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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. Could be bad luck.  Unfortunately, that's the thing with probability: while it's unlikely that you'll roll a dice 100 times and never see a certain value, it is always possible.  And given enough people, it's nearly guaranteed that some of them will experience this unlikely luck in aspects of their experience.

    That said, it could also be that the wiki is wrong.  It's a community-created wiki, after all, and the drop rates for the parts in question do not appear to be listed in the officially exported drop tables.

  2. Personally I think the value proposition is solid.  Regal Aya can be used to get a la carte Prime Accessories, which I don't have many of.  The skins are nice, and for a nice occasion, with a supporter pack feel.  So for someone who wants to support the game and likes the things inside of it, I think this is a special way to do that.  But for people who don't, that's totally valid, too.  It's a cosmetic bundle of optional goods for a video game, so thankfully there's no reason to buy it if it's not your thing.

    • Like 2
  3. On 2023-08-29 at 10:49 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    "the players contribute playtime"

    Playtime is absolutely 100% a statistic, you're correct. It helps developers see trends and engagement and what kinds of content their playerbase gravitates towards, all essential data. It contributes absolutely nothing to keeping the lights on though.

    If you are playing Warframe solo and don't spend any money on it or do anything to give back to the community, then yeah, this is true.

    But if you play Warframe multiplayer, DE gets value from that, because having players to play with is healthy for the game.  To use intentionally jaded terminology, other players are content.  So if you're not giving the developers any money but you play missions with other players and aren't being toxic, you are indeed indirectly helping DE.  Because your playing helps other players fill their groups, which leads to a better experience, and players having better experiences are more likely to spend money on the game.

    I have no idea how to crunch the numbers of exactly how much value such a player adds, but it's not nothing, though it's definitely less than actually supporting DE directly with your cash.

    • Like 3
  4. I'm considering purchasing it.  When DE is doing a great job, I feel like they deserve to be paid for their work so they can keep doing even more, and this is one way I can do that.  And I like the idea of financially supporting people for doing work that positively impacts my life.

    The only thing that's making me debate whether I should purchase it is that there's a Duviri bug that makes playing with certain controls very cumbersome, and I told myself that my financial support would be dependent upon that bug being fixed, since that has significantly hindered my personal ability to play and enjoy Duviri.  But then DE went and hit it out of the park at TennoCon, including the announcement of impactful accessibility features that I had frankly given up on ever seeing.  So I'm currently in a debate with myself over how to proceed.

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, JoeySparks said:

    but I'm tired of seeing new, entirely different games being added to warframe, while the actual meat of warframe, the basic gameplay loop, the origin system, warframes and fun powers, being entirely neglected.

    Your statement isn't just an exaggeration, it's simply false.  I assume that you're not intentionally lying, so I encourage you to read through the notes for the major updates from the last year to refresh your memory on just how much new content and tuning DE has given to the base game of Warframe.  I guarantee that if you do, you'll no longer be under any impression that the base game is being "neglected".  In my opinion, the base game of Warframe has never been in a better state, and it's all because of the great work that DE continue to pour into the game.

  6. As a Mag main, I also struggled with what to subsume over Polarize, since I wasn't getting any value out of it due to my use of Fractured Crush.  In the end, I chose Gloom, specifically because it gave Mag a channeled ability which can benefit Incarnon upgrades that trigger off of channeled abilities.  And while not necessary, it turns out that Gloom's slow and heal is pretty useful on my tanky Mag build.  So that's one option to consider, depending on how much you like Incarnon Weapons.

  7. DE has already said that the Gotva Prime will be made available again in the future, they just haven't said when.  So don't worry, you'll get it someday.

    And to be frank, while it's a fine weapon, there are dozens of weapons that overshadow it.  I imagine that newer players will feel it's strong, but if you're a long-time player (as it appears you are) I'd be surprised if the Gotva Prime is going to be much more than mastery for you.  So while you wait, know that you're not missing out on anything mind-blowing.

  8. Is there lag?  I play on PS5 and none of my experiences have led me to believe that any platform is a problem to play with.  And if there is lag, it could just as likely be your router, your wireless connection, or your internet provider.  Lots of possible problems that might have other solutions.

    Regardless, if I understand correctly, your lag shouldn't affect anyone else as long as you're not the host.  I also believe that in the background, Warframe does some optimizing so that when you are auto-matched into groups, it tries to choose a host that will make everyone lag the least.  So if you do have lag, it would probably not choose you as the host very often.

    I get the impression that you might just not be using auto-matchmaking when you play.  Give it a try, I think you'll have a good experience.

  9. You're welcome to dislike their stance, but DE didn't trick anyone.  They were very transparent about what the pack contained, what its price was, and how long it would be available.  Nobody is being tricked here.

    And their response is also correct: if there are people who bought it because they liked the exclusivity of it, removing that exclusivity would undermine the reason for their purchase.  It's the same reason DE doesn't let anyone buy Excalibur Prime.

    Not saying there aren't arguments to be made against FOMO, but to suggest that anyone was tricked is simply not reality.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Dairaion said:

    why haven’t the Tenno attempted to create powered exoskeletons for use by their railjack crews or colonists like the ostrons?

