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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. 2 hours ago, Drasiel said:

    except the way shield gating was laid out and described by the devs was not with invincibility between shield gate and health it was just no damage passes shields if it would empty them. With it working that way one bullet takes out your shields, another from a different enemy fired miliseconds after takes out your health. This also doesn't address status effects rendering shields useless because many go straight to health. Hyldrin gets away with this because as long as she has shields status effects don't cross over to health. I agree that shield gating with even a second of invulnerability *could* make a difference for people with really good reflexes but without that it won't do jack.

    But DE was talking about having the invulnerability the whole time.

  2. 36 minutes ago, (XB1)aMichealMeyers said:

    This please. It's very punishing when the crewships don't wanna spawn. Tho if they fix that, then, I guess the 30 minute window is less of a problem 

    Are you sure they're not just hiding on the other end of the map? Their markets don't appear if they're too far away, but they'll pop right up as you draw closer. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Drasiel said:

    Yes because I've watched wukong burn all 3 immortal techniques near instantaneously when enemies get to one shot territory. Shield gating would just make a one-shot a two shot because of the amount of enemies. The extra shot doesn't matter if you can't react on time to protect yourself. 

    Moving around rapidly does seem to decrease enemy accuracy but the best method is dodge rolling for the extra Dr. 

    Going from getting one-shot to a two-shot is a huge deal, especially since it'd have a few moments of invincibility between it. There is no way that this wouldn't be significant. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    At least someone was nice about it 😛

    EDIT: Seriously, there's like two people at best that actually answered my question

    There's literally no reason not to include this. Obviously, the Tenno's Orokin parents didn't name us xXx420_N0_Sc0peSxXx. When DE first added the Operators, it was cute that their names were our usernames, but clearly nothing but a lazy cop-out. Since only we can see our own names anyway, there is literally no valid argument against adding a "Name" section to Operator Customization. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    Alad V can barely stitch together pieces and make Zanuka. He can't alter abilities. Righteous fury turns to pain fueled rage. Valkyrie and Berserker. The only way she breaks lore is if you didn't pay attention in English class.

    I didn't mean that Valkyr Prime would be completely different, but moreso that she wouldn't be screaming out in pain and she'd maybe have slightly different animations. It'd be the same difference as Excalibur and Umbra. The lore makes it very clear that she was significantly altered, however. 

    "the original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments, leaving her scarred, angry and frighteningly adept at killing."

  6. Lore? You mean that thing DE tacked on in Update 7? The only Prime that "breaks" the lore is Valkyr, because before Alad V, she wasn't a rage-fueled monster and her abilities would be a little different. Some people argue that Nova Prime breaks the lore too, but that's based only off a loose throw-away line.

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  7. 46 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

    Frankly it wouldn't surprise me if the sentient turned out to be an actual alien species. If that happens, Warframe lore will have truly jumped the shark.

    What are you talking about? Everybody thought that the Sentient were an actual alien race, and a lot of people thought it was kind of lame when they were revealed to just be Machines Rebelling Against Humans #43.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    That's what happens when DE rushes content out but still tries to design with the future in mind.

    Overall though I'd take easy to change filler over needing a longer time to slot in new nodes, even if the filler is a bit...absurd.

    Kinda strange how Railjack is so rushed, despite being in development for so long. 

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