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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. 1 hour ago, InTheFlesh00 said:

    Warframe has 0 challenge! 

    One thing I think it may help to realize is that you are in the minority on that feeling.  The overwhelming majority of Warframe players are less skilled and more casual; folks like us who are both skilled and on the cutting edge of the gear grind often don't realize that because we generally play with and talk to other players like ourselves.  But for many, many players, Warframe is obtuse, opaque, and challenging.  It's a bit wild to think about how we're all playing the same game, but our game is a god-like power fantasy and theirs is a struggle to survive.

    And considering that DE's bread and butter for paying the bills is tied to regularly releasing new content, I imagine it's very difficult to find the bandwidth to make content that would challenge their high-end players and thus be utterly inaccessible to the bulk of their player base.

    I would guess that the high-end players who whole-heartedly like Warframe are the kind who aren't looking to be challenged; there's something else that draws them to the game, whether it's tinkering with builds, kicking back while farming all the things, or the simple joy of raining down fire on enemies who could never possibly oppose you.  Or perhaps something else entirely!

    That said, I respect the way you feel, and I hope you can find something that brings you the challenge you're looking for.  If I were in your shoes, I'd take a bit of a break from Warframe and search for that challenge in other games.  You just might find it!  And then when you finally come back, with any luck the power curve will have raised and you might get a bit more challenge until you catch up.  Regardless of what you do, wishing you the best, Tenno!

    • Like 7
  2. Loki is sort of like Chroma: his overall kit is outdated, but the few abilities he has that work are incredibly strong.  Which is to say, it turns out that invisibility alone is enough to make a Warframe effective, generally allowing a frame to do whatever they please with impunity (especially if you're playing solo with no chance of catching stray bullets).

    If you're looking for an overall kit, Loki is indeed the weakest of the invisible frames.  However, if your sole concern is invisibility, Loki is quite the contender:

    • Ash's invisibility has a much shorter duration.
    • Ivara's invisibility breaks if you sprint.
    • Octavia's invisibility requires periodically spamming crouch.
    • Wisp's invisibility requires constant bunny-hopping.
    • Voruna's invisibility is short and ends when you attack.

    To be clear, all of the above are very valid options, but with Loki you just press a single button and then you're invisible for a long time, no frills attached.  There are some players who are going to like getting that much juice for so little squeeze.

  3. 1 hour ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    That's why there is a disclaimer and you have to type in the agreement to start the quest. You are signing up to a Quest that prevents you accessing the rest of the game until completed.

    I think we as a community need to stop using this "disclaimer" as an excuse.  Disclaimers are valuable when they provide users with sufficient information to make an informed decision about what they are agreeing to.  Let's read the disclaimer and see if this disclaimer adequately informs the user of what's to come:

    Commit to THE NEW WAR?

    THE NEW WAR requires several hours to complete. You will be able to pause the game, and your progress will be saved between missions.

    Prepare wisely. Loadout access will be limited and regular Warframe activities will not be available until this quest is completed!

    THE NEW WAR contains sequences of violence, frightening situations involving teens, and depictions of emotional abuse. It is intended for mature audiences.

    Type NEWWAR to confirm.

    There's some helpful information in the above; you're going to need a sufficient amount of time, you're going to need emotional resilience, and you won't be able to do normal game stuff until you've finished the quest.  There's also this tricky phrase:

    Prepare wisely. Loadout access will be limited

    A fresh paragraph with a topic sentence: "Prepare wisely."  The rest of the paragraph will presumably tell us how to prepare, so we read on.  Loadout access will be limited, and we won't be able to do other Warframe stuff.  Now, "Loadout access will be limited" could mean a variety of things.  Does it mean you won't be able to swap Loadouts (which is a specific thing in Warframe), or does it mean that you won't be able to change gear very often?  It's unclear.  But given that this paragraph is about how I'm supposed to prepare, my best guess is that I should get all of my gear leveled and modded and equipped before I start this quest, and that will mean I have "prepared wisely".

    So, here's the question, and I hope you'll take the time to consider this and answer honestly: if a reasonable person reads the above disclaimer and feels like they're ready for everything it mentions...are they actually ready?



    Is there anything that in even the most remote way eludes to the fact that finishing the quest will require them to fight non-pushover healing bosses with a squishy human whose only offense is precisely-timed bow shots?  If not, I don't know how we could reasonably suggest that DE provided enough information to constitute informed consent.

