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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. Challenges are supposed to be challenging. While Nightwave isn't exactly challenging, it at least tries to be sometimes. Killing late-game bosses is widely considered challenging, at least in theory. To do these challenges, you must unlock those bosses. You have to play the game. Stop complaining that everything isn't handed to you, and play the game.

    That being said, I agree 100% that the challenges to just spend resources are lame.

  2. 4 hours ago, Shiichibukai said:

    Its called Stasis, put them in stasis then if you dont want them running around. There is your feature. And I can comment all I want 🙂

    I don't want to take the thing in and out of stasis before and after every mission. I already said this. You're just a troll at this point.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

    Why instead of putting all parts in the same node and rotation not add them to three of the new disruption nodes?

    Why do you want to have to farm three different missions instead of just one?

  4. 8 hours ago, Shiichibukai said:

    oof, someones triggered.

    I can spout random buzzwords too, like "yikes cringe." Now you can stop commenting on my thread.

    Ugly animals walking around my ship is just flat-out unwanted. There is no reason not to have an option to lock them in the incubator. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, Nitro747 said:

    woa, you actually need EIDOLON LENSES to build those? This item just got 45% more pointless :DD

    You need lesser versions of lenses to build better versions. It's always been this way. How exactly is an objective upgrade pointless? Sure, it doesn't affect people who have already maxed out all the Focus Schools, but that's only maybe 15% of the playerbase. For the other 85, there's nothing bad about another upgrade - especially since it's a lot better than an Eidolon Lens. 

    Also, what's with the excessive creepy emoticons? You ok?

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, (PS4)IndianChiefJeff said:

    So...Essentially go backwards in terms of progress, removing countless Warframes & weapons. Yeah. No. Discussion over. 

    It's not like anything would happen to the current version of the game lol

    If you don't have any interest in Warframe Classic, don't play it.

  7. Smeeta is my favorite companion...strictly for gameplay purposes. It's nothing but a nuisance on my ship, constantly harassing my poor little Roomba, and also reminding me how buggy the game is with its horrible pathing AI and bizarre collisions. It'd be great if there was a simple option in the incubator to let it walk around freely or not.

  8. On 2019-08-26 at 1:56 AM, peterc3 said:

    People 100% know why they get banned

    Nope. This is an absurd assumption; you are saying that you can read everybody's minds and that you know 100% what goes on in region chat at all times. Don't be silly.

    DE's chat rules are pretty vague, and it is very easy to naively break them as a newer player. For example, chat mods are only online maybe 1/5th of the time. During the other 4/5ths, there is no way to actually know what the real rules are. There is no way to know what is considered inappropriate enough to warrant an actual ban until it happens to you. It is very frustrating to get kicked for saying something that you saw dozens of people saying throughout the entire week. Let's take the word "gay" for example. Kickbot has very interesting context-sensitive triggers for banning people for this word. You can say "I'm gay" or "It's okay to be gay" or anything like that, but if you say, "Oh, I didn't know you're gay, that's cool" to someone who brought up the subject, you'll get banned. It's basically trial and error. Whether it's particularly likely or not, it is extremely easy to be falsely kicked by the bot without any warning or explanation.

    Chat mods have the authority to basically draw their own line as to what is considered too offensive or inappropriate for chat. Each chat mod has their own line, and very rarely do they give warnings or explanations for the bans. I have been banned many times for reasons that are highly questionable to me. I have only been able to guess as to why, and I've got some pretty good guesses, but they're still just guesses. Even after contacting DE for an official explanation, I have received no response other than a link to the fan-made wiki for a list of possible reasons I might have been banned. The moderators on Xbox are often perceived as touchy, fragile, and trigger-happy. We have one chat mod who very rarely speaks, but one time the mod finally said to someone else "Okay @Name you've said your opinion enough you can stop spamming it now." @Name replied, "oh, you can talk!" and got banned immediately after. Which rule did he break, exactly?

    One time, I said verbatim "If you say the n-word, you get banned for two weeks from all chats" and then I got banned for two weeks from all chats. Which rule did I break, exactly? 

    Another time, region chat was telling some mildly inappropriate jokes, and this same chat mod started banning people left and right without any clear warning. When people told the chat mod that he was going a bit overboard, he said "Play nice, Tenno." I then said, "There's only one Tenno who isn't playing nice" and I got banned. Which rule, again, did I break exactly?

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  9. Considering how insanely strict and embarrassingly sensitive certain chat mods can be on Xbox, I kinda envy the Wild West that PS4's region chat is. Considering that region chat only exists for fun really, I don't see how it's that big of a deal that it's a little crazy. If you don't like it, just use the Ignore feature on people who go out of their way to be obnoxious, or mute the channel entirely. That being said, it would be nice if there was a little more moderation just to snag the hardline racism and stuff that teenagers think is cool.

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