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Posts posted by Neo3602

  1. Just now, Unus said:

    Scuse me for the delay ladies and germs, projects aren't getting finished due to the ongoing crises of "my cat swallowed something and my family hasn't been able to do anything about it for days till today whereupon my cat is currently going under the knife to remove a mass of artificial material that has been blocking her stomach and starving her."


    If you need to understand the situation better, replace "cat" with "my child" and include two sleepless days of wondering if every errant twitch of hers is either discomfort, or, early stage sepsis.


    Apologies that reality is interfereing with both quality and timing of a bounty of potentially interesting reads folks!

    Wow, that really sucks, I hope the surgery goes well and you're cat ends up ok.

  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)i7081277 said:

    If im being honest

    I find this whole thing really unfair.

    I don't meant to be salty but theres like 3,500 uploads or something for abilities. The only people who are getting voted for are the ones on the first few pages. How is that a representation of what the community wants? when 99% of submissions are being completely ignored and overlooked.


    I'm pretty sure the likes on the posts don't matter, DE will go through the thread and pick the abilities that they like not the ones with the most likes.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, AltairFerenc said:

    I see what you want but like how the hell you want to DEFEND something in an interesting way? Escort it to the extraction? Oh that Hijack. Defending multiple things? Oh that mobile defence. You coud take inspiration from disruption sure but still things won't change that much. The mission type that needs revisited is capture, you shoot the guy you want to capture in ways everything else would die ingame, then while it's kneeling down you turn him into some flashy particile effect and consume it into your hand and space mom say she will interrogate him back at base, like where is this "base"? Can I know what he knew, so we needed him so badly? And how the hell you question some orange particles in my hand?

    I agree that Capture missions could use a 2.0 as well, maybe make it so that capture target is in a some what well defended area that you have to try to sneak into instead of having them wandering around out in the open.

    Neither Hijack or mobile defense are endless and I'm more interested in a mode that is like what we currently have but with more variety enemies as well as side objectives to complete during the mission for additional variety. 

  4. 1 minute ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Defense isn't boring if you actually make it faster via ranged Loki disarm, speed nova or simply nuking. I've done 10 waves in 9min.

    It's also boring because you guys are spamming it for relics and affinity.

    Maybe try not being as slow as possible and walking around gently tapping enemies with your level 2 unmodded weapons lol.

    Ahh yes defense it boring not because it's the same S#&$ every wave in the same room with no variation, no it must be because we're not doing it fast enough and trying to drag the whole thing out as long as possible by using poorly modded gear, yes that must be it. /s

    • Like 6
  5. 8 minutes ago, UserO1 said:

    If you want more variety with mini-bosses and different places, do a bunch of disruption missions. 

    No need to revisit the original defense missions. New players need an easy intro before getting too complicated. 

    All demolysts do most of the time is ignore you in favor of running toward the conduit.

    And if you're so concerned about new players just have any defense mission that starts below level 10 behave as thy currently do.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, -skimmer- said:

    However Excavation is. Thats about as dynamic with defense as you can get...unless you want to go all the way into Defection. I believe DE already tried most of the variants.

    True, though that was just one suggestion I threw out there. 

    IMO instead of switching the defense target after a number of waves I'd rather go with making the waves more interesting via special waves and mini bosses along with adding secondary defense targets that after being defended for a number of waves give an additional reward.

  7. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

    Ok, hear me out here...

    What if... in the Grineer Galleon Hydron-like defense mission...

    The elevator moved WHILE enemies kept spawning in a wave?

    Eh?? Ehhhhh?!

      Reveal hidden contents

    But in all seriousness, in a game based on movement, Defensive objectives are kinda doodoo in comparison to everything else.


    Agreed, making the Defense tilesets bigger and giving us a reason to do more than just sit near the target and kill everything that comes near it by say having things we need to kill before it gets to the target or other side objectives that will make our job easier could go a long way to make things more interesting.

  8. As the title suggests I think that it's time that DE looks into revamping the Defense game mode. Of all the endless game modes it's the most static and unchanging, you spend wave after wave sitting in the same area killing the same enemies and it gets boring. To be fair some defense tiles such as those on Ceres, Uranus, Lua, and on the Grineer Gallon do attempt to change things up by moving the defense target around(though the Grineer Gallon barley moves it). Even so moving the defense target does little to make things more interesting.

    Some things that I think DE could do to spice thing up would be to have special waves appear every few rounds(eximus waves, waves with a specific type of enemy ect., a wave that has a mini boss, secondary defense targets that could be defended for additional rewards, or after a set number of rounds the current target is defended and you move on to another one ect.

    In short Defense missions are boring and monotonous, and need some variety during the rounds to keep things fresh.

    Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

    • Like 4
  9. 5 minutes ago, Diavoros said:

    We are pretty much just gonna use the same chamber and loader parts, only the grips will be different, bigger for being held as primary weapons.

    I'm hoping that grips will do something interesting to make them different from their secondary counterparts.

  10. I do have to agree that the Aerolysts are pretty annoying to deal with, they really should change the canisters to work like nullifier bubble requiring a certain number of hits to destroy, make the vulnerability period a bit longer, and add a way to deal with them using slower firing weapons.

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