    • Like 6
  4. 4 hours ago, Vegetranic said:

    He is such a fascinating character, and I wish to know more about him. Why does he look so much like a warframe? Is he a warframe? Why is he then hunting down other Warframes?

    The answers to this are in the game, but in typical DE fashion they aren't explicitly stated and need to be interpreted...which requires information you don't have at the time you first hear them, no less.  In The Second Dream, the Lotus says:

    "Within the Moon lies the Reservoir, the secret to your Tenno power. But the secret is dangerous, it drove the Stalker to madness. Forgive my deception, I was only trying to protect you from the same fate."

    During the climactic fight of The Second Dream, the Stalker holds your Tenno (Operator) by the throat, and Hunhow says to the Stalker:

    "All your dread-long life, you've waited for this moment. But you're asking yourself, 'Was I one of these wretched things?' You know the answer. You still hate them. You still hate yourself."

    All the threads add up to the fact that the Stalker is a Tenno.  When they learned the truth that you learn in The Second Dream that you're actually a child controlling a Warframe from afar  it broke them, and now they lash out violently at other Tenno.


    4 hours ago, Vegetranic said:

    Like why is he helping the tenno/Drifter out in Duviri, after the deal between Drifter and hunhow has expired after The New War?

    A few things here.  First, remember that Duviri is affected by a Paradox, which means that its interactions with non-Duviri places don't obey the laws of linear time.  Additionally, while you have completed The New War, there's no requirement that The New War be completed to have Stalker show up in Duviri.  In short, The New War doesn't have anything to do with it.

    Another thing to clarify is that the Stalker Warframe appears in Duviri, but it is not being controlled by the Stalker Tenno.  Lots of things to consider there, like the fact that we have no reason to believe the Stalker Tenno has the ability to "release" their connection with their Warframe, which is an ability we only have due to Teshin's mentorship during the events of The War Within.  And as you've suggested, we have no reason to think that the Stalker would help our Tenno.

    Additionally, here's what Teshin says about the Warframes that appear in his cave:

    "Warframes. Brought here by the paradox. In the world beyond the wall, they were the weapons of a warrior caste called the Tenno.

    When I add up all of these pieces, my hypothesis is that it's not that the Stalker is actively helping us, but rather that the Paradox simply manifested the Stalker Warframe in Duviri.  Which seems fitting, since the Stalker Warframe isn't provided as part of a narrative quest, but rather as an optional treat.

    • Like 1
  5. With the default control scheme on PS5, X (the bottom face button) is what is used to jump and trigger the Void Sling.  However, with default controls the right analogue stick is used to aim the camera.  So I've found it to be a bit of a challenge to aim myself while doing a Void Sling, as my thumb can only aim or fire the sling, but not both simultaneously.  So here's what I do:

    • Try to guess where the orb will be once I sling and aim my camera roughly in that direction.
    • Stop aiming so I can start charging the void sling.
    • When the charge finishes or I manually stop charging, I release and get slung in that direction.

    Unfortunately, my predictions are often off in ways that I can see before I actually finish charging my sling.  From what I see of streamers playing on PC, it looks like that control scheme allows players to keeping adjusting their aim down to the last second, and hence get better results.  Is there a way to do something similar on controller without a drastic control change?  And if not, any tips on strategies that might help?


  6. 3 hours ago, _Euphoria_ said:

    … and when I do I do make some monster build but the worst part is there is always the dreadful “ Now what?” part. 
    There isnt any ultra endgame content to put my builds in use.

    It sounds like you enjoy being creative, so I'd recommend you put some of that creativity into engineering challenges for yourself.  Set goals for yourself that the game doesn't ask of you, and if you really want to push yourself, deprive yourself of certain kinds of mods, weapons, abilities, Operator, etc.  This is a guaranteed way that you can face off against challenges that push your skills and your abilities as a min-maxer.  My concern would be that if you instead wait for DE to manufacture the kind of content you're hoping for, it will never arrive, and that dread you feel will only grow and lead you towards frustration.


    3 hours ago, _Euphoria_ said:

    I log out and wait for the next crazy build idea… wish there was content to reward me for making actually min maxed builds

    I mean, you can use your min-maxed builds in the content that exists in the game.  But if you're asking for content that requires them, then the reality is that it's unlikely to happen.  While there are certainly "hardcore" players like us, the vast majority of Warframe's player base is "casual", and as a free-to-play game Warframe's survival is thus dependent upon DE providing content that is accessible to those players.

