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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. Items with randomized stats take up server space, which is why DE must limit our capacity to own them. When we first got items with random stats, Riven Mods, DE implemented a number of features to ease our burden of having limited slots. We could buy additional slots, and when we gained a new Riven without having any open slots, the game gave us a choice right there to either buy more slots or pick a specific Riven to dissolve or transmute. Why didn't DE translate any of these into Railjack's Wreckage system? 

    A better fix IMO would make it so that Wreckage and Components don't have random stats until you craft them and then use a new, easily available Catalyst-equivalent on them to give a random bonus. This bonus could be re-rolled with Dirac, and you'd of course get to pick which bonus to keep just like when rolling Rivens. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Duskham said:

    Those are the side objectives, based on the Point of Interest (PoI) of the mission, and some missions have random PoIs... the base and MAIN objective is ALWAYS a exterminate (Skirmish, Kill X fighters / X Crewships)

    Are "Points of Interest" really random? I was certain that they weren't. If that's actually true, then it's even WORSE that there's so many missions since they're even more identical than I thought they were. Also, there is nothing to distinguish one objective from another as being "main" as they are all required to win. If anything, I'd say that simply clearing out the enemies is the side objective if anything.

  3. Loki Gang                                          Loki Gang Loki Gang Loki Gang       Loki Gang                  Loki Gang        Loki Gang 
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    Loki Gang Loki Gang Loki Gang       Loki Gang Loki Gang Loki Gang       Loki Gang                   Loki Gang       Loki Gang 

    • Like 1
  4. Why are people so angry that you have to play the game to play the game? Also, you've got it backwards. DE stated dozens of times that Railjack will not be a gamemode separate from normal Warframe gameplay and will not be completely optional. Nobody lied to you. 

  5. You've heard from liars in-game because DE has made no mention whatsoever of a "Lich Ditch" system. Also, it's okay to have multiple sentences per paragraph.

    EDIT: Rebecca apparently did bring it up, I must have missed this devstream. 

  6. On 2019-12-28 at 2:27 AM, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

    Warframe spam in the concepts is nothing new. Everyone has the same thematic idea designs and it shows how uncreative humanity is in creating the same concepts repeatedly over and over. Like beastframes, time frames, spiders, hackers, "engineer mecha guy". 

    Everything that can be done has or will be done and every idea that can be thought has been. Is was and is forever, nothing is new, just recreated. 

    Seriously seen the same frame ideas like 50 times in this forum over the years. Its an intriguing thing to study

    I'm not sure why you're so cynical. Those concepts are cool and people want them. Are you expecting everybody to scan through pages and pages of ideas before posting their own? People are going to keep asking for them until DE makes something that fits the idea. 

    • Like 1
  7. In "Specters of the Rail", DE cut out all the duplicate mission types on each planet. Now, there's only one Exterminate, Capture, or whatever per planet. How come there's 3-4 of the exact same mission per Proxima in Railjack? Why are they all called "Skirmish" despite having different objectives? All this does is make it harder to find a team in matchmaking by spreading people out among separate yet identical missions. These choices are silly and should be changed in the next update to Railjack, hopefully by the time "Finding Answers" comes around.

    • Like 1
  8. If you make a free game effort-based, then good players who try hard can achieve what they want, and will have no need to spend money on the game. If you make a free game RNG-based, then it doesn't matter how good you are or how hard you try. The whole point is to make your hard work go to waste, thus making you so bored or so frustrated that you give up and spend money on the game.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    I accept your sarcasm, and understand I wholeheartedly deserve it. Still, doing what I can to seek some kind of stability to my investments before diving into them.

    DE has taught us many times that there is no stability, ever. No matter how long it's been around, anything can get nerfed to oblivion or outright removed from the game at any time. That being said, Arcane Energize has been a part of the game since 2015, and DE hasn't touched it or made any comment about it at all, so it's probably safe. 

  10. Being able to buy slots with credits would be nice I guess, but slots are the backbone of DE's business model. We already get some free slots from Nightwave, so if we could buy more with credits, it'd have to be a LOT more credits. 

    • Like 1
  11. We have Railjack Component Slots, which are fine because it's basically the same as weapon slots, but we also have slots for the blueprints. Why can't we manage these slots? Why does it automatically melt blueprints into Space Endo after holding 30, instead of asking us what to do like with Rivens when we reach capacity there?

    • Like 2
  12. Okay, but when it comes to "ruining the game by carrying him through everything" that is still basically exactly what you did. You gave him credits that he could not have gotten on his own. Whether you buy the credits with plat or run him through Hieracron or the Index, what difference does it make? The difference it makes is solely in your plat balance. 50 or 90p that you could have used to give him slots, or anything else other than the easiest resource to acquire.

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