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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. Here is a list of things which I believe would GREATLY enhance Warframe's plot and narrative.

    -Give the game an over-arching plot up until "Natah." Currently, there is no narrative reason for the player to do beyond Vor's Prize. We get a message saying, "now get out there and have fun!" after killing Vor, but we need a real story as to why we go from Earth to Venus, to Mercury, all the way to Uranus when the "real" plot begins.

    -Rework all the old events into quests. Update the stories in them to be more compatible with the current lore. In the current state of the game, there's no explanation or even acknowledgement of Alad V becoming Infested and cured later. Without knowing about previous events, it's totally random and unexplained. 

    -Add a new mini-quest to every planet that properly introduces the boss of that world and gives us a real reason to kill them.

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  2. They're supposed to be walking, talking nuclear reactors that only recently learned how to not accidentally destroy everything around them. They're supposed to be very powerful, but very vulnerable. Personally, I wish that there was a greater consequence to dying in Operator Mode. 

  3. When Hildryn was in development, DE talked about how her shield gating would kind of be a beta test for making it a universal system. Why haven't we heard anything about it since? Hildryn's passive shield gating has been met with nothing but positive feedback, so why did DE go silent on this mechanic? It's been something that people have been asking for for years, just like Universal Vacuum. 

  4. On 2019-12-01 at 6:06 AM, Steel_Rook said:

    The game increasing its difficulty without my consent AND infinitely so is not something I'm interested in.

    Consent? The Lich system is 100% optional. You realize that enemy levels already increase infinitely in normal missions, right? And how would the Lich getting some new abilities make it that much harder? Liches are already EZ PZ LMN SQZY even at level 5. 

  5. The fact that "Kuva Lich Territory" missions where you farm Thralls are separate from Fissures, Invasion Alerts, and Nightmare missions. The grind would be WAY better if we could get Murmurs while getting our Prime Parts and other stuff. Instead of making Lich Territory missions their own thing, simply combine it with whatever the mission normally is, kinda like how after a certain faction takes over a node - like when the Corpus take over Hydron - you don't get a choice there. This would both streamline the Murmur farm, and give you better incentive to deal with the Lich sooner rather than later.

    Further Suggestions
    -Allow Liches to level up and spread their territory on their own, not just when you fail to kill them. Maybe based simply on the daily reset?
    -Allow Liches to go above Level 5, but rather than any plain level/stat increases, give them a new ability for each level over 5. These new abilities would either be pulled from random, or pulled from the Warframe you last failed to kill them with.

    • Like 2
  6. The fact that "Kuva Lich Territory" missions where you farm Thralls are separate from Fissures, Invasion Alerts, and Nightmare missions. The grind would be WAY better if we could get Murmurs while getting our Prime Parts and other stuff. Instead of making Lich Territory missions their own thing, simply combine it with whatever the mission normally is, kinda like how after a certain faction takes over a node - like when the Corpus take over Hydron - you don't get a choice there. This would both streamline the Murmur farm, and give you better incentive to deal with the Lich sooner rather than later.

    Edit: Further Suggestions
    -Allow Liches to level up and spread their territory on their own, not just when you fail to kill them. Maybe based simply on the daily reset?
    -Allow Liches to go above Level 5, but rather than any plain level/stat increases, give them a new ability for each level over 5. These new abilities would either be pulled from random, or pulled from the Warframe you last failed to kill them with.

  7. In the Arsenal Appearance menus, can there be an option to make your weapons always automatically copy warframe colors? It could be right under "Visible When Holstered"

  8. Just now, Gurpgork said:

    There is now that lich contracts can be traded. Want a specific weapon with a good roll in the damage type you want, but don't want to go through the agonizing grind and layers of RNG? Now you can fork over 500 platinum to some prick on trade chat and skip that headache. 

    But that's just trading and doesn't directly make profit for DE.

  9. Hello,

    In my profile stats, it says I do not have any Mastery points for the "Bad Baby" board. However, in my Foundry, the blueprint says that the Bad Baby is Mastered. I figured that this was just another bug, but it's been like this for several mainline updates now. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I also know for a fact that I crafted a K-Drive with the Bad Baby board, leveled it, and then sold it for inventory space.

    Thank you.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Crasharr said:


    Several whales chimed in, at about 1.5k $, say about 30 of them.Then a whole lot more that said they have spent around or max 100$... Thousands of people have done this, I'll easely say 100k people have spent atleast a few bucks/euros on this game.

    So 15K x 3 = $ 45.000

    Lets say 10.000 tpeople have spenty 10 bucks on this


    $145.000... anually....

    What has been keeping this company afloat?

    Definately not the sales....

    What did you sign away in the general disclaimer?

    You cannot run 150 people in a company if all you have as income is these few wales and some droplet investments.


    The income for this company is most definately not majorly dependant on the cash buys we gamers make!

    Oh yeah, because Warframe's entire playerbase has both seen this thread and chosen to reply. 

  11. I have a simple question for NSW players, because I'm simply curious. 

    Have you played Warframe before it came to the Switch, or did you start with the Switch? Based on other people you've interacted with, what percentage of the playerbase do you estimate migrated from another platform as opposed to beginning on the Switch?

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