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Posts posted by MollAgdeduba

  1. Except for the "elite kosma outrider", i can't find the Elite Kosma variant on earth proxima.

    Someone has found a mission for it? 

    I still miss the elite Taktis, Flak and Cutter from earth, but is like they are not in the game -.- 

  2. On 2019-12-18 at 1:54 AM, Shonaney said:

    You lucky bastard, i only got 2 vidar engines and a shield, all crap, i wouldnt belive there even is a reactor...

    First it feels like the 3 houses offer a variability: you want it balanced, or focused on A or on B

    But after doing the missions, you get dumped with zetki stuff

    That would imply EVERY ship was most important...the drops should mostly throw lavan stuff at you, cheap, mass produced, "the backbone of the Orokin fleet"

    parts of vidar and zetki should be equal in drop but could be kinda rare cause these are the better parts for "important ships" or "specialized units"

    Lavan? Vidar? They are just legends... only zetki everywheeeeeere!!!

    • Like 1
  3. Cause we are making a competition...

    1) If you start the game and you got stuck in "infinite loading screen", Team 1 take a point.

    2) If you start a game and you complete the loading but the map is just skybox totally empty, the Team 2 take a point.

    You can't choose a team, but is assigned during your various failure of enter the map. If you fail more time in first method, you got Team 1, else Team 2. The winning team, coud access to sentient ship on next rotation, the losing one lost 1000 credits

    For now i'm Team 1 😃

  4. 9 hours ago, Toppien said:


    that's the common behavior I've been encountering lately on public games, i find it funny and sad a the same time...

    for example, we were on a veil mission then when i decide to use the main cannon on the ship to get rid of a crew-ship that was constantly healing the fighters, the "captain" goes nuts and starts griefing me for "wasting his ammo" and im like "wtf i just killed a ship that was being a real pain in the butt" but no, the guy says that is his ship and his ammo.

    another different mission one guy was just fooling around chasing fighters at the other side of the map (cuz the damn things keep fleeing if you pursue them) but when i decide to move the ship to a more safe location behind some asteroids this guys gets mad and says "enjoy the host migration, get your own ship"

    well excuse me, my ship is actually pretty good but i cant host for sht so i end up solo with my ship, but anyways.

    the point is that people are starting to get really touchy and possessive with their ships, so much for a cooperative game mode 😞 and i cant wait for the command intrinsic to be released

    90% agree with you 😃

    10% is about cannon. Some people see there are cannon munition so start to spam without any consideration. I don't like that; cannon is suppposed to be a weapon for big ship or vaste group of enemy (if u have missile swarm) and not for asteroid farming.

  5. I open this topic for start a discussion and maybe "turn light on" on some strange things you could encounter in the emptyness of space...

    I start telling what i know... i hope you could expand the discussion... Let's go!

    -) First of all and most important, the Sentient Ship. I never encounter one, and i don't know if you could encounter it multiple times, or just one time. Spawn only on Veil, and give you a special hidden quest.

    -) The orokin Tower is something you could find in your map. I just have encounter that 1 times but don't know what's inside and what you can do there.

    -) The Grineer 2 lockdown. This sometimes happen when a "grineer galleon parking bay" spawn. I've done the lockdown but nothing happen... there are also 2 thing you could shot on the ring, but also that do nothing

    -) small grineer double asteroid is a strange grineer structure where with some pipe they connected 2 small asteroid. inside one there is a small corridor that lead form a part to the other, and ther's a door in the middle of this corridor. There are a lot of thing you could destry but i don't understand if you unlock something after destroy all or is just decorative.

    -) Small grineer asteroid is not properly a single things, but they have different shape and sometimes armament. They have door but cn't be opened, i think they could be for future update... 


    Sry for bad english... now is your times 😃 

  6. Ok... i need a massive ammount of this material, and even with x2 booster activate, i still don't have enought for build the MKIII... so, my question is: where is the best place and method to farm this material?

    Now i'm playing veil, usually at the end of the mission i don't have too much... (200 more or less), this means a mission without X2 give more or less 100 titanium; We are supposed to have quazillion of this material, so i need suggestion foir a rapid and efficient farm.


    TY 😃

  7. As title say, i'm writing to you for a simple idea: use the railjack method of farming for every single mission in the game, so one people take a resources, all people share the same ammount. Same for Endo, Mod, various drop, etc... 


