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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. All DE has to do ;

    • Make " Ping Limit " worth something , currently doesn't work. Matchmaking still lets us join to 1000+ MS sessions.
    • Add " Never Host " option , so people who has awful connetions won't be hosts if they have it enabled.
    • Improve Matchmaking System and fix ongoing issues ( losing loot on host migrations etc ).

    Dedicated Servers mean slower updates and weekly maintenances which most of us don't want. Especially when we consider content draughts and people's available playtimes.

    P2P is a flawed system ( that could use improvements and fixes ) but better option than dedicated servers, imho.

  2. I love the idea of giving Rift a DoT effect but it's effectiveness needs to be reduced , 3% of max hp every 0.3 sec is OP.

    21 minutes ago, Lior55 said:

    Cataclysm - Now has constant suction to the edge that pulls enemies into it

    ^Anything helps my melee Limbo is appreciated. I love melee-ing Stasis'ed enemies :)

  3. Imagine , giving THAT power to players. They will instantly go into report-frenzy mode and report anyone who doesn't fit their " ideal teammate " category.

    Limbo for example , many people will insta-report the poor guy just being a troll in their eyes.

    I'm fine with its not being automated report system. Let Support deal with it.

    Perfectly explained ;

    On 2018-08-04 at 2:22 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    this would be what happens in Warframe if we had a kick/report system. fail to get enough damage because someone is nuking? report. bring a loadout someone doesn't like? report. keep getting downed because it's one of those days? report. you see where I'm going with this.

    all a system like this would do is let everyone be their own little dictator, kicking reporting anyone who doesn't meet their often ridiculous standards. we don't need this, and we never will.

  4. Let's not drag every stupid thing that will waste dev resources into Warframe. 

    Also this ;

    11 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

    If you want some VR presudo-cringe-weaboo-trash-porn you can play VRchat, as you mentioned. We do not need it here and limiting such an expensive technology to work only on relays is a waste of money and worktime. Also, VRs are still really expensive, i've seen players with ridiculous 5 dollars computers complaining about the game non running well, do you really think that a decent amount of players will buy a VR just for that?

  5. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

    Price seems fair for this deluxe bundle. Most have 2 skins for warframe or universal weapon skin/ syandanna or armor but this comes 5 items

    Nidus skin

    Kubrow/helminth skin


    Kubrow armor 

    Universal claw skin

    That's alot of stuff for a deluxe bundle I say the price is fair for that amount of items and how top notch they are.


  6. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

    It's been awhile since TWW but don't we speak to Teshin via space phone? And in TS don't we speak to Ballas while using Transference, and thus outside of the frame using our own mouths?

    I recommend watching / replaying those quests again , you will see us speaking through our warframe / umbra.

  7. We can speak THROUGH our Warframes , as we did in ;

    • TWW - where we see Teshin infront of pods and speak with him.
    • TS - where we return to Earth and speak with Ballas.

    Guess that applies to dialogues between us and NPCs too , don't think we stare at them like idiots :D

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