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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. I suppose I can see how it might look that way to someone who joined the game more recently.  But it's not going to look like that to most long-time players because of the actual history of Necramechs being introduced to the game.

    When Necramechs were first added to the game, they were not required for any content.  You could not purchase them, You could only farm them.  And they were harder to farm than they are now, with lower drop rates and higher material requirements.

    It was only after enough players asked to be able to purchase Necramechs that they became purchasable items in the market Market several months after their initial launch.

    And it wouldn't be until 1 year later that Necramechs would actually be required for something: The New War.  In advance of this milestone, DE nerfed the difficulty of building Necramechs.  From the patch notes released 1 month before The New War:


    Necramechs have started to play a vital role within the System - from being part of the Railjack experience, to a great tool in our Open Worlds. While their firepower provides an advantage, the time and resource investment required to obtain one has shown to be a deterrent to newer players. As The New War approaches, we aim to alleviate that initial friction and provide an easier path of obtainment.

    Enemy Necramechs now have a 50% chance to drop a Necramech part across the board, evenly distributed. The battle required to defeat an enemy Necramech is not easy nor quick. This increased chance of getting a Necramech part helps to reduce the time investment needed in order to gather the mandatory parts to build your first Necramech.

    Additionally, we’ve halved most of the Mining/Fishing part costs for crafting the Voidrig as this is the ‘first’ Necramech players see in the Heart of Deimos quest, so we want to make acquiring it a little easier. Bonewidow has been left as is as a longer-term goal.


    A few months after the New War was released, DE looked at the data and saw that lack of Necramechs were a contributing factor to some players still not doing The New War.  So they made them even easier to get.  From the patch notes:

    • Completing the Heart of Deimos quest will now reward you with the Voidrig Blueprint,  Voidrig Weapon Blueprint, Voidrig Capsule Blueprint, Voidrig Engine Blueprint, and Voidrig Casing Blueprint in the post-quest Inbox.
      • As a follow up to our Necramech Drop Rate & Crafting Cost Changes from Update 30.9.0, we wanted to add another way to set up players for success as they continue their journey to The New War and other content that requires a Necramech to participate.


    Now, is this perfect?  Depends on who you ask.  Some people think it's fine, and some people think it would probably be better if Necramechs were even easier for new players to get.  But regardless of where you think the needle is on that aspect of balance, the reality is that DE has made numerous changes that made Necramechs easier than ever to get at the exact time that Necramechs were becoming required content.  That doesn't read as a pay-to-skip scheme to me.

    • Like 7
  2. I play Warframe because it's fun, not for a challenge.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good challenge, but in my opinion Warframe isn't a game that is well-suited to provide enjoyable challenges.  There is simply too much possibility space in regards to what a Warframe player can bring to the table for DE to design balanced challenges.  It's part of why Warframe's bosses are generally lackluster and rarely passable, because they have yet to find a way to make a boss fight that still functions without throwing 80% of the player's toolkit out the window.

    If you want a challenge, I'd recommend playing a different game.  Or barring that, you can always create your own challenge by bringing a less optimal build to the table.

    Anyway, as for bullet-jumping, it's fun.  In fact, if Warframe's movement didn't feel the way it does, there's very little chance I'd still be playing Warframe, because that's the main thing it brings to the table that no other game I've played has come close to providing.

    • Like 2
  3. Sorry to hear about what you're going through; that sounds very disheartening and upsetting.

    If you haven't, I'd recommend opening a support ticket with Warframe.  The folks that respond to those aren't bots: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us

    And presumably, if this Xsolla service is causing problems for Warframe's customers, it's something the folks at Digital Extremes will be invested in looking into and improving.

  4. 52 minutes ago, Hexerin said:
    5 hours ago, Venefik said:

     Maybe if DE decides to add more Necraonly modes?


    Like the next content update?


    Unless I missed it, the only "Necramech" content they showed at TennoCon was enemies that were little baby Necramechs.  And notably, those were being killed by a Warframe.  So I would recommend against expecting a Necramech-only mode.

    • Like 1
  5. IMO the story quest doesn't seem to leave much room for Thrax being anything besides a toy made into a living being by Drifter void stuff.  Teshin positing that Thrax is from the Zariman is correct, he's just off in suggesting that means Thrax is a Tenno*.