    1. The Tenno are a bunch of child soldiers who never finished their secondary school education.  Creating useful mechs is unlikely to be their forte.
    2. Training a group to become fighters is a complex and nuanced process.  Importantly, the Ostrons would need to want to devote a portion of their population to being mech-soldiers.  There's no indication that they've asked for such a thing, and frankly, with the Unum and the Quills' ability to see all futures, they have no need of such a fighting force.  Whenever they need some violence done, they can simply pay the Tenno, which results in the job getting done and the Ostrons being able to continue their way of life without embracing a combat lifestyle.
    3. Warframes possess top-tier combat capability.  If they can do the job, there's no reason to get anyone else involved in combat.  Less-capable soldiers are more likely to be injured or die.  That's the benefit of specialization: some folks get really skilled at harvesting, some people get really good at combat, and they share in the fruit of their collective labor.
  11. 17 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    That's what the little cutscene is in TNW or TSD or the other quests where you can "die" as an Operator and you fall through the Void.

    Tangent, but I thought that the moment in The New War where you see a bunch of you "dying" before finally seeing the Drifter and Operator shake hands seemed to imply that the Drifter and the Operator are the only "you" left across timelines.  Do you have a different interpretation?

  12. 7 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

    Was looking for a little conversation. Not state the obvious.

    With respect, your post made it seem like you didn't know that; you literally asked two times whether it would be an entirely different game:

    9 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

    I’m confused as to what Warframe 1999 is supposed be. Is it a spin off game like SoulFrame? Or is it in the same universe as Warframe? Or is it a completely new game? Is the operator story coming to an end and or are they going to stop making Warframes and Operator story and development? I don’t understand the hype. Some please explain what this Warframe 1999 is and will be moving forward. 

    Mazifet replied, answering the only two questions you asked that have definitive answers:

    9 hours ago, Mazifet said:

    it's an update

    That's not a troll; that's someone giving a succinct answer to questions you asked to the best of their ability.

    • Like 1
  13. By bringing up Continuity, I'm assuming you're asking why bosses are still around after you defeat them in Assassinate missions?  Like how you beat Alad V, but he somehow survives and has further narrative in later quests?

    As far as I'm aware, there's no official narrative for how that works.  There's no indication that it's anything like Continuity, though, as that is something of a lost art that very few would have access to.  My interpretation is that it's just like Saturday morning cartoons, where the villains always get away so they can come back next week.

    Though I suppose you could make an argument that the Tenno aren't especially great at confirming their targets are dead?

  14. 8 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

    If you go between multiple combos and stuff, hitting the trigger becomes very satisfying.

    They haven't given us any details on the implementation yet, but I had assumed that triggers and directionals would remain intact, as otherwise that would mean removing 25-75% of melee attacks.  My assumption has been that the only thing this option will change is that players will hold the melee button instead of repeatedly tapping it.

    All that said, since we don't know for sure I'm eager to see the next Devstream where hopefully they'll go into more detail.

    • Like 1
  15. 46 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

    Melee is already simple enough. Why would they make it into brain dead afk? Forget Wukong, we'll have Vauban with kronen.

    I've got arthritis and it hurts to press a button as fast as the Warframe melee system requires.  And for people who don't have arthritis, the current melee system risks moving users closer to repetitive motion injuries.  For people who care about these sorts of things, this is a quality of life improvement that gives them access to 100+ melee weapons without the risk of harm.  At present, I exclusively use heavy-attack-only 2H-Nikanas because everything else leads to injury and pain.  Can you imagine how much hope and joy and relief I felt learning that soon I'll be able to use any melee weapon the Circuit provides me with?  It was like coming up for air.

    Beyond that though, do you really feel like repeatedly pressing the melee button engages your brain in a way that holding that same button down wouldn't?

    Regardless, Reb said that auto-melee would be the "default", which implies that if you dislike it you'll be able to turn it off.

    • Like 9
  16. 19 minutes ago, nghoomoine4 said:

    hey DE. i understand for cross platform players there's no way to auto melee but only for pc players cos they just use 3rd party auto clicker. its a work around but its not that great to have. but then shouldnt this option be available during melee 2.0 update?

    I don't fully understand what you're saying, but every platform is getting auto-melee.  It's not in the game yet though, which is why you don't currently have it.

    • Like 8
  17. On 2023-08-26 at 5:44 PM, balckillofdeath said:

    why develop a mobile game? it feels like a cash grab. greed has gotten so long that they dont even care about feasibility like at all?

    With respect, there's a lot of Dunning-Kruger going on here:

    1. They're not developing a new game, the existing game is getting ported to mobile.
    2. DE is providing goods and services that people want in exchange for monetary compensation.  What a bunch of monsters!  I suppose the only thing that could explain something so insidious is greed.
    3. In regards to feasibility, the developers of the actual game Warframe know so much more than any of us that our opinions are worth nothing.  They greenlit the project, which implies that they did their due diligence and determined it was indeed feasible.
    • Like 4
  18. There are so many possibilities.

    • Orokin inhabit numerous bodies during their lifetimes due to Continuity, so any of these bodies could be one of Albrecht's previous bodies.
    • Albrecht could have used Continuity to take another body, despite saying he wouldn't.  Lying: it's a thing people do sometimes.
    • Eternalism and tangent realities.
    • Void stuff.
    • Any of them could or couldn't be The Man in the Wall.
    • Entirely new world-building that players haven't yet been exposed to.

    Naturally, DE didn't forget; they have entire teams of people whose primary concern is how things look, and using reference to make sure they get it right.  Let's not mistake our lack of information for DE's.

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