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Posts posted by LVVS

  1. i know it's kind of off topic, but is there a short vid that will explain secifically and only the changes that will come to "melee"..
    I will probably still watch the whole Tennocon happening!
    But i heard or read about "auto melee"

    When there is a player base that is happy with things as they are... is there a chance, that this change (how ever it may look like!) gets a TOGGLE SWITCH
    so we can decide on "keep things as they are" and "new experience" - that would be great!!! :P
    (I wish we got this for "archwing-auto-ground-facing" <-> "real jetplain like flight" ... ) 

  2. 6 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

    Not intended. It's on our list, should be arriving in a hotfix Soon.jpg

    Thank You for answering on this precisely, but [HEK] I just want to try to reach out and reach one who can tell me, no, tell us all maybe about something that grinds my gears:

    Quick search with "ctrl+f" with/of "condition overload" or alike do not give me exactly the line that would explain to us, what has been changed esactly for Condition Overload.

    Please, what should I type in my search box, that -- besides all the "wall of text and content"-- would bring us exactly to the line(s) that tell us the exact changes that were made to this mod?
    Or by any means, are there buffs/nerfs and other things, that are being changed, but won't be mentioned in these threads and reports??
    Thank You in advance:)

    • Like 1
  3. I, too, want to cry a little about my sad life... :

    ...my free trial prime gaming will end very soon. Any chance the VERV-EPHEMERA will drop really really quick?
    Or maybe should I probably not bother that much, since it is just content that I probably will hesitate to wear, because I did not achieve it with honest work and grinding till crying? xD
    Edit: Okay I was in a strange mood 30 min ago, I had my reasons. Ireally love that we get some fashion and stuff "for free" and all that I stated before, while there is something "true" about it, still love to have as many options as possible in terms of fashion frame... I really appreciate all the stuff for free DE has got for us! Also the drops with all the streams are so cool <3

  4. 18 hours ago, [DE]Marcus said:

    Many Thanks for clarification!
    Now I have suggestions to make, because it is something that 'kind of bothers" me since I first was introduced to DOG DAYS anyway:

    IMO it would be great if an alternative fire mode would be added to the SOAKTRON, so this weapon IS ABLE to shoot a beam.
    -> EITHER we click and hold alternate-fire-mode-button and it shoots the beam right away, OR with the click on "switch fire mode" we switch between the fire-modi

    A beam-water-gun would be kind of more realistic* for a water-gun after all (as we all have experience on how they work or not?xD) 
    but... I know, speaking of realism is kind of a far-fetched thing in a sci-fi-space-ninja game,

    HOWEVER, if for any reason, that would be too much work, next idea:
    Let us choose between 2 types of guns at beggining of round, and introduce ANOTHER water-gun that DOES shoot a beam of water instead of the water projectiles.
    This gun could have a look similar to the SOAKTRON, but for example the WATER TANK would sit "horizontically" in the weapon, and would definitely look like some futuristic "SUPER-SOAKER"

    THEN: Let us earn that skin as well, and voilà, this new skin -we would be able to equip on all our beam weapons...
    NEXT step would be a third gun of course: A WATER CANON (like they DO exist for real as well) that releases the whole load with ONE gigantic splash.
    one would need to walk over the water-dispensing thingies on the ground to refill after every shot, but this would be awesome I think!

    And yet again, after earning- this skin could be equipped on Shotguns of course...

    oh all of this would be so great, please make it real ^^*
    (*Sorry, my native language is not English*)

    • Like 3
  5. On Zephyr:
    (Vial rush instead of her original 4th)
    After casting Vial Rush for probably to many times in a row - whilest in continuous hover state  - however:

    I was stuck in hover state.
    Trying to cast no matter which of all 4 abilities, the message "ability in use" was displayed.
    Aiming down and try to cast the divebomb - as well as any other attempts to cast any other ability - brought the known "ability in use" message on the bottom right corner.

  6. hi, maybe a little late to take part(?) but maybe not. Feel free to visit my profile ingame. I designed our emblem in view of putting it on our shoulders, so it is a bit playful and at the same time not too playful, (so i am and we are happy with the outcome..)

    Would you want that emblem to be eyepleasing just on your backs? and on your profile and clan profile screens and so on?

    or if you want a well balanced emblem with finer and thicker lines complementing one another... (and basically only one color(!)) ...then tell me, and I would want to come up with something :P

    - - - - 
    EDIT: But to be honest, there are already really nice emblems in the work, great stuff my fellow participants ! chapeau(x) :D

    EDIT EDIT: I overflew it , now i get it, the pictures in here are NOT really amblems in the work xD, still , good inspiration..

  7. hi

    funny how old this is, I hope it is not "theatric" to respond in here XD,

    ( but I really was looking for not "minimum" recommendation, yet i almost just find the minimum recommendations built somewhere...)

