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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. The free gun that everyone gets isn't hitting as hard as the game's top tier weapons.  That's fine, that's expected.

    It has a gimmick where you get to see red sometimes.  Neat!

    I'm not "impressed", but I didn't expect to be.  The newer players who got this thing (complete with 3 amazing polarities and a potato, I might add) should be pretty happy, and I'm happy for them. :)

  2. It was great to see how far Soulframe has come since we last saw it.  It looks like it's shaping up to be a AAA calibre fantasy game, with a touch of that DE creativity/weirdness.  I still can't quite tell what the precise hook is that will truly distinguish it from other fantasy games, but given how much progress the game has made so far I'm guessing that by TennoCon 2024 it will be clear.  Definitely excited to see a game that focuses on redemption and compassion as well!  I'm looking forward to seeing more Soulframe!

  3. I'm guessing this isn't so novel as to change anyone's mind, but I'll just weigh in and say that this seems in-line with Prime Access, which I'm fine with.  Warframe is a free game, one that many players play without spending a single cent.  I want DE to keep making this game, and that means I want them to monetize the game.  In that context, I don't see them selling a cosmetic bundle in exchange for currency to be in any way negative.

    If the price is something folks are unwilling to pay, or if they would prefer to see the bundle structured differently, that's reasonable feedback that folks should be giving.

    But as much as I try to, it's hard for me to understand why people would get genuinely hostile about this, because the worst case scenario is that it's an optional cosmetic in the game that you don't have because you didn't pay for it.  It's a shiny that nobody needs and nobody should feel entitled to.

  4. 7 hours ago, Rachel_dArc said:

    Why is it, every single time we have to play someone who isn't our DROP (Drifter/Operator), the character we have to use is a guy?

    Valid point.  Hopefully the teaser we saw is only one possible way it can be played; from the trailer, it seemed implied that the Aoi (the femme voice on the com) was Mag, so it would be nice if you have the option to play as either her or Arthur.

    My condolences on the struggles with your dysphoria.  I don't experience dysphoria in that specific way but there were definitely periods in my life where I avoided playing as masc frames.  I still prefer femme frames, but I'm happy to say that I've made progress where it isn't unpleasant for me to play the masc ones.  I know it doesn't solve the immediate situation but I genuinely hope that life makes a path so you can get there as well, since I don't want you in pain.  Either way, you're valid, sister.

    One thing that might help, because it has helped me in the past, is in the moment, remembering that gender itself is fake.  When I look at Kahl, for example, he definitely reads as masc.  But I bet as a Grineer soldier he hasn't been given the space to explore gender identity.  Heck, I bet he's ignorant to the fact that that's even a possibility.  So maybe all it would take is a mild stimuli to start his questioning journey, to discover that maybe he isn't actually he at all, but they, she, or something else entirely.  Sometimes thinking about the possibilities that are unspoken about a character can be grounding.  And Kahl makes such a sweet little egg. ^^

    Regardless, wishing you the best!

  5. I was entirely satisfied after seeing Whispers in the Walls.  Then Warframe 1999 was teased and it blew me away.  It was double what I felt I could reasonably expect.  Well done!

    I clenched my partner's arm when I heard about auto melee; I'm so happy that this accessibility feature is something the team spent time working on.  Very excited for this.

    It was also great to see how far Soulframe has come since we last saw it.  It looks like it's shaping up to be a AAA calibre fantasy game, with a touch of that DE creativity/weirdness.  I still can't quite tell what the precise hook is that will truly distinguish it from other fantasy games, but given how much progress the game has made so far I'm guessing that by TennoCon 2024 it will be clear.  Definitely excited to see a game that focuses on redemption and compassion as well!  I'm looking forward to seeing more Soulframe!

    Thanks to everyone who made the event possible and worked so hard to make these games!

    • Like 5
  6. 18 hours ago, Vaml77 said:

    But what was presented today left me quite confused....

    At the end of the presentation I could not come to any conclusion!

    Honestly that's 100% fine, and was surely the intention of the presentation.  We were clearly not intended to understand what was going on based on these teasers alone; they serve to merely whet your appetite for what is to come.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Famecans said:

    It's not so bad, 15 minutes of mission you can get 5 relics, 10x more void traces already added in one relics, more than 1k of endo and the bonus of the abandoned chests. I just feel like we should have these missions with endless progression.

    I don't know any place in the game where it's possible to get so many relics so fast, logically you can think of stell path but you need boost and multiple missions.

    That's fair, relics are just never something I need more of; I get more than I need from the Syndicate points that are generated from any content I do.

    Out of curiosity, do you get those results from the newer "taxi" style missions or the old-school Raijack type missions?  Maybe if I'm ever short on void traces it'll be a nice treat.

  8. I kind of don't understand this thread, because at least in my experience, Styanax doesn't need more defense; whenever he pops up in Steel Path Circuit he's one of the main Warframes I gravitate towards, specifically because spamming his 4th ability is a great tool to clear pretty much everything, even as the levels stack into the thousands.  Maybe it's because while floating in the air he can constantly be moving, but I don't really find that he feels vulnerable that often — and I'm not using his Augment.

    I'm wondering what difference in playstyle or build could account for this difference in experiences?

    • Like 2
  9. On 2023-08-21 at 1:00 PM, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    You'd also think that, if magic and the void existed, it would be known in the 21st century.

