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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. The other day I took some time in the Simulacrum to do some testing and optimize the builds of some of my Incarnon weapons, with the intent of making my overall Arsenal better suited for SP Circuit — meaning each weapon needed to be entirely self-sufficient.  I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was definitely disappointed by the overwhelming amount of weapons that killed faster and more efficiently when equipped with Hunter Munitions (or Hemorrhage, when applicable).  In most builds, Heat took both more time and ammo to achieve kills.  Even Slash-weighted weapons with high status — modded with a pair of 60/60 mods to give Viral — generally seemed to be more effective when modded with Hunter Munitions than simply relying on Slash to occur via "natural" procs.

    Previously I had known that Slash was easily one of the most powerful statuses in the game, but this left me feeling like Slash and in particular, Hunter Munitions  isn't simply powerful, but that it's currently so dominant in higher-end content that it may limit build and weapon variety.  That's just my perspective based on my experiences though, so I'm curious to hear what others feel.

    • Like 8
  2. Personally I think Narmer worked fine enough and served its purpose in the narrative.  It was part of a finite chapter in the Warframe universe, a group that for the most part took over the world for an ambiguous amount of time, and then was defeated.  I don't really need anything else from the Narmer faction.

    It does seem clear that DE has further plans for the Archons, though whether that will actually be considered "Narmer" as opposed to some new faction is anyone's guess.

  3. 19 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Inb4 the lock due to not being game feedback  as well as being a meta-compliment.


    My best guess was that this seemed like the appropriate place to put the feedback, especially since the tag "Forums" was available to use, which I can only imagine means "feedback on something involving the forums".

    And while I suppose you could frame it as a compliment, I think you could do the same thing about any positive feedback.

  4. I don't go to many forums, but I recently joined the forums for another game I play; it was 80% toxicity, and it really made me appreciate everything that the Warframe Forum Moderation Team does to make these forums a constructive place to discuss the game and our experiences with it.  Thank you so much!

    • Like 5
  5. 2 hours ago, Sporthand said:

    I presume Drifter's age looks more than 66 or 70's.

    I...I am having a challenging time believing that the Drifter looks like they are in their 70's to someone.  Unless you specifically set out to make them look like they were 70.  Mine looks 30.

    Regardless, the game shows in a variety of ways that Operators are all school-age teenagers.  They are not fully grown, as their adult form (Drifter) is both taller and more developed than them.

    As for the Warframes, none of them were Tenno; from the lore we have so far, every Warframe was an adult Dax.

    • Like 1
  6. For me, it really depends on how I'm feeling.  Sometimes playing with a Limbo is fine, especially if I'm feeling lazy and it's something like a mobile defense, because then you can basically just AFK and wait.  But if I'm feeling more active and I find that the enemies I'm trying to kill are taking more work to go after because of Limbo's powers, I may drop squad just so I can go have a more chill time in a different mission without that.  Nothing personal to Limbo players; I encourage you to continue playing Limbo!

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, LestryusYggdrus said:

    "Omg we won't give tattos to operators cause we dont wanna give a bad message of minors using tattos"

    "Omg we don't want to give any type of sensualization and more gender characteristics to the operators so we don't send a bad message even tho our operators don't look,act or is voiced like minors"

    Very important question: did a spokesperson for DE actually say something like these?  Do you have a source?  Or are these your assumptions of what they would say?


    6 hours ago, LestryusYggdrus said:

    our operators don't look,act or is voiced like minors

    I dunno what Operator you're using, but my Raven 100% looks, acts, and sounds like a minor.

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:
    22 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    It makes sense that players entering an open-ended mode like The Duviri Experience would so with a variety of different goals in mind, and some of those goals may conflict with those of your fellow players

    It's almost as if there's a recruiting chat for you to find like minded players like have the same goal in mind.

    With respect, if you read the words after the ones you isolated above, you'll find that I wrote an entire post describing an even better solution that DE already has the tech for.

  9. While people are correct that OP could leave squad and solo it, I do think it's worth highlighting this as an issue.  It makes sense that players entering an open-ended mode like The Duviri Experience would so with a variety of different goals in mind, and some of those goals may conflict with those of your fellow players.

    It seems like this is the kind of thing that could be mostly solved by matching players according to their goals, similar to how Plains of Eidelon has match-making specifically for hunting Eidelons.  The Eidelon missions aren't necessary to fight Eidelons, but they allow players to use matchmaking to be matched with other players who also want to fight Eidelons.

