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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. I know it's too early to judge, but why give Itzal ripline of all things? I just can't imagine how that will work in open space. Surely it'll be a tractor beam of some sort, but even then, Valkyr's ripline is only useful for trolling AFK players. 

    It also doesn't really fit the Itzal's stealthy theme. I suggest looking at other Warframe abilities to import for Archwing usage. Or maybe a riff on the Drone Swarm, where you just spawn one droke which flies out, distracts enemies (like Wisp), and then self destructs when you recast it. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Nepeta-EN- said:

    I've also bought just about every pack

    I like the boosters, though I do feel sorta shafted when I pay much more for something that ends up getting released much cheaper with the unvaultings, maybe I'm just greedy.

    Well they don't get unvaulted until like two years after being vaulted, and things don't get vaulted for like two years. Sure you're paying more, but you're getting it literally years earlier.

  3. 15 hours ago, sinnae said:

    Hey guys...has OP figured out that fast travel exists yet?

    You realize that the cat actually blocking me was the smallest of my complaints, right?

    1 - It gets caught on the Roomba and looks stupid
    2 - It looks ugly to begin with
    3 - I don't want to have to put it in and out of stasis before and after each mission

    I just want an option to disable it.

  4. 1 minute ago, (XB1)HeyGiant said:

    Let's hope you sassy debbies don't scare off everyone who tries to suggest improvements in this game

    Is that why we don't have any content updates or quality of life improvements?

    Oh boy, there's a lot to unpack here.

    Look at the rest of the forums. If we see suggestions we like, we leave a Like, Subscribe to the channel, and tell our parents about it at dinner. If we see a suggestion we don't like, we explain why we don't like them. We didn't like your suggestions, so we told you why. This is a forum where people come to share and discuss ideas. If you cannot handle criticism, then this is not the place for you.

    And yes, this is exactly why Warframe doesn't have any content or QoL updates. DE cannot make a move until the forums agree on something. It's rather frightening how much power I have over DE, actually. There hasn't been a single update to the game since The War Within because, I personally, have been giving negative feedback on forum threads. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)HeyGiant said:

    It was over before you decided to try and look cool on it

    It was on the front page of the forums, I clicked on it, I read it, and replied. It is actually kinda sad how negatively you're reacting to criticism. 

    "There ya go, make assumptions on someone's character to discount their ideas
    Considering the comments you've made, it's not that much of an assumption. Also, nobody is using that to discount your ideas considering you only started breaking down after reading the replies to your original post. I hate it when people tell me to calm down during an argument, so I'm going to be a hypocrite. You seriously need to calm down and just roll your eyes and close your browser tab. Instead of backing up your ideas when they were criticized, you went wild. That isn't healthy. 

  6. Just now, (XB1)HeyGiant said:

    Just another naysayer, I almost got my hopes up that reading this would do literally anything for me other than show me how witty/smart/funny you can be

    I'm not a naysayer, you dorkasaurus. I read your suggestions, thought about them, and gave honest feedback. Literally none of my comments were trying to be witty, smart, or funny, and that should be pretty self-explanatory.

  7. "Each time we forma, we have to remember what we had equipped and it gets annoying after the first few times."
    Just take a screenshot before-hand, or better yet, familiarize yourself with the game and the mods you use. 

    "Abilities like Saryn's Spores that cast while aiming at a target need to be adjusted so that when you long press, it applies the skill to the nearest enemy. This can get very frustrating for controller users that don't have the precision of a mouse."
    Are you kidding? Just point and click. What next, holding down the trigger shoots the nearest enemy?

    "I think what would breathe life back into Warframe would be to become what No Man's Sky was supposed to be. Procedurally generated planets to explore with hidden goodies and rare spawns."
    Please no. There's a reason why Hello Games failed to make this a reality - it's way too big of a chore for anyone to bother doing. 

    "The game should work to make instanced content seamless by masking loading screens like they do with our orbiters entering the atmosphere."
    What does this even mean? The game doesn't mask loading screens beyond Fortuna and Cetus.

    "The company should be transparent only in a financial aspect. Revealing content only makes players bored of it before it releases."
    You're projecting. 

    "We have so much to do things WITH, but nowhere to use them. Make it more interactive, let us pilot our orbiters around free space and feel more immersed."
    What the hell is there to do in free space? We already have Railjack coming this year, so. 

    "There are too many menus and certain menus are missed opportunities to journey to your destination while taking in the visuals and enjoying the climb to endgame; not rushing to it and realizing there's nothing to do."
    Not sure what to even make of this trainwreck of a sentence. What visuals does the UI prevent you from taking in?

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