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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 14 hours ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    i wouldn't mind a difficult to aquire weapon,too... tedium and monotony don't equal difficulty though.

    Now that you mention it, having a weapon or gear that is locked behind some kind of challenge or weird task doesn't sound too bad.

    Full stealth, Ability-only, no-floor, or something else.

    Unfortunately though, that sounds more like in the line of an event or a Tactical Alert, which would most likely just reward Wraith/Vandal weapons.

  2. 9 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    If they actually believed it to be a mistake, they would have fixed it. Changing one number is utterly trivial. Adding a script to refund the excess spent is pretty easy now that there's a tracker for member contributions to the clan (sadly, it's still not itemised).

    No, they're dead set on putting the thumbscrews to their playerbase.

    Yeah, isn't that the official response and stance from DE? which more or less goes:

    "Yeah, it's a mistake. We went too far, but we won't change it to honor those who have already farmed for it."

    Isn't that the response? I'm just re-stating what I hear.

  3. The more I read it, the more confused I get.

    Can I try breaking it down to better understand this?


    33 minutes ago, IanSomerhalde said:

    Before that, I remember there was a melee weapon,
    "Screw turning blade.""
    That's right, isn't it?

    I don't remember DE ever teased anything about this. Where have you heard of this? Also, what exactly do you mean by it?


    33 minutes ago, IanSomerhalde said:

    Make sure it is a group weapon,
    Central Minnesota
    Third groups

    You mean Clan research weapons? Where a group of Tennos contribute to research a gear?

    But you mentioned Central Minnesota and Third Groups. Am I missing something here?


    33 minutes ago, IanSomerhalde said:

    However, I do not know what is the reason, you have been ruthless change the value and ability to value, I am very sad. I hope you can change this weapon back.

    Change what weapon? the Screw turning blade? It would be helpful if you can give us a wiki link to that weapon.


    34 minutes ago, IanSomerhalde said:

    On our side, the whip is considered as a weapon given by God to women, and men are given the means of protecting women by unarmed,


    I don't remember any belief that have this notion. Mind telling us which faith is this?


    35 minutes ago, IanSomerhalde said:

    I would like to have a new male warframe, which is more handsome than men. For example, banshee is lying on the ground, and the gas is ridiculed by my friends as "farting", so I have higher expectations of posture. Half kneeling on the ground, then the single hand push, face gaze, frown, another hand fell back.
    Maybe you can call this male warframe as
    The Ill-Made Knight? ahh~

    Your description of a new Warframe really confused me.

    More handsome than men: Okay... this is an odd request for what is basically an Infested based power suit.

    The rest made me even more confused on what is it you want with this Frame. Do you just want a Frame that has the look of a Greek god? Or something else?


    Okay, breaking it down just makes me even more confused. Sorry about that.

  4. 1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    They might not even have most of her abilities locked down though so who knows. Sometimes their concepts change radically from what they originally start with. Just saying glass probably is better for now, until we see the final ability set or close to it. 

    True that. We'll just wait and see.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Glass Cannon frame for ???

    Actually, it's Glass frame. Glass cannon is a different term altogether which translate to "high damage, low durability", and I remembered DE said that the Glass frame won't be that fragile.

    Agree with your overall points though.

  6. 1 hour ago, Stalker_Cake said:

    no, i just forced mag to give sol her boobies back. mag has enough boobies, she doesn't need more

    How do we know you're not actually plotting behind our back with Mag?

  7. "Yes, I want another gear to set apart the elites and the casuals. Something for the hardcores to do and alienate the casuals away so I can play with those elites".

    Another one of this, huh? What, now that the Hema megathread is locked you fell like you're missing something so you want to stir the hornet nest again?

    Let the Hema and aggravated grind to rest. DE themselves already admitted it's a mistake.

  8. A Priest for Lotus.

    Will there be a religion or cult around our Space Mom?


    On the color scheme, it looks nice.