    -) We are a team that work togheter for finish a mission, so it is reasonable tht we share resources at the end of the mission, (like we already do with credits)

    -) This could help new player to take faster the reource they need (yes, i know that the most of you don't need that little more nano spores... buy maybe someone need)

    -) This could create in the game new role for player during a mission (now the only role is "crazy run killing faster"; maybe in a mission there could be someone that say "i go farm while u defend the objective", etc..)

    -) Some people simply don't ping important mod or resources. Some cause don't see them, some don't think you could need, some are simply bad people. But with this method no problem. If u take a rare mod, everyone take. If you take a precious alloy plate, everyone take. 


    In railjack could be useful to share also the resources taken inside the enemy base and starship.

    • Like 5
  8. I love your idea... 

    Last day, with my bad english, i tried to describe a way to merge the actual orbiter with our railjack

    I link you the post: 

    Some people in the discussion has gone a little Off topic, but for say it easy, i found where is possible to add all the actual orbiter room inside the railjack (in unused space).

    I also tell that:
    -) This room will not be accessible during the railjack mission
    -) Decoration only allowed in particular areas. Maybe they could make a system like the dojo (where you could not decorate near your room console), so they could avoid decoration in particuar areas of the railjack causing troll 

  9. 1 minute ago, Teliko_Freedman said:

    Well there's already a transport tube for getting to your railjack from your orbiter.

    Right in front of the room to your Operator Throne.

    I know... but is not the same as have a door that automatically open. The pipe is just an escamotage cause they are not really connected.

    Is like: "dojo and orbiter are connected cause you just press it in the nvigation screen"

  10. So... maybe have the choose, after the completition of railjack quest to stop live in your actual orbiter and start to live in the "orbiter/railjack" i've described before.

    This means:

    -) You don't lose your actual orbiter, you simply "abandon it" and when you login and/or finish a game, instead of your actual ship, you arrive in the "railjack/orbiter", put this as an option, so you can everytime return back

    -) In "railjack-orbiter" you'll have exactly the same room and function of your actual orbiter and you can decorate there

    -) Actual room of the orbiter "quest-related" will be locked also on the railjack since quest requirements are meet (infested room, transference room)

    -) Decoration (for now) will be allowed ONLY in the room i described that re the same we have on our orbiter

    So, logically this proposal is like: "having a car and a roulotte" or "having a camper". Now we are in the first situation: 2 different ship one parked in space and one docked with a big pipe. The second situation is just having 1 ship that is both house and fighter.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Aldrr said:

    Off the top of my head, couple things to consider:

    • the Railjack is a warship we take into combat
    • the Orbiter is our home and stores everything we have
    • would you take your home base into a fight that could destroy everything?

    (yeah yeah it's a game, for our own sake, it probably would not happen, but would it make sense to do so?)

    • also, if the two ships were to be merged, that would mean the Railjack should also be able to hold decorations
    • but then I ask you: could you shoot anything if the window was fully decorated with floof plushies? because trust me I'm sure there are mad lads out there who'd do it for the lols

    Well my point of view is a little different. Yes railjack is warship; the best warship ever been constructed, the multidimensional jewel of the orokin fleet at maximum of theyr greatness. And we are soldier that fight with the ship. 

    To the point of wiew of the grineer we are like pirates, commanding the deadliest galleon of the galaxy, and our dojo is the hidden harbour. So it could be sensed if we use in battle a ship where we also live. The captain and his ship.

    About decoration i say something and i repeat: to avoid useless lag and troll decoration, the room i proposed (image 2, 3 and 4) doesn't exist during the regular mission. You are in the railjack and the door of image 2 and 3 will stay closed, and the ramp of image 4 will not get down. They will be "downloaded" a the end of the mission, when you come to the dojo or when you go to the "free flight" mode. 

    • Like 5
  12. 12 minutes ago, KnossosTNC said:

    Functionally, I think that's already the long-term idea, though due to considerations like decorations I don't think they'll ever ditch the Orbiter entirely in the current game. At most, I think they'll just give you the option instead.

    As I said, if there is ever a Warframe 2 (more likely than you think), I expect DE to start with Empyrean 1.1 and go from there.

    well... in my idea you attach to the railjack room and hallways for exactly the same space you now have in the orbiter, and you can also decorate them.


    I think there would be issues with decorating your railjack but still keeping it "functional." Personally I'm fine with it. It does feel odd that we have 3 different ships.

