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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 7 minutes ago, Trajectory9 said:

    Im sorry that u didnt like it but pls ... this was suppose to be positive go put ur negativity somewhere else pls :D. BTW if u can show me where people think that fashion frames are suppose to be all pink then pls tell me. 

    I think he's just joking around, so don't take his word too literally.

  2. As much as it would make sense (just for some pattern), I don't think it's possible. Considering the amount of time DE have to put into making a new Frame, I don't think we will have a Sundial Warframe. I'm saying not just for consideration for new players, but also for consideration for the developers, who most likely have to draft, design, code, and make a whole new Frame within 50 days.

  3. The Corpus Ice Planet would be my choice, since a lot of the area can zap my Shield just for being there.

    I also kept on going lost in the Kuva Fortress, and as some people said above, the mini-map somethimes doesn't help. Kinda makes sense, since a Fortress is supposed to be designed to keep people out or give a massive home-field advantage.

    Newly re-mastered Earth now moves to one of the tileset I actively avoid, mostly since my first experience with it is massive lag. Which is sad, since what little I can see is actually quite beautiful.

  4. 13 minutes ago, StryfeXD said:

    I'm saying this because we have a rifle, bow, pistol, punching, sword, polearm, and claw based warframes, so can we PLEASE have a shield one?

    Forgive me for being off-topic so early, but I'm kinda confused which Frames you're referring to with this list.

    Rifle - ???

    Bow - Ivara

    Pistol - Mesa

    Punching - Atlas

    Sword - Excalibur

    Polearm - ???

    Claw - Valkyr

    Can you tell me the ones I'm missing out? I'm genuinely confused.


    Back to topic, I kinda like the idea of a Shield based unit, since I usually prefer to deny or evade enemies damage rather than increasing my own. So I'll try to give my feedback on your idea

    13 minutes ago, StryfeXD said:

    1: Shield Bash: Aoe cone knockback that does damage by slamming enemies with the shield.

    2: Boomerang Toss: Throws shield like a throwable melee, but knocks enemies down if hit.

    3: Stand Back: Enlarges shield into a massive shield that blocks all projectiles/ explosives. Can't use weapons while active. Shield bash and Boomerang Toss require more energy, and take longer to cast, but deal increased damage, and have a wider range. 

    4: Aegis Of (insert cool name): Gives all allies in X range 2/3/4 shields (depends on rank) and gives them 50% damage reduction. If an enemy is hit by a shield, they are staggered or knocked down.

    1. Personally, I think the first skill should be some kind of identifier, a small taste of the Frame playstyle. A shield unit are supposed to be the one who protect or take the damage, so giving him an offensive ability felt kinda like a miss to me. How about an ability that gives a damage reduction or a Front shield? (Need to differentiate with Volt and Frost, after all).

    2. A Crowd Control skill to help mitigate damage, huh? I suppose that could work.

    3. Heavily inspired by Braum alright. The idea is the very pinnacle of a shield Frame, so I'm guessing this will be the core ability of the Frame. The increased range on the Boomerang toss is helpful, but I think the increased damage is redundant. You're not expecting to deal much damage with this Frame anyway, so I think a damage increase is not that fitting.

    4. I'm confused with what you're thinking with this. Giving allies shield, as in several shields will hover around them like Nova's Null star? The CC this ability gives can further help protect allies, but I'm still kinda confused about the overall nature of this ability.

    That's the opinion I could give. Let me know if I got something wrong.

  5. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)CLASSIFIEDGTA said:

    I know, but I'm guessing it will happen eventually.

    Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they never get primed variants, since there time locked weapons. I dunno, what do you think?

    Well, it could be a good move to prolong the Daily Tribute Milestone instead of coming up with new ideas every 200 days, so I wouldn't say it's impossible.

    But people also says that there are other things that could get the sundial theme, such as Warframe, Sentinel, Archwing gear (this one could generate some salt), or maybe a Syandana (like the Anniversary reward. It kinda follows the secondary > Melee > Rifle. Reaching, I know, I'm just saying).

  6. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    Wait till they release Prime Azima 800 Prime Zenistar 1000 and Prime Zenith 1200 via log in lol:satisfied: the salt will flow :crylaugh:

    I like using the three Sundial weapons, so I will be quite hyped if this happened.

    No salt from me!

  7. 17 minutes ago, uAir said:

    And that's the community I have to contend with. I don't know how to get through to you guys. It's like, I can lay out the facts in bullet point and construct tests after test and show you and even ask you all to go to test it for yourselves but you all would rather just trust people like this Dark guy. And why? Because I'm suggesting something you don't initially agree with while he's saying something that you identify with more so you are more apt to agree with him? Really, what is it? Do you just not like looking at yourself in the mirror and consider for a moment that the way you've been doing things is not the best way to do things?

    Because this is a game and not a job. We play games to have fun, to do weird stuff. You can play a game the "optimal" way, but it's hardly the ONLY way. When we want to goof off and perhaps let the enemies live a little longer so we can do weird stuff with them, what's wrong with that? When we just want to zip past enemies so fast without killing them, is that wrong?