    The color scheme is kinda dark for the Nelumbo Syandana, which is quite bright colored. Will you darken the Nelumbo or change it up to match the Syandana?

  9. 8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)KOR Falleneagle said:

    but does it drop mutagen samples at the same rate?

    Unfortunately no, since it uses the Resource drop table of the planet it's on. 


    On 7/1/2017 at 4:13 AM, Sephyslapp said:

    Don't bother with it.  The harrow systems don't exist.  Sure people will show you screens hots of it but no.  They're photoshopped.


    On 7/6/2017 at 8:16 PM, k05h said:

    I started on Phobos and Saturn but the drop rate is only about 7% there. So I moved to Neptune where the drop rate is about 11%. No luck there. I just bought him after more than 3 hours of defection. I guess that is the best way to go if you care about your sanity. 

    After 3 hours of defection you really appreciate infested salvage which was my most disliked game mode for the longest time.

    Wow, I'm starting to feel bad that I got the system on my third run. Well, @k05h, at least your Harrow grind is over.

  10. On 7/21/2017 at 5:04 PM, StryfeXD said:

    2: I definatelly agree with you that the frame should be based on supporting the team, and reducing damage, but...

    A: I think that playstyle wouldnt appeal to alot of players if the frame did 0 damage

    B: Trinity, Limbo, and a mojority of the other support frames have damaging abilities as well

    I suppose you have a point there. But people used those abilities mainly not to deal damage, but to support the team as, well, support frames. Trinity's Energy Vampire gives energy, Limbo gives you pseudo-invincibility, Loki's Radial Disarm to disarm enemies.

    So, how about giving it some support potential instead? Give the shield bash some AoE armor boost or damage reduction?

  11. 1 hour ago, Halisi said:

    Fine, I will admit that I have gotten some information wrong. Memory isn't always precise. I'm willing to admit that. 

    However that doesn't change the fact that you guys are being overly aggressive over an opinion. I merely stated information to try and support my case, and because it isn't 100% correct, because you don't agree with it. My point is mute. I get that though. You can't convince everyone.

    Facts are nice, facts are true. But just because you call something a fact doesn't make it so. Many people in this thread are throwing around opinions. Me included. But I at least tried to support my claims that Frost P meant something. But one thing does remain true. Some people have really strong opinions against this prime with prime promotion. Anyone who has voiced that opinion in this thread has had their post viciously dissected for anything that can be used to negate their point or opinion.

    So everything else aside can we agree to disagree, and to stop being jerks. That's all I really wanted to say with my first post. OP doesn't deserve all of this, you guys are being childish.

    edit: I will also admit that I got emotional earlier. I wanted to try and make you all see how you were acting and what it was like to read. I didn't get Frost Prime when he first released. But I remember going into this strange place called the void. Doing puzzles I didn't understand. And listening to my clan mates talk about these prime things. I had no idea what was so special about them at the time. I also remember people walking around in their Frost Primes and I thought he was so cool. Him and Excal Prime were special, I had neither at the time.

    Primes weren't as different, as they are today. But they were different enough back then to mean something. We aren't going to agree on the technicalities of all this. That's ok. But it still hurt to see what was obviously unwarranted disrespect. Respect for opinions is never a given, but not having respect for people over opinions isn't ok. There is a strong sentiment of "I don't have to be nice to anyone" going on in this thread and I don't like it.

    Expressing your opinions are not forbidden, yes, and people have every right to agree or disagree. But when the opinion is on the same tone people see over and over (Mah exclusive is now attainable), it's a small wonder people got hostile about it.

    The same opinion got thrown around with the first Prime Unvaulting, when some of the first Event weapons got available through Baro. I can see why they would get sick of seeing it. I agree that there's no need to be rude, but understand that the community is already sick of the same tone.

    I compared it with the Prime unvaulting and Baro since you still need to do something to get the "Free" Prime anyway, as mentioned in the first page of this thread: Activating Twitch Prime and link it to your account. And, as people have said, not everyone have access to activate it, so they're locked out of this "free" content.

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