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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Got everything maxed, forma'd my favourite stuff (Elytron, Centaur, Imperator Vandal) ages ago. I say ages ago because it has been a few months since I last played Archwing.


    Still, I'm ready enough to face an Archwing Trial.

    Just hope the rewards will be worth it, unlike the rewards from the current Trials.

  2. True Reach: Increase melee reach with an absolute value. So instead of +60%, like the current Reach mod, it would be +6m, for instance.



    Stable Combo: Increase the combo counter duration by 300% at max rank. This will reset the combo counter after 12 sec, instead of 3 sec.



    - Decaying Combo: Instead of resetting the combo counter completely, after 3 sec. The counter will slowly decrease over time.



    - Channeling Wave: Shoot energy waves while channeling.



    Made a video demonstrating it a half year ago.



    - Perfect Counter: When you block at the right time, you'll perform a counter. Slashing up to 6 times from one enemy to the next by tapping melee key afterwards:






    - Aerial Cast: Allows you to cast all the powers while airborne.



  3. So far, haven't noticed any change. Didn't feel like movement affected the accuracy.

    Maybe it does affect it, but it's not really noticeable.


    And I'm constantly on the move.



    The only thing that drastically affects the accuracy, is whether or not you're the host.

    When I'm the host, all enemies are aimbotting. It's like Mag used Bullet Attractor on me.

    If I'm not the host, not a single bullet lands on me while I'm spinning and winning.

  4. Orthos Prime is overall best weapon in the game.



    ''Best weapons''

    First thing you list is a Warframe. EUHGGUHHGH


    weapon: a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.



    A frame/suit that obliterates everything in its path fits the definition perfectly, if you ask me.

  5. Off the top of my head, here are some amazing melee weapons:


    - Orthos Prime (stance doesn't matter, your main move will be the slide attack.


    - Galatine / Scindo Prime (Tempo Royale stance is what made this weapon category so much fun to play with for me)

    - Kogake (with Brutal Tide. An amazing stance. I found this weapon to be devastating against Infested)

    - Dragon Nikana (much more effective without a stance thanks to its one-two-combo.


    - Bo Prime / Tipedo (with Clashing Forest)

    - Atterax (with Burning Wasp)



    As for frames that go well with a melee playstyle, I'd suggest Rhino, Loki, Ash, Chroma, Trinity and Valkyr.

    Other frames that can be effective as melee frames are Frost, Mirrage, Saryn and Zephyr. Well, pretty much all the frames can be modded to be effective for melee playstyle, to be honest.

  6. Did an ODD run 15 min ago with a random team. (One was Frost, the other was Chroma).



    We stopped at 40 waves, because we didn't have negative Nova to speed things up.

    At 40 waves, the infested were still pretty easy to melee down. But what would you define as "high level infested"?

  7. I've only been playing for the rewards that increase Mastery Rank (weapons, frames, sentinels, etc).

    Since I already got every Archwing item maxed out, there is no reason for me to run it.


    If we start getting weekly Archwing Tenno Reinforcement, I'll be playing it every week.

  8. An odd question that implies it was a Warframe that made us all attached to this game.

    While it's true that I have been playing pretty much Rhino-only since Closed Beta, the main reason why I'm still around is the following:


    Community engaging dev-team that actually works on the game and deliver weekly updates.



    I'd rephrase the question to: Are you still around thanks to a specific Warframe? If so, which one?

  9. Even though it sounds logical for polearms and staffs, it should be the range from you to the enemy regardless of the weapon.

    I agree with this.

    I'd also like to have another Reach mod, that increases the range with an absolute value.

    So instead of +60%, this new mod would be +6m, for example. Would be gread for fist (Ankyros) and sparring (Kogake) weapons.

  10. I've got a repro and am working on a fix. It's related to shooting down rockets so if you can avoid that for now it'll be less of a problem.

    This is trully wonderful news!

    I'm really glad you managed to track down the issue!



    Do you have the full mission video footage still? Wondering if there's something we can see that occurred earlier that could be a clue.

    Sorry, that's where the recording started. I launched fraps when the Bombard started killing me non-stop.


    Right before the recording, I killed all the enemies around, except for that one Bombard, then got a good distance from the Bombard in an open space, so that we could clearly see the missiles flying, while making sure no other enemies interfere with the testings.

  11. Two months later and still no fix.

    Would love if DE at least told us that they're still working on it or something.

    I'm just not used to this complete silence from their side, to be honest.


    Anyway, today, I did another test that clearly shows the missile flying from the bugged bombards and demonstrating a lvl 38 non-Eximus Bombard occasionally one-shotting an Iron Skin coated Rhino with full shield and HP.



    Suggest you watch it on fullscreen so you can clearly see the Iron Skin, Shield and HP numbers.

  12. Orthos Prime is one of the strongest weapons ingame, because of being able to hit a LOT of enemies at the same time. If the user knows how to move, it easily outkills most guns (obviously not things like amprex with even better aoe).

    Indeed. Orthos Prime is an amazing weapon.

    But from my experience so far, I strongly believe there is no gun that Orthos Prime can't outperform. At least not till one hour into T4S.

    (Usually don't run it longer than that)


    Maybe I haven't met with an Ampex Master yet, but I did play with a lot of veterans and very skilful players that had several-forma'd Amprex, Tonkor, etc...

  13. We had spawns at all times, the faster we killed the faster they spawned.

    Not to mention there were like 30-40 Bombards each wave after 30 waves or so. Honestly, it felt like the only unit spawning was the Bombard.


    But man, 3 hours? Definitelly glitched. Shouldn't even exceed one hour.
    Or, maybe you guys had a super slow Nova?
  14. Maybe u should

    AFK i mean spaming 3 and do nothing.

    Okay, u r good. But Void defence has a 5 directions of attack. It's hard to occupy all of them to steal most of frags from team. I will love to see some VOD how u do it.

    Still need to get the Ash BP from T3D, so I'll try to record next time I run it.

  15. What kind of S#&$ u guys doing there?

    I mean... no potatoforma Cleavers 45% of a team can be legal, but 40 waves of T3 Def there Rino with Ortos do 3k vs other 2 Tenno deal 1k... looks pretty weird. AFK frost and slow Nova?

    I'll take it as a compliment!
    Pod would have been destroyed if Frost went afk, to be honest.
    Anyway, no one was afk'ing. They were actually skilled players.
    I've been running melee-only for 2 years now.

    This is my melee playstyle, if you're interested:


    PS: The fast-slide (and this playstyle in general) is all about timing and when I record, my fps drops to 40-45. This messes a bit with my timing, so you'll notice a few mistakes here and there.

  16. It does work.

    But having run quite a lot of tests back in the days, my conclusion was that the Reach only increases the range by half of what is written on the mod. So Reach increases the range by 30% instead of 60% and Primed Reach increases the range by 82.5% instead of 165%.


    (Lets use the regular Reach (+60%) to illustrate my conclusion)

    I believe that the collision mesh of the weapon is being scaled up from the center point of the weapon, like so:





    Instead of scaling from one end of the weapon.





    It only makes sense to scale it up from the center point if the weapon is double edged one, like Staff / Polearms:


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