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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. When Natah and The Second Dream first came out, it was a cool introduction to the "real lore" with Tenno and the nature of the Old War and whatnot. 

    Now, however, new players see Operators running around the first day they play. Sentient stuff is all over in the Plains, as well as Jupiter soon. Natah and TSD have really lost their significance now that they aren't the first time new players are going to be seeing what makes those quests so special. 

    What DE needs is a bit of a Story Rework. I have no idea how to accomplish this really, but the game's overall narrative has become a bit of a mess. It's cool that they're focusing more on story overall, but the next step should be streamlining everything to have a little more cohesion. 

    Maybe make Operators completely invisible to players who haven't finished TSD? Maybe make old events parts of mini-quests on planets that haven't been looked at in a while? Make the new Jupiter stuff not appear until after The War Within? I don't know, but Warframe's story has tons of potential, and all the pieces are there, they just need to be stacked together the right way. 

    • Like 2
  2. As we all know, DE replaced "Complete 40 Waves of Defense with a friend of clan-mate" with killing 150 enemies. While this change obviously was good in the short run, I think it wasn't done properly. The new challenge was just way too easy. What DE should have done, was made the challenge simply "Complete 40 waves of Defense." Remove the arbitrary clan/friend requirement, and just leave the actual challenge alone. 40 Waves isn't even that hard, but it still is a bit of a challenge for lower rank players. For something that's supposed to be an Elite weekly, I think it's a perfect level of difficulty. The only thing people didn't like was the weird buddy requirement, which wasn't even an issue at all because you could just add anyone in recruiting chat. 

    In the future, I'd like DE to keep the challenges of doing 40 waves, 60 minutes, or whatever in endless missions. They have just the right difficulty for what I'd expect in Warframe. While the game is far from hard, I simply felt like we were patronized when the challenge was replaced by something so trivial. Keep the challenges, just drop the friend/clan requirements.

    Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

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  3. Okay, let's actually take this seriously, point-by-point.

    >Warframes, weapons and sentinels need maintenance system but it shouldnt go away like Pets because players would be so mad if their Nidus suddenly disappear. It also should degrade their stats (after extraction) based on performance in a mission. Degradation and maintenance system for all things (doesnt go thanos snap when below 0% effectiveness but have worst reduced stats)

    Absolutely not. This would add nothing of value to the game. Introducing a mechanic that does nothing but regularly drain resources for no reward is a terrible idea. All the other grind in Warframe at least gives you some reward.

    >Sanctuary Onslaught is a simulation of Stress relieve test, Data and Lore for the mysterious Khora that is trapped inside Simaris' system.

    Does it really need to be this? I don't think Vauban is trapped inside the Nightwave's radio signals, so I disagree that we need to put in much lore here for what's just supposed to be a training simulation. 

    >1. Boost Damage against specific faction for 24 hours after fighting a group of the faction in a wave (Bonus Daily stats for 50%+ and maybe more)

    Not sure what this means exactly, but it seems like you just want an extra-hard mode. I guess that's fine, but I wouldn't want it implemented in the way that I think you're suggesting.

    >2. Story mode of the each synthesized target and Khora's

    Khora's what? Like I said, I feel like nobody cares about story for this mode but you. It's just a training simulation.

    >3. Random scan during the fight

    What does this mean?

    4. Reward multiplies for each wave

    This would be cool.

    5. EXPERIMENTAL new enemies updated by DE so we can put our Strength to the test (unscannable)

    This would be tricky for DE, but I guess I could see it happening. No reason why it couldn't be attempted.

    >6. Hostile synthesis kavats that sometimes drop "Kavat Genetic Codes"

    This would be helpful, but DE should just increase the drop rates from Kavats, and make them spawn a little more often in the Derelict.

    >7. Allow to farm Simaris standing at a low rate

    This would actually be great.

    >Stress Relieve Test, Data and Lore mission should be separate.

    No clue what this is supposed to mean at all, sorry.

    >Other weird things that sometimes nobody agree 

    >1. Allow ducats and resource to be tradable.
    No. Ducats already are tradable, because Prime parts exist. If Resources could be traded, then region and trade chat would be filled with almost nothing but beggars asking for Argon Crystals and Mutagen Samples. No, you should have to actually play the game every once in a while.

    >2. Allow Forma and Exilus adapter blueprint tradable

    See above.

    >3. Used weapons tradable

    See above.

    >4. Titan and Distilling Extractors have increased resource gather and limits.

    Yes please. Currently, they are barely above completely useless. 

  4. "It's so hard to keep track of every weapon that gets leveled up and deleted."
    Nope. Just look at your profile.

    "They should also add a way to indicate if a weapon blueprint can be bought from the market."
    Already in there. Just look up the weapon in the Market and see if you can buy its BP or not.

  5. 4 hours ago, (XB1)Tornicade said:

    I think warframe would generate more revenues taking the mr20+ out of the existing node map..they could do this by setting up a quest to flag vets that gives them access to an elite version of each node ..perhaps requiring 3 wins per node to unlock the next one and setting up new elite junctions..this would allow them to generate affinity at full power.also. Only flagged can piggyback these elite nodes..not sure the reward structure

    How would this generate any more revenue? 

  6. Before Zaws and Amps came out, I thought for sure that you would be able to disassemble non-Gilded ones and play around with different combinations, until you found one you liked. Then you would Gild it, and enjoy its boosted stats. As we all know, this isn't the case. Modular weapons are locked in the first time you build them, which then begs the question, what on earth is the point of gilding at all? What does it add to the game? For all intents and purposes, nothing. 

    Please allow non-gilded weapons to be reassembled, or take away the gilding mechanic altogether. Either options be a pretty big quality-of-life increase.

    • Like 3
  7. Let me preface this by saying that I'm not here to talk about rules. I'm not going to discuss whether I think you should or shouldn't get kicked or suspended for certain things. What I'm here to talk about is that there should be more consistency in the ways you get kicked or suspended by the bot, and possibly by the chat moderators too.

    Sometimes when you get kicked, kickbot will PM you and tell you why, like "You've been kicked for caps-lock" or "stop trading outside of trade chat." However, sometimes chat just stops moving. No actual notification of getting kicked, no PM. It looks like a bug, but then someone messages you "lol you got kicked" or something, and until that point you didn't know what was going on. 

    It would be really nice if there was just more consistency, make it so that kickbot always tells you what happened and why, as well as how long the ban will last. 

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