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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. I think they may have screwed up the drop rate of the Alu, I was getting 18-30 per mission last night, today it was 2-3, a tonne of polymer and a few missions on Archwing would have allowed for many runs before the stealth drop rate nerf... Anyway, I think that's why it ended so fast.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Church002 said:

    ...if drugs are called common sense...sure. its great to have common sense. 

    apparently its also uncommon. but w/e.

    Not really has your response was somewhat nonsensical, my OP was the "return offering"... Your response used a non-variable system to suggest variability (the Kuva collection is the same in every mission) and then you used an unrelated mission type as the reason that.. what?... 'new things don't work'? which is a false equivalency, only to finish it off with calling me ignorant for not providing an alternate idea.. to which my thread ultimately started with and is not really in the area of "ignorance" anyway ... somewhat ironic... Then some unrelated stuff on the level design...

    Dude, your post was nonsensical from start to finish, hence my ROFL while reading it... I don't even know how to respond to it...

  3. 1 hour ago, Church002 said:

    have a static spy mission with a balanced amount of kuva that is always available as guaranteed one of the 3 rewards from the vaults. 

    Sorry but irrelevant of how much Kuva is obtained in the mission, that is the most boring implementation, don't we see enough of this already? Just jamming it into the static spy reward pool is possibly the dullest way to have Kuva as a reward, at least put some variability into it.


    I'll always be partial to a more 'derelict vault' like mechanic as it at least provides some slight interest and possibility of not appearing.

  4. For me:

    GG = that was fun, nice work all round etc etc

    g = I'm indifferent to you...

    [drops squad ASAP] = why you do this to me? do you want an ignore listing, because that's how you get an ignore listing!

    [drops mid game] = I don't play with Limbos, go play with your own kind.

  5. So in yesterdays Dev stream (#92) the Kuva in the Kuva Fortress question came up, to apparent confusion on implementation... which I was a little confused on as it seems obvious to me...

    If the Worm Queen is collecting Kuva would it not be logical that it's kept in a vault(s) of some sort in the fortress?

    Would it be out of the realm of possibility that we could theoretically find and crack said vault(s)?

    The spy missions on the fortress are somewhat laborious (Lua level laborious) to undertake already, I don't see why we could not have a random chance when entering any applicable Fortress mission that say, 2-3 of the spy hacking tiles to be present, and after hacking all of them, somewhere in the level a vault door defence goes down, allowing for a final hack and a treasury of say 6K Kuva to be collected on mission end, maybe a specialist mod or 3 as well at random. Doing all this during a survival or something would be pretty hilarious and a challenge I think, also hits on the multiple objective question asked in the same stream.

    Something like that would defiantly give me incentive to head to the fortress more often, and as far as I can tell it's not lore breaking in anyway.



  6. Well now we know what art style the devs like, unsaturated darkness with god rays and a little colour...

    Seeing as I like bright colours and fire etc. I personally found the winners to be kinda meh, but grats anyway, I know what style to aim for next time.

    Not this:




  7. 2 hours ago, AlabamaHit said:

    I think if you show player list whoever is "1" is host. Not completely sure.

    I know though if you show 'fps' and you do not have a ping time you are host.

    I would not worry to much, my GF only just worked out what channelling is... She's MR23 with well over 2K hours of time play under her belt.

  8. 10 hours ago, Lecifath said:

    Did you finish it?
    If so wich Frames did you bring?

    Cleared 6 waves with a Frost,Ember and two Equinox, after that my Laptop overheated.... i guess all the flashing lights are a bit too much for him to handle.


    Frost, Trin, Mesa and a Nidus... a few areas of chaos, but an easy finish overall. Just need to keep those Nullies down with rapid fire weapons and everything else is slow.

  9. 7 hours ago, Serialkillerwhale said:


    1. The Name Oberon, which refers to the king of Fairies.
    2. Oberon's name also correlates to Titania, the queen, who was released in the Silver Grove.
    3. Oberon himself was released alongside Earth 2.0, which emphasized, again, greenery and nature.
    4. Oberon's actual mechanics, ie direct spell damage on 3 skills, gradual healing over time, and pet-buffing are Druidic. A Paladin would be more focused on buffing allies, chunk healing, and physical combat.
    5. Oberon's Satyr-esque cloven hooves and digitgradeish legs.
    6. Antler Helmets.
    7. Tree-Statue in Maroo's Bazaar
    8. Lime-green Energy color

    Seriously. He's a Satyr wearing a tabard and pretending at being a Paladin. Drop the pretenses, let him turn into a bear, and give us a real Paladin already.

    I honestly don't care what he's called... seems like a completely pointless and redundant argument...


    What I would like to say is that none of the things you state about his reason for being a druid have anything to do with druids... Harrow is more like a druid.

    A Druid is a high-ranking professional class in ancient Celtic cultures, and also of similar position in roman and other cultures...

    Fairy is a mythical creature in European folklore...

    So you're making a case for a fairy/mythical creature, then calling it a druid... they are not the same thing... Far from it... I don't even know how it is your are equating the two, all your points made exactly zero point for calling him a druid... Where are druids related to cloven hoofs? where are druids related to antlers? tree statue? What are you even talking about?

    A druid is more like an old guy in a cloth robe doing seemingly mystical crap, telling the future and tossing herbs and birds blood at syphilis as a cure..


  10. 11 hours ago, -DragonZero- said:

    Many thanks for another idea out of box. This can be done. But then second in command will feel more powerless and inferiority that he cant remove any inactive member to a an active?

    Yeah the founding warlord kind of has a 'superior' status, he's Warlord+1...

  11. I'm more interested in where they come from, they are not an existing biological template, they are not mammals, not enough time has passed for them to have evolved naturally, so they must have been engineered by the Orokin... or they are aliens...

  12. Hmm the hypothetical nonsense in this thread used to throw out the irregularity is quite prolific... sure you cannot have a 100% perfect RNG, but it may as well be that because the irregularity is so minute, yes there is a chance that OP can get what he got from pure RNG... but we all see it happen way to frequently to dismiss it as such, I mean everyone knows some1 or has experienced it themselves a 1 in 10x10^10000 chance is not going to happen to so many ppl. you're not going to hear or experience it as much as we do with those odds, that's just a fact.... using these reasons to dismiss OP is ridiculous.

    There is a real difference between "no true RNG" and a system that appears heavily bias after X number of sequential rolls. There is clearly something wrong here, the "RNG" is more skewed on some missions than it is on others, the frequency of gold drops on Axi & Neo inf fissures is so much higher than in most Lith & Meso fissures, it's even to the point of specific bronze drops being chosen over others, as an example I ultimately ended up with 7 Venka gauntlets just doing random intact relic before I got a single venka blade while actively farming the part... I just cannot see how that is possible if there is not some sort of underlying bias for gold drops in specific missions and bronze in others.

  13. On 2017-5-3 at 8:39 AM, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

    I refuse to accept anymore nerfs from this point on in Warframe. Everything from here on out should either be a buff or a rework..



    Someone always sees a rework as a nerf, even when it's not... but my question is what are you going to do when the next nerf hits? Stomp your feet and yell NO!? Pout a bit... realise there is nothing you can do but deal with it...

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