getting screwed over, the chance you'll get a "bad trader" is incredibly low already, it's basically the same chance getting a good trader with high rep and a good trader with low rep, the plat cost is what the deciding factor will be when choosing who you'll go with.

    Making the assumption that a hypothetical illusion of appeal will influence a person to chose more plat over less plat for the same item they are buying is absurd...

    And the site has more substance than ever, have you bothered to even look? The tracking statistics on items are awesome, the ability to pre-create an in-game message for the player you want to contact, altering an item you have for shows current pricing, not having to see PS4/Xbox sales... claiming less substance is wilful ignorance at best, the site is distinctly better than the old site, in both depth and flash.

    And ads? every site has ads, you don't like ads, get ad block, weak as hell argument...

    This is one pretty big cry over a rep system, based entirely on assumption and ignorance, it's pretty pathetic, you don;t even bother to state your "underlying issues"...

  10. 2 hours ago, Sean said:


    Even though it's free it already has ads, so an additional payment service that gives actual benefits to those paying customers is where it becomes an issue.

    If it didn't have ads then the payment system would be more tolerable, it sill shouldn't actually give benefits, but it'd at least make more sense.


    In its current form, it's the equivalent of double-dipping.

    So a site uses ads you can negate with ad block, then allows for donations... to provide a completely free service and he's "double dipping"...
    Not only is the site free, but the reputation system adds nothing of real value to a player, but it's the dev that should be shot down because he's been working full time to provide a service a lot of people use?

    This mentality is sick.

  11. 1 hour ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    I understand Warframe.Market is a 3rd party side that is not tied to Digital Extremes.

    I am making this topic as it is very concerning the route it takes. They introduced a reputation system, as well as extra features who pay the website using Patreon. This is quite annoying as trading should not have advantages to being a paying customer, and also list based on your reputation. Reputation can be earned from bonuses for being a Patreon, as well as reviews. I want to know everyone's thoughts on where this site is going as it is concerning that the largest 3rd party trading site for this game is Pay2Win and gives an advantage for people who pay to the website. I also trade mostly in chat, so this does not affect me too much. I am thinking about those that will miss sales because someone has higher reputation from paying to the site and being prioritized higher on the list. Let me know your thoughts and opinions.

    Simply put by @-dicht.Goko-:

    Here is an image if you are not familiar with the recent changes the website has undergone:


    Where is the "pay2Win"?

    All reputation does is add another search field... You think anyone will be using that to actually find the best/lowest item they want to buy?

    You're kidding right? That field will never be touched...

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