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  1. That's kinda my point; the increase in shields is too small to be used for the original purpose of shielding, so as-is it only functions as a hindrance. Armor buffs his snow globe, and max energy plays into the sustain part due to being able to store more energy.
  2. Alright, so at this point, he's good. He doesn't need anything big anymore. However; 1) His passive is still completely useless. It doesn't even have to be good, but I'd love to see him get something that actually has a function (e.g. Chroma's cold elemental ward but severely stripped down to balance out being a passive, an additional instance of non-combining cold damage on a critical strike, a small energy refund on freezing enemies, etc.). 2) As-is, Frost Prime is the only frame in the entire game that's overall a downgrade compared to his base version; the increased shield is too small to be valuable, but big enough to where shieldgating is actively hindered. I would love to see him get an extra 25-50 max armor and energy. There are obviously some changes that would be nice, such as Ice Wave either getting replaced or reworked; although I know a lot of people want to be able to shoot into Snow Globe and for Freeze to have more of an effect, I don't think it's nearly as much a priority as the two things listed above.
  3. What I'd personally like is just a flat buff to Frost Prime's armor and energy. 25 would be nice enough, but 50 would be preferred.
  4. One of the key things I appreciated about the cosmetic parts of this game was how just about anything outside of prime access accessories and tennogen were available as a free-to-play in some form or another. Now they're charging $90 for a color palette and two skins with FOMO on top of it? This could result in a SEVERE decrease in the number of free cosmetics as well as ramping up future monetization even further in the future if it's deemed a remote success.
  5. Seeing how there are lots of other posts on this, I just wanted to throw in my extra info: I have no trouble running any other game on my system, when I can actually load into a mission performance is flawless, and CPU usage goes from ~10% to over 70% whenever I try to load into an instance; if I can successfully enter anything, CPU usage goes right back down to the previous 10-ish percent. Most of the time it takes so long to load that it won't even let me load into a mission. I basically haven't touched the game since Duviri launched (outside of testing to see if the game works again, which it still doesn't) because of how it's borderline impossible to actually enter an instance anymore. I have tried optimizing the download cache, I have tried completely reinstalling the game, I have tried reinstalling the game on a separate hard drive, I have tried purging all the residual files from previous installs, etc. Nothing has helped these awful load times. Also worth mentioning is that if I can actually enter a game, I can actually be playing multiple other games at the same time while maintaining 60fps in Warframe with no stuttering or other issues, just like I had been able to before Duviri. This is not a matter of my PC not having the power. They did something to how the game loads missions that absolutely tanked performance.
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