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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. What if there were two Arbitrations up at any given time, instead of only just one? They'd be hardcoded to always be a different mission type and different bonuses. It'd give people a choice if they really hate Defense, for example. Also, it'd give you a second chance if you die early in one. 

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  2. " Rather than just providing flat bonuses to damage, the Combo Counter will now also act as an expendable resource for new heavy hitting combat: HEAVY ATTACKS! "

    So is the flat damage bonus still there or not? "Just" and "Also" means that it is, but it's clearly not.

  3. 1 hour ago, BLI7Z said:

    Find 3 caches in sabotage (again and again); if the rewards there were significant, it would be enjoyable to do them.

    Wow, you have to do three whole missions over the course of four months. Such challenge. 

    1 hour ago, BLI7Z said:

    Getting rare minerals/gems from Orb Vallis/Plains of Eidolon: I have lots of those, and nowhere to use them.

    This takes literally less than 10 minutes. Also, the main reward are the Nightwave points. 

    1 hour ago, BLI7Z said:

    Fortuna/Cetus bounties; repetitive and unrewarding because of having done it countless times already, maxed them, and no need for more of those rewards or reputation.

    These are only unrewarding to people who already have everything, which is probably about 15% of the playerbase. Also, it's just five short, easy missions. If you can't stand doing a handful of extra missions, why are you even playing this game?

    1 hour ago, BLI7Z said:

    3 rounds in Index without them scoring... stressing, frustrating and also unrewarding because I need no more credits. 

    Something that actually requires a little bit of effort and organization is really too much for you? Also, it's not unrewarding at all - you're doing it for the Nightwave points. In addition to that, not everyone has unlimited credits like you and me.

    If you don't like Warframe, you don't have to play it. Be glad that the challenges are so easy and quick to finish, as opposed to being tedious nonsense. On the other hand, I wish DE brought back the "last 60 minutes in a Survival mission without using Life Support." I'm not sure why DE chose to take all the challenge out of the challenges, but at least they're all so easy that it's basically free rewards from Nightwave.

  4. 9 hours ago, Grahark said:

    Anyone that complains about free stuff is just delusional. Have the stuff, fine. Don't have it, fine. 

    Play or don't it's up to you. Not a single player in this game can take away something except for fun. IF you have put money into this game then you should feel good for helping support another person. Disappointment in something you have not worked on or created will only lead to a personal negative state. 

    Are you kidding? Repeated cosmetics ISN'T even stuff. Duplicate cosmetics are worthless. 

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