    Again, Fun =/= efficiency. You might see it that way, but not everyone share the exact same view. That is what makes us individuals.

    When you said it's "detrimental to the team", you practically signed up for it when you joined a RANDOM match. Like I said, not everyone enjoy the game the same way. You asked every single person on this game to follow YOUR idea. In a Random match, you're supposed to adapt, to try to change with each other, not asking everyone to follow YOUR individual wishes.


    The Lotus have already said this in the very beginning of the game, "Seek like-minded individuals". You refused to do that, and yet asked everyone to bow down to you. Can you see why we disagree with you?

  8. 27 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


    They're both locked behind daily time walls and exclusive to a system in the game. Weapons sorta make sense since we have event weapons we cannot trade but Mods just don't make any sense to me. Esp when in those same events, we can trade the mods. There's a needless double standard going on here.

    Actually, I heard it's because some people make multiple duplicate account and farmed those Mods for massive buck. Multi-account exploit is a ban-able offense here, after all. I suppose DE thought that monitoring millions of accounts one by one everyday is too much of hassle and just made them untradeable in the first place.

  9. 5 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    I mean for one thing it's common knowledge to bring toxin damage against shields. For the other if your teammates are so unprepared that they don't know that simple fact, bringing shield disruption isn't going to be much of any help even if they did bring three more and two coactions, because let's face it, if they are too inexperienced to know that toxin damage or gas procs go through shields, they are too inexperienced for their weapons to do much of anything shields or not. 

    Well, if we want to argue details, not everyone can figure out that Toxin bypass shield right off the bat without consulting to the wiki, asking from players, or pure dumb luck. If you only look at the Codex, Magnetic damage deal the most damage to their shield. And since the first few experience against the Corpus would imply that the shield is their biggest defense, a lot people starting out would conclude that Magnetic damage is the best against Corpus. I once met someone (at MR14 or 12, I think) during an Augmented Shield Sortie that didn't know Toxin bypass shield entirely and I have to tell him about it.

    So yeah, "under the hood" interactions such as that would require a little digging, but once they figure it out they can try new tricks to solve more problems.

  10. 22 minutes ago, uAir said:

    -Lack of armor removal on Juggernaut so damage that could be in the thousands or tens of thousands was poking away at tens or hundreds of damage only giving Juggernaut that much more opportunity to nuke the team.

    Do you even know how the Juggernaut works?

  11. 37 minutes ago, uAir said:

    It would make it easier for me to get my stuff. And at the same time it would make it easier for everyone to get their stuff.
    If it only benefited me but there was something else out there that would benefit everyone on a whole and much more than it would benefit only me I'd opt for the latter.
    For example, if running Growing Power benefits myself but running CP would benefit everyone in the party I'd rather run CP.

    Growing Power also gives it's effect on teammates, so they can also reap the benefit of extra Power Strength. More damage for various Exalted weapon, more health for Iron Skin or Snow Globe, more damage on Nova Antimatter drop, more slow on Nova Molecular Prime.

    Also, try to imagine a full team with Growing Power. An extra 100% Power Strength on each Status dealt, which could translate to various benefits:

    • Massive extra heal per second and Armor from Oberon Renewal to help protect against stray shots or from enemies that you didn't even have the time to shoot
    • Massive increase in Volt Speed Multiplier when you want to just zip past to extraction.
    • Increase in Speed Multiplier of Zephyrs Jet Stream Augment.
    • Massive increase in Frost Snow Globe, to protect those squishy excavator.

    Power Strength doesn't always translate to more killing power, since several utility abilities also benefit from it.

    37 minutes ago, uAir said:

    And dash polarity on aura is also really good. You can switch to Energy Siphon, which again, benefits everyone and helps Loki out in spy missions.
    You could run Shield Disruption. Loot Detector.

    That's just because a lot of Aura are in the Naramon polarity. We got 6 Madurai Aura, 5 Vazarin aura, 1 Zenurik Aura, and 12 Naramon Aura.


    37 minutes ago, uAir said:

    Yeah, we could all run Steel Charge. But what do you do when you come to armor enhanced high level enemies? Your V polarities are all worthless compared to a well thought out team with CP.

    Steel Charge biggest benefit is more mod points, which translate to bigger stats to tweak with. Also, how high level do you start to struggle with? level 500? Beyond the balance of what the Dev intended? If so, you already need a pre-made team anyway. Asking Randoms to go with you on long endurance run is just uncalled for.


    37 minutes ago, uAir said:

    Or D polarity. You get Infested Impedance. Stacked x4 it's pretty nice. But if it's only infested without nullifiers then there are much easier ways to deny movement and entry to a large number of infested enemies than with using D aura. Because again, if you ever have to go to high armor enemies you're D aura slot is vastly inferior to CP.

    Nice example for your stance. Bringing Infested Impendance outside of Infested missions are generally seen as a waste or oversight anyway, and sometimes unwanted in Defense missions. Most people already ran Rejuvenation if they have it, which could save you on random toxic clouds or slash procs.

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