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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. After The New War, I hope DE puts in new quests for the mid-game planets. Ideally, each planet would have a well-developed quest. Doesn't have to be cinematic, but it's gotta be good. Currently, there is a huge slog between Mars and Saturn. The only real quest during that whole time is The New Strange. 

  2. Last time I saw the Wolf, he was level 70 and my OP-AF Kitgun that can two-shot almost anything up to level 100, did virtually no damage to him.

    No clue what was going on, but I couldn't scratch him. I'm not exaggerating, either, my Kitgun has a Riven that lets it absolutely wreck everything else in the game. 

  3. I find it kinda unsettling that Scott thinks that the Itzal is gamebreaking, as if nerfing the Itzal into uselessness will improve the game. 

    Open worlds create a demand for fast transportation, and the Itzal is literally the only thing that meets that demand. 

    • Like 4
  4. Like someone else said, the ONLY reason people use nothing but the Itzal in the open worlds is because Archwings are useless. Why? Because they die in like one hit! Since Archwings are so unreasonably fragile, your only option is to use the one that can avoid taking damage the easiest: the Itzal. I just can't wrap my head around why DE made them like this in the first place, and also how they can't see that it's obviously the root of the issue. 

    If Archwings didn't get obliterated by the weakest enemies in the open worlds, people would use all of them. But for some reason, DE is adamant on them being able to be shot out of the sky by a light breeze. This is literally the only reason why people are using nothing but the Itzal.

  5. 7 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Well then, I'd still have the best possible buff for the weapon I'm using, so I would have nothing to complain about. So again, not sure what the all fuss is about. 

    It's not a difficult concept. Yes, it's still good overall but it's much weaker than it was before. If you are literally unable to comprehend why that would upset people, there is nothing I can do to help you understand.

    PS - I got it backwards about the Lanka's disposition going up, but my example still stands. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

    Nothing. We all spent real money on imaginary things; if those imaginary things disappear...well, I believe we're capable of understanding that was a risk.

    This sounds like it's from Metal Gear Solid. Also, like I already said, I'm not even talking about real money being spent. I'm just talking about a huge amount of things being removed from the game. As it has already been explained, DE has a precedent for compensating players when they do things like this.

  7. Just now, Atsia said:

    I'm on the side of rivens mostly working as intended, and removing them Stu this point of just gonna cause major issues for DE since there's nothing that really gonna compensate for them.

    Prime Access for everyone 

  8. 5 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    This is a video game. What sort of compensation are you expecting from virtual items with no real value?

    In-game compensation, brosef. When DE nerfed Steel Charge, they gave people Legendary Cores. When they did the huge balance update for a lot of weapons, they gave people a pocketful of Forma. When servers went down, they gave people boosters. When the TennoCon Livestream debacle happened, they gave everyone Ash Prime. DE has a precedent of providing compensation when they make disruptive changes. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Uh... Guys... I'm confused by this whole riven dispositions change thing. 

    Maybe one of you can explain what I'm not getting?

    Let's say that I have 2 rivens for my Lanka, one is really good with the highest stats in the things that make a Lanka better and the negative value works in my favour, and the other is very much a "meh" riven with much worse stats than the first one even though all other things are equal. 

    If the disposition has changed, can I reroll my good riven to get it higher than it is right now? And will the meh riven now be higher in stats than it was before the change? 

    Or will my good riven still grant the highest bump in stats possible in the game, still bigger than what the meh one gives? (Because if this is the case, then you guys will need to explain why that's an issue causing so much trouble for some people.) 

    The Lanka's Riven Disposition went up, so all Rivens for it got buffed. There is no difference between your two Lanka Rivens besides their current, random stats. You could reroll them both, and the good one could become trash and the bland one could remain bland. You don't need to reroll for the changes to have effect, existing Rivens were altered. 

    The issue is that a lot of Riven Dispositions went down, weakening the mods by a significant degree. Whether it's for the greater good or not, nobody likes it when their shiny toys get dulled. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    It's a virtual world. Considering rivens did not exist for years prior, there's nothing stopping DE from reverting back. Well, almost nothing.

    If DE were to delete Rivens, what would an appropriate compensation be? 

  11. 1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

    1. Undermines the entire system.

    2. This is just naked power creep for no reason.

    3. Accelerationism. Bad for politics. Bad for game design.

    4. They aren't removing Rivens. 

    1. That's the point.

    2. Again, I'm glad you understand. 

    3. Please use smaller words with me, and keep politics out of this.

    4. Good

  12. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    Proposal 4: Remove rivens entirely. Buff weapons as necessary. Nerf weapons as necessary.

    In a perfect world, rivens would not exist, but this is not a perfect world. 

  13. ...I just don't like them. Yes, I know it's just me. 

    I would really appreciate it if DE fixed the option to turn them on or off in the Options Menu. Currently, the setting does absolutely nothing and my only option is selling all my weapons to black energy color. 

    Yes, the animations are very cool to look at, but they're just too much for my personal tastes. Too much clutter for me.

  14. Proposal 1: Updates to Riven Disposition do not affect currently existing Riven Mods; only rerolls or brand new Rivens will have the updated stats. 

    Proposal 2: Riven Disposition REMOVED, all set to 1.0, but a new Mod slot for Rivens is added to all weapons, like Exilus slots. These slots will also be useable for mods that affect reload speed and ammo. 

    Proposal 3: Rivens for everything. Warframes, Archwings, Companions, everything.

  15. On 2019-03-28 at 10:01 PM, TheRealShade said:

    Operators are already invisible in hubs for those that haven't finished TSD. One thing would be to make it so they can only get matched with players that also haven't done TSD but that brings problems of it's own.

    Operators being invisible in hubs is pointless since you still see them running around in missions. Also, they're not invisible in hubs, they just appear as untextured Excaliburs.

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