    ...presuming that we don't want to extend the definition of Tenno to toys that became boys with void powers.

  6. Hey OP, if you decide to quit Warframe and spend your time doing other stuff, cool, that's entirely your choice to make; honestly, I don't have a horse in that race, and I encourage you to do you.  However, after reading your post, I have some constructive feedback that I hope might lead to you living a better life, regardless of whether you stick with Warframe or not.

    5 hours ago, dendroaspis84 said:

    Like let's say you have to do nigthwave weekly tasks, then there are daily alerts, then there are sorties, then getting let's say Citrine warframe is in your plan, so you need to play certain mission over and over, then you need to build Necramech, so you need to play some other certain missions and so on and so on...

    You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

    If you go to a nice breakfast buffet and see all of the different foodstuffs as options that you could make part of your meal, you'll probably have a good time and leave with a happy belly.  But if you go to that exact same breakfast buffet with the mindset that you have to eat everything, you will be miserable and make yourself sick. 

    Which is to say, Warframe has a lot of stuff you can do, but you don't have to do any of it.  Warframe stuff isn't a list of urgent home repairs that are needed so that your home doesn't fall apart, it's a batch of optional video game activities that can choose to play in your free time.

    I'm guessing you've somehow gotten into the habit of sitting down to play Warframe and asking yourself, "What do I need to do?"  And your personal answer to this question is something along the lines of, "All the content I want to complete that I haven't done yet."  That's a great way to overwhelm yourself and turn fun into work.  I know that because in the past, I've done similar things to myself.*

    I want to propose a healthier alternative: each time you sit down to play Warframe, ask yourself, "What would I like to do right now?"  And the rule is, you only get to choose one thing.  Do you want to do a Sortie?  Do you want to work towards getting Citrine?  Do you want to do a Survival mission just because it would be fun to do?  Pick what your heart wants, and do that.  And if your heart says, "I don't want to play Warframe", then go play something else instead.  Follow your bliss.

    That said, at this point I'd guess you're already so burnt out that you need a break one way or another.  So take an indefinite break.  If you never come back to Warframe, that's fine.  But if you come back, only come back when you feel yourself wanting to play Warframe again.  And regardless of whether you return or not, I hope you'll take a step back and reflect on the way you think about the games you're playing, because I genuinely think some changes there will have a positive impact on your life.

    Wishing you the best, Tenno!


    *I burned myself out on the first Nightwave, back before I understood that it only took around 20% of the activities to complete the season.  And back before I understood that any rewards you don't get become available later.

    • Like 4
  7. 42 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    There is no way to disable actually. You can only decrease volume to 0 so you will see all the crap they want to tell you but not hear it. I wish there was a button for all these things. I would immediately disable ordis, lotus, son, business and maybe operator and little duck too.

    There's an option that allows you to entirely remove Operator transmissions.  I saw them once back in the day, said "NOPE", adjusted a setting, and I haven't seen them since.

  8. You don't need the Index to get credits, it's just a good way to do it.  If you don't like the Index you can get credits from plenty of other things.  Personally, I've always had more than enough credits by simply playing the content I like in the game.  I'm guessing other players can tell you some specific farms you could try, though.

    You also don't need Revenant to do the Index; you can use any frame.  I have only ever done the Index for Nightwave challenges, but when I have Limbo has worked great.

    • Like 5
  9. On 2023-09-04 at 2:54 PM, Hexerin said:

    I'm concerned because there are a number of various sources of massive fire rate boosts you can get in this game (whether intentional or forced upon you), and that animation... I just don't see how it won't look horrid at higher fire rates.

    You don't have to guess what it will look like at higher fire rates: just pull up the YouTube video and increase the playback speed.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't think it's very controversial to say that boss fights have been among Warframe's weaker points for a long time.  The main mechanic in so many Warframe boss fights is "wait until the boss can be damaged".  With respect to the devs, that's not engaging.

    Generally speaking, I think the recent bosses they've put out (excluding Jackal) are moving in the right direction.  The mounted riders in Duviri are a good boss, in my opinion, but it would also be fair to say that doesn't count because it's balanced against a static Drifter rather than all the possibilities Warframes bring to the table.

