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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. Who approved of this? I seriously cannot find a single positive change in any of this. 

    1) Why give the Itzal rip-line of all things? Valkyr's first is considered by many the most forgettable and least useful ability in the game, so I'm very curious to know which conversation decided this. On the Itzal, it's still as random and useless as it is on Valkyr. There are so many other warframe abilities, like Wisp's Wil-O-Wisp, that would have been way better and actually fit with the Itzal's theme of being stealthy.

    2) There is no way to Blink, at all, on controllers. Before, afterburners were activated by pressing A while dashing. Now, doing that just raises our elevation. Who decided to straight-up remove a part of the control scheme? I know that this was addressed in the patch notes, but this is still absolutely absurd since we're going to have to go weeks before we can effectively do anything with our archwings. We lost both Blink and Afterburners.

    3) The entire new movement to Archwings in open world areas seems way more limited now. Sure, we can stop easier, and maybe I just need more time to get used to it, but we can't even do barrel rolls anymore. Come on, that was cool. 

    4) Nobody used the Itzal over the other Archwings just because it was simply better. People used it because speed is literally the only thing that matters when it comes to flying through the sky. It's still the fastest Archwing, so people are still going to almost exclusively use it, except now maybe the Amesha will see some use too. This change didn't bring the other archwings literally up to speed, it just crippled the Itzal. 

  2. 1 minute ago, TARINunit9 said:

    One of the very first things Hunhow says is a threat to brainwash Lotus if she doesn't turn back into Natah willingly. Yeah, the Sentients totally scrambled her mind during the Sacrifice

    He said that her precepts had been corrupted, and that he was going to restore her. He did the opposite of brainwashing.

  3. Just now, Pizzarugi said:

    But it is.

    You're a console player having the exact same problem PC players had early on with the Old Blood, where players aren't willing to take the L and get killed by their Lich, blocking others from spawning. I'm offering a temporary solution to a problem that will get solved a few weeks from now.

    Oh, that whole quote was just for that one tiny part of my post?

  4. I honestly don't personally mind the insta-death, since dying by other means is almost impossible, and we all have 4-6 lives anyway. That being said, instantly losing a life due to RNG is just poor game design. If an Eidolon Hydrolyst smiting us with a radioactive bolt of Zeus only puts us into bleed-out, then getting smacked around by a Lich should do the same. There's no logical reason why this type of death skips the bleed-out, especially since it's trial-and-error. Randomly losing a life isn't a "challenge." Like I said, I personally don't mind it too much, but it's clear that it's not a good choice.

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