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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. This doesn't say much about the frame.

    More about your loadout. How far maxed out your mods are. Which mods you used. Your strategies, like what the main powers were that you focussed on, etc... And off course, your skill level.


    A lot of veterans will have no issue soloing Sechura till 30-40 waves.

    Since they have maxed out all the things they need. And have the player skills to do so.

  2. I honestly think that there should be some archwing missions which are close to ground and not in open space. 

    And yeah Archwing is a bit dull right now.

    I know right.

    Nuking Grineer Tanks, fighting against massive Corpus Mechs.

    Being able to toggle Archwing on and off during that battle. Something like the transformation from Gun Metal (if anyone remembers that gem from the past)

  3. The braton vandal will most likely never show up in the trader seeing it was plat only.

    It was sold for 1 credit in the market during Closed Beta.

    Well, it was an Open Beta weekend event during Closed Beta, to be more precise.


    The only non-founder weapon that I'm sure will never be available again, is the Lato Vandal.

    Since that is the item that people got for being a Closed Beta tester.

  4. I've got everything except for the Founder gear. (So a grand total of 277 items)

    Well, Ash Prime is currently cooking.


    So I'll reach MR20 once Warframe hits U17 as far as I can tell.





    Ash Prime cooking at the moment:


  5. Problem with Tipedo is that it has a bit of an extreme slide attack. But from what I've seen in the Parcour 2.0 previews so far, the slide attacks look promising on staff weapons.


    A controllable slide attack is better than one that swings you accross the galaxies. It is better for mobility and certainly better for combat. It is a key element of a melee playstyle. 


    The 2 main factors that decide whether or not you'll have a hard time keeping up with gunplay or even surpass it are:

    1. Weapon reach

    2. Slide Attack


    As for Tipedo it has a decent reach, better than most weapons, and an ok slide attack.

    Great attack speed and Clashing Forest stance has a good muti-hit combo.


    I'd say, if you really want to get into melee playstyle, you should learn how to fast-slide and also learn how to incorporate it into your combo's. Then again, you might want to wait untill Parcour 2.0 because we don't know yet how much it's going to affect the slide attack.



    In case you wonder what I mean by "fast-slide", here are some demonstrations:



  6. Here is my build:

    - (Primed) Point Blank

    - Hell's Chamber

    - Vicious Spread

    - Shattered Justice

    - Contagious Spread

    - Frigid Blast

    - Blaze

    - Shell Shock


    You can replace the dual stat mods with pure elementals. I just like that almost 100% status chance.

  7. Hek all the way!


    Here is my build:

    - (Primed) Point Blank

    - Hell's Chamber

    - Vicious Spread

    - Shattered Justice

    - Contagious Spread

    - Frigid Blast

    - Blaze

    - Shell Shock


    You can replace the dual stat mods with pure elementals, but I like that almost 100% status chance.

    It's my Void Bombard annihilation boomstick.

  8. I'll be honest, i expected a wee bit more complaints about this, like how Auras were for like 3 days on first release.

    What's the difference?

    The difference is, that Aura's didn't need a mod slot to begin with.

    They didn't cost any points. Aura's had a separated interface.


    Then, when they got converted to mods and required you to waste the limitted points you had to use for 10 mod slots, the forums exploded.



    This time, they're not using an existing free-of-cost feature and converting it to a mod points wasting feature.

    They're giving us an additional slot to play with.

  9. If my memory serves me right, it was DERebecca.

    Well, technically, her account is nr.2 I believe, but the 1st account was a dev-testing account, not an actual players account.

    So, Rebecca was the first member to join as a player, as far as I know. Need someone to confirm this...

  10. When Rhino just came out, I did 26 T3S runs of 40 to 60 min.

    I know the pain very well.


    So far, the worst this time was the Carrier Carapace at 36 T3E runs. Second place goes to Vectis BP at 21 T1MD runs.

    The final part left to get from this Prime Access is Ash System. Only did 1 60min run, as I just started on this one.

  11. As someone who got everything, I'd have nothing left to do if I bought craftable items.


    I'll only be buying the new capes, most likely.

    Maybe also the Kubrow armor. Depending on whether or not the stasis thing gets reworked, I'd say.


    Basically, just going to buy the cosmetics and not the things that I can craft ingame.

  12. Not everyone watches Devstream.

    And usually, DE announces through the forum when something is about to get deprecated.


    My guess is, 1 or 2 days before this change, DE is going to explain exactly what is going to happen with the stamina mods.

    The reason why they didn't announce it during this devstream is because then people would have 1 to 2 weeks to farm more of these mods and blow this exploit out of proportion.

  13. Did I miss some announcement? If so, could you post a link?

    I'm not sure what you mean with the frames being released based on popularity, when all the prime frames, except for Nova, are Close Beta frames.


    Banshee and Saryn came with U7. With the launch of Open Beta.

    The only Close Beta frame that needs to be released is Trinity.


    The next two prime frames are going to be female. Chances are pretty high one of them is going to be Trinity.

  14. There are several items with a 5% drop chance.

    I just wish none of those 5% items were put into the C rotation.


    A 20 min run for a 5% chance for just one part. Not to mention some gear has 2 of the 4 parts in C rotation at 5% drop chance.

    That's pretty much old-school Asian MMO level of grind.


    Then again, if not for those ridiculous drop chances, I'd have nothing left to do in Warframe.

  15. It's not that big of an issue, since you can farm mods/prime parts to earn some platinum.

    A while back, I posted a sheet showing all the alerts drop during a period of 2 months (dec 23, 2014 till fev 24, 2015)


    Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h0ukvbxwJ5dTNsmg7blAxJx4zCfacHl9MRryVTceWxo/edit#gid=0

    As you can see, we had 6 Reactors and 4 Catalysts during that time. So around 1 every week.


    However, there are also Invasions: http://kingtaro.com/warframe/ (see the middle tab)

    Invasions with Catalysts/Reactors seem to show up once every one/two weeks.

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