    The biggest problem is that when you offer meaningful rewards for content, that content becomes the baseline expectation for the game.  Take Steel Path for example: in it's initial conception, it was meant to offer more hardcore players a challenge*.  But weapon arcanes were offered as rewards there, which immediately made the Steel Path part of the game's critical path for growing your Warframe's power.  And thus, Steel Path immediately became the baseline experience that builds were expected to be able to tackle.  The same would happen to any content offering meaningful rewards.  At this point, DE is assuredly aware of this phenomenon, and thus I would be very surprised if they ever created anything rewarding that felt like a hardcore end-game.

    Granted, I'm not DE, and things change.  I don't speak with any authority and I could be wrong.  But I do want to discourage you from simply waiting and hoping for something I don't think is likely to happen, because I want you to be happy and not full of dread each time you make a cool build.  Which is why I'd suggest that you engineer your own min-maxed challenges to overcome, because that's the only guaranteed way to give your builds the raison d'être you seem to be seeking.


    *Interestingly enough, the initial release of the Steel Path had even longtime, hardcore players complaining about it being tuned too high, as even normal enemies were bullet sponges.  It was a challenge they could tackle but it wasn't an enjoyable challenge to tackle.  DE heard that feedback and their EHP was massively reduced.

  7. Personally, I feel like encounters in Warframe are already hard enough to parse with layers of visual effects that all drown each other out and player-controlled enemies (specters, shadows, etc) that are frequently indistinguishable from enemy enemies.  I wouldn't want things to get even worse by allowing players to use enemy skins.

    That said, there are currently no universal skins for Warframes, and I'd be very surprised if this was the way DE decided to change that.

    • Like 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, kamisama85 said:

    It's the people who absolutely rely on a party to be present with them to hand hold them that will be impacted and that will be largely newer fresher players who cannot complete early or mid content on their own.

    You're making some big assumptions here.  I don't need other players to complete content, but for most people it's a lot more fun to be in a group rather than soloing; if this weren't the case, there's no way DE would be allocating the resources they have to getting cross-play functional.

    If you prefer solo that's fine, but it's hard for me to imagine doing most content in Warframe without my fellow Tenno; they're what truly make each mission something more interesting than mindlessly slaughtering endless waves of AI minions.

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  9. I haven't had any meaningful issues with ESO, but maybe that's because we're after different things?  Is there a reason you want to do long ESO runs?  The bulk of the community uses ESO to quickly level gear, and generally speaking somewhere from 2 to 4 rounds is enough to get back to the level cap, at which point there's no reason to stay.

    22 hours ago, (PSN)keybladermills said:

    Trying to randomly matchmake is even worse since i get people who leave after Zone 1

    For whatever it's worth, I woulds say that leaving before Zone 2 completes is a courteous thing to do, as replacement match-making functions until Zone 3 begins.  This means someone leaving after Zone 1 isn't leaving you one person down for the rest of your run, because a sub will be put in who will likely play longer.

  10. It's not uncommon for me to get called away for a minute here and there to help my spouse with something that requires more hands, and I hope that folks are generally chill with real life interruptions happening from time-to-time.

    But if what you're seeing is someone just standing there for rounds at a time and never returning to contribute, that's an issue.  Thankfully, you can report players like this, as DE considers this to be "griefing/harassment".  After your run, you can do the following:

    1. Open the pause screen
    2. Select Communication
    3. Select Friends
    4. In the upper-right, there should be a list of Recent Players.
    5. Right-click the player, select Report.
    6. Choose "Harassment" (or whatever the exact wording is)
    7. Add the details of what happened and send the report on its way.

    Doing this will make sure DE can keep an eye on these players and intervene if this is a regular occurrence.

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  11. 9 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

    I think the issues with your idea is, of all players are allowed to keep rewards up to the second they've been playing, then there would be a LOT of bail out players,

    I'm not sure if I follow what you're suggesting.  It seems to me that if failure didn't result in lost rewards, there would be no reason for players to jump ship.  Can you explain why you think the number of players who bail would increase?

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  12. 9 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    If you've picked it up, you should keep it when you leave. Simple as. Host migrations, aborts, mission failure, or leaving for any reason whatsoever, you should keep the things you've earned because you've already earned them. Retroactively losing rewards that you've earned because you didn't leave through the right door does nothing but cause headaches. Not only does it punish playing multiplayer in a multiplayer game, even with the most perfect connection that never ever drops it also punishes players for pushing past their limits and making an attempt because if you give it your all and fail then #*!% you for even trying. So people play conservatively and leave at the slightest hint of danger, which is just lame, and anyone that does want to push further and try gets saddled with the resulting migrations and #*!% you for someone else leaving. Why would anyone want either of those things? Just drop the crime and punishment routine.