    But the Orowyrm fight is pretty good, except for the waiting.  Grappling to its body, leaping over obstacles to control it, burning down pillars, those are fun.  What's less fun is flying through the air for a minute or two to get close to the Orowyrm.  And then flying slowly towards the pillars and portal as the Orowyrm.  There are still pockets of dead air.  But then you get to shoot the big Orowyrm with guns as it rotates around you, and that's fun!  And then it becomes invincible and you have to fight 30 random dudes that slowly spawn in, and that's not.  But then you shoot it again, and that's fun!  And then tiny wyrms spawn, and that's okay except they're a bit janky and hard to see?  But it's fine.  And then you shoot the Orowyrm again, and that's fun!  A lot of good in that fight if they just tune out the dead air.

    Similarly, Archons are in many ways great.  I love Amar's duplication mechanic.  And he only has a few adds to kill and they're not annoying, so that's fine.  Damage attenuation limiting the viable pool of weapons is dumb, but if they fixed that, I'd love Amar without any real caveats.  Boreal having Aerolysts as adds is painful.  Aerolysts are just a chore to kill; they're way less of a chore with the Catchmoon, but even then it's still a chore.

    The other main thing bosses have trouble with is being immune to Warframe powers.  That's a bummer, in a game where one of the coolest things is your Warframe's powers, then you get to the big showdown and your offensive abilities largely become useless.  So still some kinks to work out of the system.

    Hopefully they'll get there someday!

  11. On 2023-09-02 at 4:07 PM, Metalgearfox said:

    Arthur isn't a warframe.

    We have no idea what Arthur is or isn't.  We don't even know to what degree he may or may not be "real".  You can make assumptions, but it's probably best to note that it's an assumption, not a fact.  DE rarely plays it straight.

    • Like 1
  12. In my opinion, we already have a bunch of mage frames, they're just not wearing robes nor wizard hats.  Ember lights everything on fire.  Frost freezes everything.  Nyx takes control of people's minds.  And so on.  These are all basically magic.

    And as enjoyable as the Magicka systems can be, I don't think just taking the mechanics from Magicka and slapping them on a frame is a good basis for the design of a frame.  Especially if the frame was themed as a spellcaster, that would just seem like ripping off a different studio's game.

    • Like 2
  13. On 2023-09-03 at 5:19 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:
    On 2023-09-01 at 4:03 PM, (PSN)Unstar said:

    I use a heavy attack build

    Silly question from a MR30 but a build like this does, or does not, need to build combo count first, to be effective? I duplicated this on my azothane and didn't worry about building combo, went into ESO and the blue shield eximus were still standing after three heavy attacks, then i shot them dead. 

    The specific build I listed is intended to be used without any normal attacks, so no, there's no need to build combo.  Due to their hardiness Eximi can take a few hits (and once you gauge that they have an adequate amount of Slash procs, you can leave them for dead even when they're still standing).  If you prefer a gun that's valid, but I dig the nearly 360 degree 6x Slash proc attack as it means I can just jump into a crowd and take them out without doing anything like aiming.

  14. 4 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Alright. And is there support for experimentation? Because quite often what I see are players saying things like “When you’re at end-game, the game has the least amount of build variety and the least amount of gameplay” and claiming things like “If you make a ‘Decent build’, X mission shouldn’t be a problem”; like there’s not builds or playstyles that aren’t massive overkill and easy street, whether by choice or whether it’s just because the build doesn’t easily go beyond a certain level threshold but is still sufficient for what it’s made for.

