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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. Passive: Remove the elemental energy color thing. New passive is being resistant to whatever damage type is currently selected.

    1: Tap to switch elements. Hold to do an AoE burst of that element with guaranteed status effect. 

    2: All around buffs for everything besides Cold simply to make them as good as its armor buff. Increase Heat's damage and status chance a bit. Make Electric increase shield recharge rate and decrease recharge delay. Make Toxin increase movement speed by whatever percent. Like I said, this is just to bring them up to par with Cold. 

    3: Leave as is please.

    4: Flying Pelt now has "Follow" and "Hold Position" prompts just like a spectre, with Hold Position being default. Also, when you hold 1 while 4 is active, the Pelt releases its own elemental AoE. Range for 1 is increased when 4 is active, and if the AoEs overlap, bonus damage is applied. 

    Thank you for reading 🙂

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  2. On 2019-07-26 at 5:12 PM, xV3NOMx said:

    My Fellow Tenno,

    As a veteran Player of Warframe, I have enjoyed the game and its many updates over the years of playing. There are now locations that offer an "open world" experience on Earth and Venus. which has its own ecosystems and wild life. Although, these locations offer a variety of animals, the Players are not hunted by predator or territorial animals, such as the Feral Kubrows on Grineer forest tilesets. It seems to be an missed opportunity when Players explore caves, thick foliage, rocks surrounded by deep waters, or wandering at night, where danger may lurk. 


    My Suggestion:

    Enable Players to be hunted and attacked by animals on land, underground or near large bodies of water.



    What are your thoughts, Tenno? 

    I agree. I was very surprised and disappointed when I discovered that animals only exist during Conservation hunts, and that predators didn't come out at night in the Plains or anything. 

  3. 19 hours ago, (XB1)ZOMBIExSLAYA129 said:

    I haven't played this game in such a long time and I am completely lost and so confused as to where I am and where I go from here in the game. 

    Resetting your account will not help. As soon as you catch back up to where you are now, you will be just as confused. As to being lost, just look at the Quests tab in Navigation. It tells you the next thing to do. You think you may have made some mistakes that you want to fix, but no mistake is worse than throwing everything away. 

  4. 3 hours ago, GrayArchon said:

    I mean, it's not like they can get rid of it. It's Neptune. It's one of the largest planets in our Solar System. It's only "filler" because they haven't put anything unique there in the game. 

    Correct. Calling it a filler planet was a criticism. There shouldn't be any filler planets. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, sharkstrangler said:

    Because it's not allowed in the EULA?

    Is that a question or a statement? Either way, this entire forum exists to give feedback and offer suggestions to change the game. Responding to a potential change with "no that's not how the game is" is invalid, because obviously that's not how the game is, and why I'm making the feedback thread to change it. 

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