    This might be the best paragraph I've ever read in these forums.  Well said.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Hobie-wan said:

    I don't see why people are considering angels a 'boss type' enemies.  On non SP missions, they're easy to kill once you know what you're doing and have decent equipment.

    I don't think it has much to do with difficulty, but rather that they have a boss-style health UI, damage-gated phases, a custom arena, and are generally rationed to 1 per level.

  14. During "unexpected" host migrations (like the host's internet dies), my understanding is that there's no way to simply let player's gracefully opt out at that point, because the game was depending on data the host had, which is now lost because they have disconnected.  In the past DE tried to address but it left the game open to hacks so they had to shut that method down.

    However, for "expected" host migrations, things could get better.  If you want to weigh in on a post I recently made in the Feedback section, feel free:

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  15. 14 minutes ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

    Not sure how you would see this as a bug. If you don't get the final shot on an Angel, then you haven't actually killed one, you've only damaged one. Not the same thing.

    This isn't how other boss-type enemies have worked in Nightwave.  "Kill Profit Taker" doesn't only reward the person who gets the final blow.

    But more to the point, it's silly to have players competing to get the final blow on boss-type enemies; this type of design actively works against the cooperation and camaraderie that DE has expressly stated is a goal in their multiplayer content.

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  16. I don't have suggestions for any specific weapons, but what I'd like to see is greater diversity in ways to activate Incarnon Modes for weapons.

    Overall, I would like to see melee weapons that don't depend on combo duration to reach Incarnon mode.  Ranged weapons can build up Incarnon charge without any time limit, so it would be nice to see some melee Incarnons that follow suit.  Some examples of possibilities:

    • Headshots build Incarnon gauge.
    • Hitting at least X enemies with a slam attack builds Incarnon gauge.
    • Attacks that hit no more than one enemy build Incarnon gauge.
    • Each Puncture status effect builds Incarnon gauge.
    • Each Finisher builds Incarnon gauge.
    • Hitting an enemy with an aerial attack builds Incarnon gauge.
    • The first attack after blocking an enemy attack builds Incarnon gauge.

    Just some more ideas of ways to build charge with Incarnon weapons:

    • Punch-through shots that hit at least 2 enemies build Incarnon gauge.
    • (for AoE weapons) hitting at least X enemies with an explosion builds Incarnon gauge


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  17. I think the Archon Hunts are fine as long as you're using one of the tools that circumvents Damage Attenuation, whether it be the Phenmor or the Kuva Hek.  What really sucks is that if you aren't using a similar tool the fight is an artificially lengthy and tedious slog.  In principle I'm not against Damage Attenuation, but I feel like it's vastly over-tuned at the point where it invalidates the majority of the Arsenal (even the "meta" parts).

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  18. 22 hours ago, Apocalypse94 said:

    would you care to explain why? I am generally curious why so many people have this opinion.

    whats wrong with having some dumb fun creating 300+ range builds?

    In short, some semblance of balance is healthy for the game, and this comes in two forms:

    1. Balance between the player and the challenges the game throws at them (generally enemies)
      • Why?  Because generally speaking, players who are unchallenged aren't being engaged and thus tend to get bored.
    2. Balance between the tools players have to address challenges.
      • Why?  Because there's little point in having a game full of hundreds of tools if one category clearly outshines all the rest.  This would be true for even a single-player game, but it's even more true for a multiplayer game.  The more AoE's are evaporating the map, the less the members in your squad who like shooting things in the head get to do that.


    22 hours ago, Apocalypse94 said:

    its not like u can't oneshot the everything with basically everything already.

    With respect, I'm guessing you don't realize that this is a good argument for nerfing existing ranged mods?  If you think there's already a problem, then the solution isn't to lean in and make that problem even worse.


    One other interesting thing to keep in mind: Range is the only stat in Warframe where increasing it results in multiplicative returns rather than additive returns.  If you triple your Strength, you get 3x the effect, but if you triple your Range, your AoE's now cover 9x the area (because πr²).  With that kind of non-linear growth, things can get out of hand really fast, which is why this is an important stat for DE to be extra protective of.

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  19. 18 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    I'm not asking that the k drive have the maneuverability of an archwing, I'm just asking that it doesn't feel like it's driving a tank and that it has more uses than just being an energy restorer.