    I think that experimentation is actually frowned upon unless it takes place in the upper levels of the game, because there’s some kind of unspoken rule that if the game isn’t easy, you’re doing something wrong. Which can be a problem if there’s not even Youtube videos demonstrating that there’s more to this game than whatever sits in Steel Path, because even if someone goes to experiment, there’s some kind of secret line that you do not cross either by taking a lower-level build higher or rebuilding a higher-level build, despite the fact that it can open up a whole other side to Warframe and enable usage of everything we earn. (plus what are newbies going to do when they have no idea just how much damage and survival they need for the content that they’re doing when all they see are builds loaded up with mods they do not have and are built for content way beyond what they’re doing; the content requires only so much of either, which means that if they’re set then they can start branching out into alternative ways to build and play every time they do that content, just like someone who’s been around for 2k hours who has even more ways to do so)

    I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for when you say "is there support for experimentation".  In my experience, most Warframe players (including the YouTubers I watch) regularly express an ethos of "players should use what makes them happy, but if you're stuck here's something strong that could help".  Sure, every now and then I'll see a juvenile elitist in the forums with a toxic take like "anyone not using Glaive Prime for X is an idiot", but in my experience it's the exception to the rule.

    And even more than the general community, the YouTubers I watch are all for experimentation.  Heck, have you looked at some of the builds that YouTubers make videos on?  Sure, sometimes it's a straight down the middle video on the Lex Prime Incarnon, but sometimes it's "here's a super-nuanced build I've been liking with (Warframe nobody uses)".  LeyzarGaming literally just put out a video showcasing 3 builds for weapons that use Corrosive + Cold, which there is absolutely no reason to build if you're just going to follow the meta.  That's a video from a person who's thinking and exploring, and encouraging others to think critically as well.

    And as far as builds that are way beyond what new players have, I think you're just not watching the right YouTubers.  One of the most important things to me in a Warframe Creator is that they not only serve the end-game community, but the new community as well.  And both LeyzarGaming and Brozime do this.  Most of LeyzarGaming's weapon videos show builds for newer players as well as builds for end-game players.  Brozime also makes a lot of content that is specifically aimed at new players, such his yearly "Free-To-Playthrough" where he starts a new account and progresses through the game, recording the whole thing and adding helpful commentary about why he's doing what he's doing.  He's also got guides that teach players how the modding system works so they can make their own builds instead of just copying others, and most of his actual build videos discuss options for replacements if you don't have certain resources.

    I'm not sure what the difference in our experience is.  Maybe we're looking in different places, or maybe we're interpreting the same community in different ways.  I'd recommend you branch out with your YouTubers, though, as there are plenty that are doing a lot of what it sounds like you want to see.

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  15. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    There’s room for both, but you realise that once someone’s peaked and has reached the top of the mountain and have their One Size Fits All solutions and have converged everything to a singular point of META, once they get tired of those options and/or want to explore the only way to go is back down to where the rest of the game is, right? And how that’s typically viewed?

    If you're talking about finding the actual "best solutions" to the problems the game is throwing at you, then we're no longer talking about problems with YouTubers, but rather are talking about problems with the game itself.  And it's true: Warframe is not a perfectly balanced game, so there will be some solutions to problems that are tangibly more effective than others because they do 20% or 100% more damage, etc. (though to be fair, that's an issue with all but the most impeccably balanced games)

    So what happens when you get to the top and still want to explore?  You simply do that: explore.  Because once you truly reach the top, you realize that there is absolutely no content in the game that makes the level of power we have necessary.  You could optimize to the Nth degree, but why would you do that instead of simply using what you enjoy?  So that you can kill enemies with 200% overkill instead of 100% overkill?  If you like big numbers, knock yourself out, but from a game flow perspective there's no payoff.

    And again, this isn't just theory: this is my experience.  I have tools that trivialize the entire game, but generally I just use Mag with a tanky build, even though I know for a fact that it's a lot more chill to use my nearly invincible Baruuk.  And the reason I use Mag is simple: Pull has been my favorite ability in the game since I started the game with Mag a half dozen years ago.  Similarly, I use the Kunai Incarnon because it's nostalgic for me and cool, even though I've got a Lex Prime Incarnon that melts things way faster.  The game offers a plentiful suite of tools that are more than good enough, regardless of your tastes, and once you've capped there's no reason not to step off the peak and just have yourself a nice time with your toys.

    Which is to say, there's nothing stopping players who want to explore from exploring.  If a player doesn't want to explore, they won't, and if they do, they will.