    I am about to buy a new PC and I really would like to run the "new" beautiful graphics with beautiful shader / beautiful shadows in the plains  and so on...

    While I still will stay a player with focus on "performance", I 'd appreciate if you, or someone, could validate , that with this built I can enjoy Warframe on "almost" high end graphics:

    Gainward geForce GTX 1650 D6 PEGASUS       4GB  128 bit
    GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1650 Eagle OC       4GB 128 bit

    32 GB RAM
    AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Processor  ( or maybe "Ryzen 5" is enough..)
    (ASUS ROG STRIX B450-F Gaming II Mainboard)

    Thanks in advance for constructive input :D

  8. oh my god, so many great artworks in here 😵, love it!            First Tennotober for me  :)
    ..on a side note; I am already so hyped for the small treat in November ^^*
    # 1 Mother



    # 4  Flight



    # 5  Corpus



    # 9  Luck



    # 10  Resource



    # 12  Torment



    # 13  Sanctuary



    Lost Woods Sanctuary Clan Emblem


    our Clan Emblem
    I had the idea to rename our clan already a while ago, and I wanted something in honor of Ocarina of Time, the game with which I entered the gaming world. When I finally came up with both the new Clan Name and the Clan Emblem in just one day, there once again/ still were raging wildfires, at that time in Australia in particular. So, basically, the Clan Name not only represents the nostalgia for N64' Okarina of Time, but also stands for our awareness about the dying forests all over the world. Go vegan! waste less / fewer. Be aware of the impact that your consumption has on nature!


    # 16  Music



    # 24  Quills



    # 25  Grineer



    # 28  Time




    • Like 4
  9. vor 9 Minuten schrieb Marvelous_A:

    Just make Parazon the default melee weapon when you don't equip a melee weapon and give it some weapon stat and an exclusive stance. Just so they can release a Parazon Prime too. I mean Ash has been using it before Parazon is a thing so just let us use it too?


    vor 1 Minute schrieb Xaero:

    How will Garuda use her Talons then?

    So, easy to say, "make the Parazon default melee then" is the more complex solution? 


    vor 6 Minuten schrieb Marine027:

    Ironically this remidns me of something, sort of related to this post but friends and me noticed on a i belive it was rifle only sortie that you can't use mercy kills also, since parazon seems ot count as a equipment anyway, ...

    In Sortie, where "thisandthat only" is the penalty, it makes sense, that the stealthkill per Parazon is off as well as the finisher... somehow this penalty is consequent and that's just it, we have to deal with it.

  10. vor 1 Minute schrieb Marine027:

    Ironically this remidns me of something, sort of related to this post but friends and me noticed on a i belive it was rifle only sortie that you can't use mercy kills also, since parazon seems ot count as a equipment anyway, since you cna levle and sort of equip it already (mostly due bugs), so it would make sense to have it as mini melee or so.

    Problem i see here how would you mod it or so? It counts as finisher damage since you can't stealthkill everything in one hit if not modded correctly like a Nox or Bombard, it would push stealth in a even more niche if you can do that with just the Parazon on.

    yes, right, that's why it can't have just "instant death", like discussed already. I would mod it with the three remaining slots beneith the top row, ... new mods would be implemented...

  11. "weakest" dagger is the Ceramic Dagger: 126 Puncture and 14 Impact, total: 140

    We know with the right mods, even the Ceramic Dagger becomes powerful, and even without a Riven.


    Let's say give the Parazon 20 impact 30 Puncture and 50 Slash. Total of 100. (jus as an example, maybe simliar to Ceramic dagger would make more sense...no slash!)

    With a Parazon Mod like "+300% Electricity plus lands guaranteed electicity proc" the Parazon could still come in handy. Even, if the target does not die.


    Because -having no melee weapon equipped at all- i am thankful to use the Parazon on that unalerted enemy with its back towards me.


    And -having a melle weapon with me- I could choose to stab one of three enemies in front of me in its back, giivng an electricity proc...

  12. vor 50 Minuten schrieb Xaero:

    Keep in mind that finishers have damage value. How are you going to deal with it?



    vor 41 Minuten schrieb Aadi880:

    While I like the idea, bear in mind Finishers with melee weapons work because of the high damage they do.

    If the parazon cannot do that, then I don't think players would even consider using it. It would be impractical.


    *thinking back when DE wanted to put Covert Lethality on parazons... 

    there you have it..! 

    Didn't even know, that DE thought about it. Since Covert Lethality lost the "guaranteed" kill, maybe it wouldn't be that complicated to give the Parazon its very own mod that has same or similar stats as Covert Lethality. Since we have 3 mods to put in next to the neccessary lich-kill-mods (forgot the name atm .."xata" "ris" ...)..maybe it would be up to us, to not equip the lengthen hacking time, or chance for instant-hack, or increased parkour-velocity, or what tehy all can give you. 