    I do think that its energy-building feature is one of the K-Drive's most universally accessible and useful feature, but it also has some other abilities you can take advantage of:

    • Becoming invulnerable for 5 seconds (Quick Escape)
    • Creating heat trails like Nezha (Trail Blazer)
    • Stunning enemies (Sonic Boost)
    • Knocking down enemies + Blast (Thrash Landing)
    • Slam Shockwave (no longer requires modding, but can be boosted by Bomb the Landin')
    • Electric damage/procs to enemies (Kinetic Friction)
    • Cold damage/procs to enemies (Cold Arrival)

    Some of these are effective on their own.  For example, some Tenno use Quick Escape as part of their Eidelon strategy, because 5 seconds of invulnerability is an easy way for any frame to stay safe from an anticipated attack.

    Other abilities are more nuanced and aren't as transparently powerful, but I would be surprised if enterprising players weren't finding compelling ways to use them that fit their playstyle.  They likely aren't for everyone, though.

    At least from what I've seen, the abilities of the K-Drive seem to meaningfully outclass those of the Kaithe (no shade to Kaithe, I love my horsie!)

  20. 18 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    I'm not asking that the k drive have the maneuverability of an archwing, I'm just asking that it doesn't feel like it's driving a tank

    When you say tank, do you mean that it feels slow, or that it has difficulty turning, or that it feels like it's using actual "tank controls" the way Resident Evil did on the first Playstation?  Hopefully if I better understand your issue I'll be able to provide some better advice.

    You may already know this, but on the off-chance you don't: tapping the sprint button toggles the K-Drive between two different movement modes.  One mode is slower and keeps the K-Drive aligned with the camera (so that left and right movement result in strafing), while the second mode is faster and makes it so the K-Drive will aim in any direction you press, regardless of the camera.  Depending on what I'm doing, I switch modes to get the kind of control that seems best-suited for my current situation.  As a sidenote, the mod Extreme Velocity only increases speed in the slower mode, while the mod Nitro Boost only increases speed in the faster mode; so deciding whether or not to have one or both of these in your build might impact how the K-Drive feels, especially if you'd like one of the two modes to allow you more precise control (which may be helped with a lower speed, depending on what you want to accomplish).

    That said, some of this might be different depending on your controls?  I use a controller, so if you're using a mouse and keyboard it might make the experience different in ways I've never had to deal with?

  21. Personally I think the game would suffer if we received any additional mods that increase range, so I wouldn't want something like this regardless.

    But if we had to choose between Prime Stretch and Umbral Stretch, I think Primed Stretch would be the better choice, because making it an Umbral mod would mean that frames/builds already using Umbral mods would have greater access to this increased range, and that seems like an undesirable lack of balance.

    But regardless, we have so much range already that the idea of more seems excessive.

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  22. 22 hours ago, OrionSincoat said:

    Yea, but it's only used with those 2 mods, i think the energy could be the balancing/limiting factor for expanding the system

    It could, but I also think this could end up scaring off a lot of players.  At least the way the system currently is, I like that players can opt into whether they're up for this level of additional micro-management in their skateboard experience.  But if things changed maybe it would make more sense to have it be default.

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  23. 12 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    but if they are in a sorry state: they have a crude movement, the primary cannot be used, they do not have abilities like the horse or the archwing, they have no other use beyond being something curious.

    I think whether they're in a "sorry state" or not depends on what you want from them.  If you want a skateboard, they're great.

    12 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    they have a crude movement

    Do they?  They move like a skateboard in skateboard games.  Feels good to me at least.  What problems are you having?  If you share your K-drive build, I'd be happy to try to help you overcome them.

    Now, if you want a skateboard to compete with the efficacy of Archwings and Kaithes as a mode of rapid transportation, it's just never going to happen.  In short, things that fly through the open air can go incredibly fast without downsides, while the same will never be true for a land-based vehicle that has to allow players the time required to react to things like trees and rocks and geometry.

    12 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    they do not have abilities like the horse or the archwing

    This is simply false; with the right mods, a K-Drive has abilities that are arguably more valuable than a Kaithe's.

    And if we're being honest, the majority of people aren't getting much use out of the abilities from Archwings, Kaithes, or K-Drives in ground missions, because they're generally not that impactful compared to any number of less cumbersome alternatives that are available.  Archwing abilities are the most impactful, but a gentle tap will end your Archwing ride, making it much nicer in theory than in practice.

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