    So if you want to go after Kullervo during the Kullervo window, DE could make a matchmaking option to group you with like-minded folks.  It'd be nice to see this kind of approach taken with a handful of other missions as well.

  10. 1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

    It's the same with other random buff mechanics like in Arbitrations and Hunts.

    Once in a blue moon I'll see a frame like Xaku or Rhino featured for an Arbitration, and I'll do it just because the giant excess of Power Strength results in some very stupid fun.  But you know what would ensure that I never do that?  If Arbitrations had the gall to charge for that bonus.

  11. 7 hours ago, Pakaku said:

    A better question: why are you so far away from your squad?

    If two members of your squad decide to go in different directions, there's nothing you can do to be with both of them at once.  In my experience this happens frequently enough that a feature like this would be welcome.

    Beyond that, it's just a nice feature.  I personally have really enjoyed how Duviri allows squad members to all go do their own thing and yet share in the side-quest farm; it's been a really chill way to enjoy the game where all players are rewarded for every individual player's activities.  And when your squad ends up playing together in the same spot, it feels nice because they're doing it not because they need to, but because they chose to.

    • Like 1
  12. Warframes are Dax, and Dax at least had mouths.  It's possible that not all Warframes have mouths, but there are definitely some that possess mouths.  Rhino, for example, is described as having a mouth in his Codex entry:

    "The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth."

  13. 20 hours ago, (PSN)S1ckS1deSold1er- said:

    I believe the resistance to knockdown & stagger is needed now more than ever with how frequent they have become in this game.

    Honestly if things have reached the point where resistance to knockdown & stagger are needed, then mods and arcanes that resist them are just band-aids.  The real solution in such a situation would be to adjust the frequency with which such effects occur so that they are a meaningful hazard to be avoided but not something that requires actively building immunity to.

  14. 8 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

    What's the point of clamps in that case? Like seriously, you could literally trade for unveiled rivens and buy the weapons. What do you even need them for?

    I'm hoping I understand your question?

    • In all situations, applying an Incarnon Genesis Adapter to a weapon requires Clamps; there is no way around this.
    • Buying the Incarnon Genesis Adapter with platinum also gives you all of the resources that are needed to apply it to your weapon, including Clamps.
    • So the purpose of the Clamps is that you can spend them to apply an Incarnon Genesis Adapter to your weapon.
    • This means you don't have to earn the Clamps you need in Duviri.
    • You cannot buy a weapon that already has an Incarnon Genesis Adapter on it.

    Let me know if this clarifies things, I'm hoping it does!

  15. 1 hour ago, Traumtulpe said:

    It turned into: "We made a huge mistake with Gloom and Nourish, so now we're going to make sure no new ability is ever going to be interesting again! But feel free to put Decoy on Inaros lol."

    History suggests that DE is happy to nerf when they see a problem.  The fact that Gloom remains as it is implies that DE doesn't see it as a problem or a mistake.

    And this last part is just my own armchair guess, but I'd hazard that Helminth Gloom correlates with a wider variety of frame usage, as it's an effective bandaid for a lot of issues players can have.

    • Like 3
  16. 20 hours ago, Ivi104 said:

    Oh wow, I am beyond amazed at the thoughtfulness and effort you put into this comment, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I can't wait to try this in-game. I LOVE playing Baruuk, but he isn't that well suited for most regular content (though he does amazingly in Corpus SP). I would never have thought to bring him to an Archon hunt, but this build looks amazing!

    Thank you so so much, you are incredible!!!

    I'll be overjoyed if my advice can help you get over these hurdles!  If anything else gets in your way or you need more specifics, just ping me (quote reply or direct message) and I'll be happy to do my best!  I hope you have a great time!

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:
    1 hour ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    My arthritis simply doesn't allow me to play comfortably with any weapon that requires a certain frequency of button presses. 

    Scroll wheel, maybe?

    Unfortunately I need to minimize my mouse usage because it's one of the worst triggers for my symptoms (even with an ergo mouse); for that reason I only play games on consoles with a controller.  I appreciate the suggestion, though! ^^

  18. 17 minutes ago, rodrigerzZ said:

    is this still played?
    For me that was the only solution, because certain missions were solo hard and only possible with the best warframes and equipment.

    Yep, it still is!  I don't always do them but when I do it's incredibly rare to not be matched.

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