    Why would you think that?  Human society is constantly discovering new things.  We can no more presume that we are aware of everything that exists than people in the middle ages could.


    On 2023-08-21 at 1:00 PM, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    As you all know, there is very little evidence of 21st century civilization in the Origin system.

    There's actually one very big remainder that most people seem to overlook: language.  To be precise, the people in the Warframe universe use a variety of figures of speech, terms, and metaphors that couldn't exist without certain prerequisites.

    For example, Little Duck says, "We kicked a clown car."  That means clowns are a thing, and it means that clown cars are a thing.  That's a very specific thing.  According to Wikipedia, clown cars were first used by one specific circus company in the 1950's.  And this terminology is a remnant of that history.

    And we can get even more specific.  Little Duck has this line in Scarlet Spear:

    "We take that friendly data and use it as a Trojan horse for toxic data - think of it as a Kill Code."

    You see what she said?  Trojan horse.  That's a term you don't get unless your world's history includes the Trojan War.

    If you listen well, there are dozens of these references to Earth's history that characters of all stripes say in Warframe.  And it all suggests that the Origin System is our Sol System.

    • Like 2
  10. You've actually been in a Void coma, and everything you've experienced in the past 10 years of Warframe has been a Void dream.  Time to wake up, Tenno.  But like, for real this time.

    So once we truly wake up, what will the game be like?  Will the galaxy actually be at peace and we'll get a job running a hostess club?  Will we collect Sentinels to battle against other Tenno's Sentinels?  Will it be a Grineer dating sim?

    What do you think we'll find once we open our eyes?

    • Like 4
  11. 3 hours ago, Pulsar63 said:

    Isn't that the opposite of what Steel Path is supposed to be?!?

    Sounds like "I want to do the hardest part of WF, but I want doing it the easy way"... it doesn't make much sense to me. SP is for higher challenge.

    If you want easy life, why not doing the regular WF? :-)

    For better or worse, Steel Path became part of "regular Warframe" the instant the devs put cool rewards there.

    • Like 1
  12. You can one-shot or kill-with-one-bleed SP Grineer, you just need the right tools and the right build.  I'd recommend getting yourself a crit-focused weapon like the Incarnon Lex Prime.  Toss on the basics you'd expect for a crit weapon: multishot, crit chance, crit damage, 60/60 mods to give you Viral, and Hemorrhage.  Get some headshots to prime your Incarnon, get a few kills to get your boost your Galvanized multishot and your Secondary Deadhead, and bam, the rest of your headshots should delete the bulk of the enemies you aim your weapon at.

    I'll also agree with recommendations of the Glaive Prime and Azothane mentioned above.

    • Like 1
  13. At least according to Albrecht's interpretations of the words, they don't represent specific creatures, but rather concepts:

    • Xata. (Truth).
    • Jahu. (Form).
    • Vome. (Order)
    • Fass. (Chaos).
    • Ris. (Light).
    • Khra. (Time).
    • Netra. (Decay).
    • Lohk. (Void).

    And since he's the one who "discovered" the words, we can presume he had some reason as to why he described them as being the way he did.  But we don't know anything beyond that.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    Is the Drifter the original and the operator literally not even the same person? 

    It's very hard to present that kind of "twist" in a way that matters.  "Oh, I thought I was me, but actually I'm a clone/copy/etc" has been done before, but I've never seen it done in a way that was compelling.

    More likely the teaser is just gesturing towards The Man in the Wall, who is capable of taking on the aesthetic of others.

    • Like 1
  15. 27 minutes ago, (PSN)magusat999 said:

    I'm wondering what keywords, because there's nothing discriminatory in my post

    Best guess would be "Biblical".  But if you wanted to be sure, there are two methods to get more clarity:

    1. Make a Support ticket and ask if they can tell you what you did that you shouldn't do in the future (you'll need to login): https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
    2. I think this automated kick only lasts until you restart Warframe, and I am guessing it doesn't add any black marks to your account.  So if that's true, then you could do a science to discover the auto-kick term.  Just reload Warframe and type "Biblical" into Region Chat.  If you get kicked again, that's the word to avoid in the future.  If not, you can type other words/phrases in your message until you find the one that got you kicked.
    • Like 2
  16. Warframe is a vast and bountiful game at a high level of quality, and its price is free.  There are plenty of things you could buy in the game, but you can get just about anything in the game without paying a cent.  Prime Access is the main exception to that rule.

    The price of Prime Access is indeed high, but given that I've spent more than a thousand hours playing Warframe for free, I don't think that's bad.  Rather, I look at Prime Access as a way that I can support Warframe's development and actually pay the devs for the game I've been playing.  I don't buy every Prime Access, but when I feel like they dev team has doing a great job of delivering content I try to find one I like and pick it up primarily as a means to get DE paid and give them positive feedback about their efforts.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

    Reminder that by constantly running away and cowering from your fears, instead of exposing yourself to and confronting them, you only further degrade your mental health. Those fears become more intense, and you end up developing more over time.

    But at the same time, being exposed to triggering content outside of the agreed upon plan between yourself and your mental health care provider can prove harmful and impede the possibility of making progress.  We should probably operate in good faith and assume that the desire to deactivate something from happening in a video game isn't the same as taking absolutely no proactive steps towards personal betterment, as these two things can easily coexist.

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