    So, not only a "Covert lethality" for the Parazon, which somehow has got decent enhancing damage, but also further similar mods, maybe towards/against speciifc factions.

    Or against specific "skin" or armor like "+300% damage against Fossilized" ? hm

    Or mods like "+150% electricity", to match the modding system of all other weapons in general of course.


    At the beginnig DE would still need to give the Parazon a speciffic amount of plain damage, that's right.

    Maybe give the Parazon damage similar to daggers, that would be most likely comparable...yet then again, I can hear the argument, why would we bring any daggers at all, when we have a dagger - the Parazon - all along... of course ..hmmm


    But it's just logical, to use the parazon almost like one uses a dagger, or not?

    Advantages towards the Parazon for the daggers would still be. Capability of Combo, Combo.Counter, more overall damage compared to Parazons, ...


    NEXT Edit:

    When you choose to try to perform a Stealthkill with the Parazon: Either it works, or the enemy looses a tremendous amount of health what still is the same as if you tried to stealthkill with a melee-weapon that is too weak for the enemy. -Yet then, maybe the Parazon could deal a guaranteed PROC- which type is determened by a MOD, i.e. "deals guaranteed electric-proc on stealthattack if target isn't killed"

  13. I would love to be able to perform a stealthkill with the Parazon, especially when i didn't bring a melee weapon

    What Lotus explains about the Parazon when fighting the new Jackal Boss - I find that the Parazon therefor should come in handy like this whilest we didn't bring any melee weapon whatsoever...


    On top of that, when I have a melee weapon equipped, I still would like to choose between stealth-killing with my melee weapon or with the parazon.

    The solution could be: tab x to stealthkill as is. Hold x to perform stealthkill with Parazon

    In any situation, a stealthkill with the parazon would have a nice animation as all other finishers do.

    So we could enjoy the short "assassins creed"-like cutscene ... or we choose the melee-stealthkill out of tactical reasons...


    Bad or good idea?


    (Edit: STEALTHKILL should read STEALTHATTACK in the TOPIC.. making it clear, that a stealth-ATTACK not automatically eventually leads to a stealthkill 🙂

    EDIT because maybe relevant:

    -> sorties like "rifle-only" do not allow Parazon finishers, it is easy to say, that the logical conclusion is, any Parazon move is disabled --as is already--. No need to think "yeah, now i can have a melee weapon, even if it is not intended to be so"

    -> making Parazon dafault if no melee is equiped  would not be my  idea.


    • Like 4
  14. Hi,

    maybe i am not the first to notice, but a search for "orbiting" just shows me no quick hit on a similar thread, so i decided to create this.


    How come, that we have a spaceship called "orbiter" , but in navigation-screen, a miniature-model of our landingcraft is orbiitng the planet, and not our orbiter?


    (Wouldn't that be an awesome chance to implement a small model of the orbiter into the game?)

  15. On a total different side-note: about the "clan-emblem-glyph" to be implemented:


    You may judge me, call me dumb or anything, I guess I'd deserve it, because i did not understand it correctly, when DE announced clan-emblems as glyphs ( ?was that the choice of words, wasn't it?)


    I thought -or hoped,- we could chose our clan-emblem as glyph to appear in top left as our thumbnail, like also in mission loading screen, mission-reward-screen and so on... even maybe would be able to SPRAY it on surfaces in missions,via setting glyph in gearwheel.

    Long story short - I hoped for this:  menu -> profile ->glyph -> choose  clan-emblem 🙂


    ❤️ thanks DE for what we can do now, with our clan-emblems!! Nevertheless awesome ❤️ 

    Somehow i was naive and hoped for crazy choices ,...really sorry for my wrong asumptions and expectations! SORRY for me complaining on that, really sorry, but i wanted to let this loose somehow T-T





    soo, I did my research, !



    please accept my apologies!

    In devstream #136  at time 01:07:47   You announced SIGILS, and no clan-emblems for GLYPHS whatsoever !


    As I watched it that day, i just had the very same idea as some others in the  twitch-chat, i.e. nubxilla, or goldfishj5 :  "clan-emblems for glyphs"  



    I somehow probably went to bed that day, already asuming, that " the-clan-emblem for glyph" has to be such a good idea, that somehow I turned "sigil" into "glyph"  in my mind. Didn't notice this mistake, this false assumption until today.


    Sorry DE!  Sorry folks!  MEA CULPA

  16. In total excitement for scarlet spear to roll out, I still would very much appreciate, if I had further stuff to accomplish, like fullfilling further NW-challenges.


    Could we have prestige ranks up to 90 please? I can imagine many Tennos are at rank 60 again, for a while again, like me...

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