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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. 15 minutes ago, NoSpax said:

    It's KICKbot, not WIKIbot.

    What did you mean by this? Kickbot is an actual in-game resource, directly made by the devs. He shouldn't be THIS out of date.

  2. If you ask "Where can I find Grineer Manics?" Kickbot will PM you "Grineer manics appear on medium to higher level missions and have a greater chance of spawning once a lockdown is initiated. Another good way to encounter a large number of this mob type are in the Law of Retribution trials, keys for which are in the orbiter Market."

  3. 12 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Honestly, resources should be added to the codex, with farmable planets listed. Sort of like how Mods show their drop locations.

    Or a filter in the Navigation menu where it highlights all the planets with your selected resource, simply through a drop-down list or something.

  4. Old answer: Simply scroll through the Star Chart to see the planet's resource icons, and click on them to see the names of the resource too. (2 inputs, only 1 if you know the icons, and you can smoothly scroll through all the planets)
    New answer: Scroll to each planet, click on the planet, click the "toggle nightwave/extractors" button, click the extractor icon, and then you'll see the resources. (4 inputs, must check every planet individually)

    Anyone else see a problem with this? How come the resource list that comes up with the Exctractor button isn't just always there when you zoom in on planets? Helping noobs keeps getting harder as DE keeps making information harder to find. I like to actually teach people how to find info on their own as opposed to just spoonfeeding them answers, but DE is making that more and more annoying with each update. Maybe the old UIs weren't perfect, maybe they weren't stunningly beautiful, but at least they were straightforward for the most part. 

  5. On 2019-09-09 at 1:35 AM, Jiminez_Burial said:

    for people to converse with people and negotiate prices.

    I literally cannot think of any positive results of this. Trade Chat is a vicious feeding frenzy of plat sharks. If you're not ripping someone off, there's a 90% chance that you're getting ripped off. That's why there's so many third party sites like warframe.market which emulate an auction house in an attempt to stabilize prices.

  6. 19 hours ago, (PS4)sister-hawk said:

    There's a reason why you don't want to over-strip the ferrite armor off a target with corrosion, because then you lose a huge 75% damage bonus. I don't think that should even be a problem.

    I am almost certain that this isn't a thing.

  7. Eidolons aren't too weak, it's more that we're too strong. Don't get me wrong, I don't want any nerfs at all, but with the way Warframe works, difficult content is impossible to make. If Eidolons had double health or whatever, the fight wouldn't be harder, it'd just take longer. 

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