    • Like 1
  16. 21 hours ago, Julican said:

    I don't care who exploited this fight and when they did so DE "had" to buff the fight

    I don't care if the top 0.02% would get bored if this fight was made more reasonable

    It's been like this since release.  And it's something nearly everyone complained about.  I've personally never seen anyone speak positively about Damage Attenuation (which is what makes the Archons bullet sponges if you aren't using the "right" weapons).  But we've been given no indication there will be any nerfs, so all we can do is know what the "right" weapons are, keep using them, and share that information with new folks when they hit the same wall all of us did.


    In case any of it helps, here's the setup I use to make Archons into pushovers.  You can certainly do it with less than this, but a setup like this will leave you overgeared to the point where you won't really have to try.

    For the Warframe, get yourself a Baruuk Prime.  Full Umbral Build with Adaptation.  Arcane Grace.  Pack on some additional Power Strength to give yourself a surplus of floating defense knives.  Congratulations, you are now unkillable in an Archon Hunt, especially if you start the match by using Lull to max out your Fist Meter for the additional defense.  This means that while you are fighting Archons, you don't need to care at all about trying to stay alive, because you simply will be.

    For your primary, there aren't many weapons that work great on the Archons, and most of them are Incarnons.  Personally, I've found great results with the Phenmor when it's built with its level 4 upgrade that gives +2000% damage.  Weapons like these effectively bypass the Archons' defensive attenuation, meaning your gun will still feel like it's doing damage to them instead of doing next to nothing.  It'll kill pretty quickly!

    I like to bring a secondary that makes Boreal's Aerolysts less of a pain.  For me, that's the Catchmoon , as its fat projectile pierces through multiple Aeroylst belt canisters with every shot; I just walk right up to them and blast away at their tummies.  I also have it set with the arcane that makes it a recharging weapon so it never runs out of ammo.

    Finally, I am always equipped with a two-handed Nikana because of my arthritis.  This is great for killing everything that's not the Archon and the Aerolysts and doesn't require aiming.  I like this weapon because it maximizes damage-per-button-press, thus minimizing the amount of buttons I need to press to kill enemies.  I use a heavy attack build where the only button you need to press is heavy attack to delete anything you can hit:

    • Wise Razor (the best and indeed only choice for a stance)
    • Primed Reach (+range)
    • Killing Blow (+Heavy Attack damage, +Heavy Attack speed)
    • Corrupt Charge (+increases starting combo, meaning more damage on Heavy Attacks)
    • Sacrificial Pressure (+damage)
    • Sacrificial Steel (+crit chance, doubled for Heavy Attacks)
    • Amalgam Organ Shatter (+crit damage, +Heavy Attack speed)
    • Gladiator Might (+crit damage)
    • Spoiled Strike (+damage, -attack speed)

    You don't need that exact build, as there are lots of ways to adjust this and still have it do the same thing.

    But anyway, if you enter the Archon Hunt with that setup, you will be overgeared for Archons.  Regardless of what you end up trying, good luck!

    • Like 4
  17. 15 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I guess. Though it’s not like players can’t be uninterested in exploring for thousands of hours if not the entirety of their playtime. And if they start imparting their knowledge to newbies, and if their knowledge consists entirely of what Youtube videos say because they have no alternative experience, the knowledge imparted is similarly limited. And thus does representation and diversity of build/loadout/playstyles get simplified and die, since it’s not like the newbie has any particular reason to question common wisdom as long as what’s offered can get the job done even if it’s not what they’re looking for or would enjoy using

    If players are uninterested in exploring, then that's fine.  That's a valid way to play the game, and not a problem.  That's part of the beauty of Warframe: there are a lot of different ways to engage with it.

    Though with respect, I think your worries can only exist in an oversimplified reality.  Watching a YouTube video is not going to make a player who is interested in exploring not explore.  In fact, I would hazard that it's more likely that such YouTube videos would get such players closer to the point where they dig in and explore.  Because these videos give newbie players new ideas and information to grapple with, and for some that will be a catalyst that leaves them curious and hungry to know more.  You hear Brozime say there's a wiki, now you know there's a wiki.  One day you hear him talking about Slash and you don't really understand how it works.  So you go to the wiki to try to find out.  And you read about it and learn more.  Then you scroll down to the comments where people are discussing and debating different aspects of it, and it's unclear who's correct.  They're talking about doing tests.  You realize you can do your own tests.  And then someday, maybe you do.