    When i say that in mission you can't access the door and the ramp (img 1 2 and 3) is to avoid useless lag due to ultradecorated ship (so the game simply don't charge those room during mission time) but maybe they become accessible in free space or dojo

    • Like 1
  13. Ok... i really love the new railjack, and i love my orbiter too. But i think they must be merged intoo one single ship.

    In this first image i show you from outside railjack, where there could be the "living room" and the "infested room" of our actual orbiter


    The second and third image are taken from the inside and represent where there could be a door for access your "actual orbiter", just like you are going out of the transference room.



    So if you have a door here, you could enter in a part of the ship tht is like your actual orbiter; on your left you have the "living quarter" and on your right the "infested room". the hallaway could be exactly like now, and taking one of 2 ramp you arrive in the part of the orbiter where you have the foundry, the arsenal, the incubator, BUT on your head you have no glass (the new glass), cause you are in a lower level of the ship and the hallway don't have at his end the ramp for enter in your upper part of the orbiter (where you have the market and the codex and navigation). Istead of that ramp, you could have the transference room door.

    So since now we have a place for everything except the landing craft (upper part of the orbiter with navigation)

    In this image i put a circle in the place where there could be the landing craft access. Instead of that column, you coud simply have the "mobile ramp" that leads you to your landing craft, giving access to your actual "upper part".


    Note: During the railjack mission both of the door (img 2 & 3) and the ramp (img 4) will be closed and not accessible

    --- --- --- --- --- 

    Why this idea? Well... i really love the idea of have a big ship, and i love both orbiter and railjack. So, merge the orbiter ship inside the railjack could be really the best idea. Having the big space of the railjack mixed with our home, the orbiter.

    Note: If you see the red circle of "image 1", our railjack is structured for smething on left and on right so ther's also nothing to change in the exterior

    Plz... comment and share this idea 😃 😃 =).   

  14. 3 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

    We helped cure Alad...

    Find a 'cure' blueprint in gas city. Create a antitoxin. Find this crew member and use the gear item antitoxin that lets us capture him like a target. 

    His mind is spared but he's too wounded to take out of stasis. Go to Europa and find a burnt out corpus ship AI core. Get mats to repair core. Go to Lua and find a transfer pods. Install the corpus body into the pod and insert empty AI core. Defend the core for a ridiculously long time as it downloads his consciousness into a cephalon.

    You now have Jon Prodmans second cousin as a Gunner AI for railjack solo.

    were not worthy waynes world GIF

  15. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    Don't get me wrong, I've been very outspoken about criticizing our genocidal and dictator-like tendencies, and questioning the motives of the Lotus for literal years before *spoilers* but...

    As much money as we have for our needs in the game, I doubt we have anywhere enough money to buy their loyalty over the Corpus that buy and maintain entire technologically advanced civilizations of celestial bodies for years at a time (before overhauls shift planetary control :P).

    Well corpus have a lot of moneys... but they are still super-capitalysts, this means that the "big boss" are rich and have theyr civilization, ship, corporation etc... etc..., but the poor semi-infested corpus is probably underpayed, slavized and totally sacrificable (so we don't need to much money to be "more" than he is payed now).

    And we, the tanno, are not so poor as u say... we own an Orbiter, that is supposed to be a giantic mothership, 4 different landing craft ultra tecnologically-advanced, now we are completing the construction of our own star cruiser, and this ship is not buyed, but (and for this i speack for me) builded inside my personal drydock in my personal giantic star-hidden base.

    With the prospective of millions of credit, and considering the gratitude of saving his life, he will enoy to be our little slave 😃 ... .... ... or otherwise it will be purged 😃

  16. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    The Corpus are genocidal slave traders that literally worship money.

    Why would we save him?...

    Well if he want to work for a genocidal, slve traader, super-evil corporation, we, the tenno are the best choice! 

    Why work for the noob corpus, when he could be extremely more racist, genocidal, fanatic, and rich by working for the tenno? I don't know how much is payed a regular crewman, but i'm sure i can pay it twice, and i need a crew of loyal heartless slave-soldier to be crew in my railjack.

    Yes.. yes... the tenno are the just... always in the right part! (sadic laugh in "destroyed the orokin empire" and exterminte half of the life of the glaxy)

    • Like 2
  17. Infested ship are "abandoned but not unhabited". Where all the hope is finish and everyone is dead, ther's still a poor corpus, that could be saved. When we look at him, he see us as his saver, but the only way is kill him...for now.

    Here an image, so yuo could know who i'm talking for.


    We are tenno and honour is our philosophy of life (or it is supposed) so is our job to save him.


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