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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. 2 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    it would be a cesspool of all types of "inappropriate material"

    Nope, because it would be purely client-side unless you deliberately let yourself hear other people's stuff. Don't like what you hear? Put it all back on mute. 

  2. Just now, Gabbynaru said:

    That's what open world games are relying on, aren't they? 

    No. And what you describe right after that is emergent gameplay, not imaginary, because it actually happens. There's nothing to stumble upon in Warframe's open worlds, no crazy unscripted events. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    No, generally what makes open world games work is the players' imaginations. If you're not good at coming up with your own stories, like I am, then every single open world game is just a dead boring empty desert. And yeah, that includes PoE and Orb Vallis, but at least I can kill a giant spider and there's a story attached to that. (I mean Exploiter, Profit-Taker is terrible).

    Are you arguing in favor of literally imaginary content?

  4. Literally anything with our mics. It'd be purely client-side ONLY by default, but there'd be an option to hear other people's custom sounds. 

    This is my best idea yet and I expect monetary compensation if this gets implemented. Platinum is ok too. 

    EDIT: I no longer expect monetary compensation, now that Canadian legislation experts have politely explained copyright laws to me. 

  5. On 2019-07-18 at 4:21 PM, PhantomRen said:

    Edit: There could also be an event that players have to beat in order to get this set up, since I doubt the Corpus or Grineer will be happy with the Tenno making a big, centralized trading hub that could potentially dominate the market. Completely optional though

    Why not just rework Maroo's Bazaar into this? No explanation necessary. 

  6. Limiting players like this would not add anything to the game at all. "Stacking" Warframes isn't even an issue at all; all of the overpowered combos have one of each frame anyway. 

    All this would do is screw over new players who only have one of three Warframes. 

    This is a very, very bad idea. 

  7. Open World sandbox games were all the craze, but it wasn't just because they had huge beautiful areas to run around in. A huge reason why they became so popular was because they featured meaningful discovery. You could take a break from the main story, wander into a forest, and find a dungeon or a sidequest that then lead into another sidequest, that rabbit-holed into a whole branch of the game. You might accidentally get lost in Deathclaw Cave (while underleveled) and have some wild emergent gameplay as you desperately fight tooth and nail to get out. You might find another cave that happens to have some special loot guarded by a unique miniboss. You might find a little settlement of some nice NPCs who offer interesting world-building and, you guessed it, another string of sidequests. 

    Warframe's open worlds have none of this. The resources that you mine right outside of Fortuna are the exact same ones that you find in the furthest cave. The enemies here are exactly the same as the enemies there. Heck, even the Fortuna bounties just send you to the same five places despite the fact that the Vallis has way more named locations, but I digress. 

    The Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis are beautiful, well-crafted areas, but the levels themselves don't have much to offer outside of sight-seeing. Exploration in Warframe has no real reward other than finding cool things to look at. 

    I really hope that the Planes of Duviri take the idea in a new direction, and that the current open areas get full overhauls. 

    • Like 12
  8. DE should unironically copy Fortnite, where challenges never expire until the end of the season. They just keep adding up; so the only thing keeping you from finishing them all are your own personal issues. 

    The last time I played Fortnite, there was only about three weeks left in its season but I had all the challenges available to me so I was able to grind them out with little issue. 

  9. Let's compare Profit Taker to the Exploiter. 

    PT requires you to first be "Old Mate" which takes weeks to accomplish, then you need to do the whole Heist thing which requires you to farm for and craft the Archgun Deployer, and then you have to fight the darn thing which isn't an easy task. You need to have finished the War Within, and you need some pretty good gear overall. 

    Now, for Exploiter, all you need is to finish Box Solaris, do the Thermia event and then have a fairly tanky frame. 

    What I don't get is why Exploiter's drops are twice as good as PT's. The Toroid is worth twice as many Vox Standing, which makes no sense. PT drops literally nothing but credits and useless Debt Bonds, while Exploiter drops tons of resources, Hildryn parts, and Ephemera. Profit Taker requires twice the effort, but yields less than half the rewards. Here are my possible solutions:

    Make PT's Toroid worth 20k Standing; almost double Exploiter's 12k. Make Debt Bonds actually worth something instead of literal garbage. Let Ticker sell things for Debt Bonds that are more than just five miscellaneous decorations. Let Ticker sell things like Relic packs or virtually anything that somebody would actually want. Maybe cool Fortuna-themed weapon skins. Debt Bonds only exist as a requirement to level up in Solaris United, so it makes no sense to still get them after you're max rank. At least just expand Ticker's inventory, even if it is just a bunch of cosmetics. 

  10. Neptune has some problems. First, it's just a filler planet. It serves no purpose other than being a host for The Index. It does not have a unique tileset and there are no resources there worth farming for. To make matters worse, the next planet, Pluto, shares the exact same enemy faction and the same tileset. This is very boring, considering that Pluto is more or less a filler planet too. I mean, none of Pluto's Junctions require you to even do anything on Pluto. But let's focus on Neptune for now. 

    Being a gas giant, it makes NO sense for it to share the tileset with the rocky Venus and Pluto. Instead it should have a blue version of the old Gas City tileset. As cool as the remastered Gas City is, there's a lot of Jupiter-specific environmental storytelling that wouldn't make sense on Neptune. Although DE could edit that out, I think it'd be simpler to just import the old version to Neptune and make that boi blue. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Voltage said:

    If there was no standing limit, you would blow through content much faster.

    What is wrong with letting people play the game at their own pace? There's no way to bypass the daily limit with platinum, so it's not like DE is getting anything out of this. 

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  12. No, if you make the mistake of not preparing for your missions then you can abort and restart. 

    This is a bad idea because everything doesn't need to be super casualized in every way. 

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