    And that's not a hypothetical story: that's my story.  And I'm sure it's thousands of players' story as well.

    Finally, in regards to people finding solutions that can get the job done that they don't enjoy: thankfully, humans are already built to overcome these difficulties.  When we're dissatisfied, we look for solutions; it's in our nature.  I don't think newbie players are in an way as helpless as your words seem to suggest they are.

    It very well may be that the way the broader Warframe community plays the game is more homogenous than you'd like, but I would be very surprised if that was because YouTube videos are turning them into complacent sheep.  Rather, I would guess that it's because these players are genuinely satisfied with a way of playing the game that is different than the way you prefer to play the game.  To which I would simply say: let them.  There are still plenty of players like you and I who enjoy the buildcraft, the theorycraft, and the exploration of playing with all these varied toys.  There's room for both.

    • Like 1
  18. 20 minutes ago, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

    From U30.9


    Enemy Necramechs now have a 50% chance to drop a Necramech part across the board, evenly distributed.


    So if it's not 12.5%, then it's likely a bug.

    Oooh, nice find!

    9 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

    Based on that info it definitely does look bugged. 

    Yep, this is probably worth someone making a bug report on so DE can look into it.

  19. 43 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I think there might be issues with representation.  I sort of understand what they mean by The Best, but that certainly doesn’t necessarily mean it’s The Best For Me, compounded by the fact that they seem to have like one build on the thing and are playing in a way that doesn’t look all that interesting as a main way to play (even if it might be fine for an every-so-often thing). But I’m also not really seeing alternatives; the “Here’s the BEST THING” keeps drowning them out.

    Personally I love exploring alternatives because I found that sticking to a few just wasn’t cutting it for me, but these videos are also catering to players who find it too much effort to switch a bane mod out, and without alternative representation of different ways to build and play outside of the subjective Best, they’ll have extra friction when trying to explore alternatives that they might find surprisingly enjoyable because they’ve got to go against what someone (who probably knows better, right?) labels as The Best.

     🤔 Though maybe that inclination to explore just isn’t there in the first place and never will be. Which could make videos like The Best gospel truth instead of subjective because the viewer will literally never know what they don’t know

    I can only offer my subjective stance, but when I watch a video like this, I try to interpret it more like a film or game review: I know I'm getting someone's subjective opinion, and I know that it's possible that our tastes may vary, so I listen to what they're saying while understanding that their opinion is not objective reality and may not fit perfectly with my needs.  To that end, I try to get what I can out of each video, and I try to find specific reviewers that think closer to the way I do — or at least, identify the way our tastes differ — so that when I hear their thoughts I know better how to filter them and how much they may or may not apply to me.  For my tastes, Brozime is as good as it gets, though I've recently been appreciating some of LeyzarGaming's work since Brozime has been doing fewer videos and more streams lately.

    Sometimes I flat out disagree or am very skeptical of opinions.  I remember seeing the bulk of YouTubers (even Brozime) give a big thumbs down to the Bo Prime Incarnon, only to test it myself and discover that their builds were far from optimal.  But that's fine.  They're people too, and sometimes they make mistakes and get it wrong.

    This is just a guess on my part, but any player who is genuinely just taking YouTuber videos as gospel is probably still at a place in their Warframe journey where they aren't interested in exploring; they probably just want something that wins, and I'm glad YouTubers can give them that.  Even if it's not "the best", it will almost surely be "good enough" for such players.  And if it's not, maybe that will provide the incentive to explore a bit, if that's something they're interested in.  Or not.  Either way, I think these YouTubers are likely doing far more good than harm for the Warframe community by serving players like these.  Just my armchair opinion, tho.

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  20. 1 minute ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    but that's the problem, it's not "a" Weapon, it's literally every weapon now.

    If we take it in good faith, it makes sense because Warframe does have powercreep, which means that as new updates are released there will regularly be new "best" things that players find, sometimes even in the same update since it takes players time to test different weapons and determine how they feel about them.  So maybe they try Incarnon Boltor and love it so it's the best now, but then a week later they try Incarnon Strun and like it even better so it's the best now.  I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

    Genuinely curious, how do you feel that this negatively impacts you?

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