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Everything posted by (PSN)jockhotty

  1. It was actually and opportunity to stimulate the minds of other players and their hopes and dreams and for DEor some of its people to be ale to see and absorb.
  2. Please do not dare remove Kahl missions, maybe ill help make a video to show how fun and useful they can be.Hint. Addittionally, perhaps a bump in the quality of shards available or a bump in the random chance that the one you buy will be enhanced.....in this manner maybe that will encourage people to explore more and actually see what these areas are all about and how they carry better parts of the NEW war through.
  3. That is a very annoying thing, the first time i got that i just incredibly" picked the right ones in the right order and it opened and i thought it was a NICE glitch figuring it didnt matter if it ever happened again. Never again did i select the right order when it has happened. It has happened more common than it should but it also seems to NOT happen to EVERYONE in your same squad so others can rescue the glitch if they pay attention. Another point is I have never found a single commonality to why it might trigger. I also use playstation, it would be interesting to see what might happen in a mixed platform squad, maybe it is only a playstation thing, .....or specifying your detail of that experience might provide useful to the devs
  4. Ok I suppose hoping for Ceres openworld fully animated industrial complex is too soon,, or the Tau system in reality with all of its initial 5 planet/place tile sets cannot be put into that thread
  5. no no, not like that. I mean where was a thread of DE inquiring From us players, about what we thought might be a big reveal at Tennocon
  6. Is there really a thread about what the tennocon reveal will be? Please guide me to it if there is such a beast. Thanks
  7. Noted: less provocative and more careful language going forward
  8. This is my segment where i spontaneously randomly insert a cryptic like comment about something I think has been done extremely well. Setting of the warframes on the horse has been done so cleverly effective its amazing( granted I just realized i havent tried Yareli or gyreskirt yet) But to be spontaneous, Ive high hopes already. GREAT JOB!
  9. LAst but not least...will the next prime frame be able to demolish a corpus cleaning drone. At least to make up for past humor. This K-Horse needs like 6 appearance slots for ambitious players super soon and really ought to join the main arsenal menu system.
  10. Nihil's Oubliette is such an amazing looking decoration. Any chance the new team leadership would allow owning more than one, my dormizone is pleading for it. There must be at least one other person who thinks this is a cool thing too.
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