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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Some of them are easier than others. Some of them you will like doing more than others. That's sort of inevitable given the varied nature of the challenge list. They are, however, all very much doable. As others have said, a good Frost or Limbo build works wonders with the defense one.

    At worst, you ended up with a veiled rifle riven, which can pretty easily be sold for platinum. Hardly useless.

  2. Yeah hi, I'm one of those hypothetical people who has fun with Warframe's endgame. It's tough sometimes--even frustrating--but for all the times I get blast proc'd by a stray rocket, there's a dozen times where I Reckoning bomb an entire crowd, or clear a hallway with an Arca Plasmor shot, or knock somebody into orbit with my hammer, or...well, you get the idea. It's not without flaws--nothing is--but if you think DE has some kind of agenda to keep players from having fun with their game, you may need to actually watch a devstream sometime and see who you're talking about.

  3. DE's willingness to constantly iterate on Warframe is a blessing sometimes and a curse other times. Personally I think it's more blessing than curse, but if Plains of Eidolon isn't doing it for you, then maybe it's time to take a break and come back later when the pendulum swings back the other way. The Sacrifice sounds like it's gonna delve more into the warframe side of things; maybe check back for that. Or the update after. That's the "blessing" side of the whole thing: There's always new stuff on the horizon.

  4. As an experiment, I just spent an entire night phase trying to fight a teralyst solo. I was on it more or less from the moment it spawned (I saw it emerge from the water in the distance once I zoned in, called my Archwing, and flew over ASAP) until daybreak when it went back into the water. In that time I managed to break its shields and reduce ONE of its weak points to about half health. I will concede my loadout wasn't perfectly optimized for eidolon hunting--I wasn't running Corrosive Projection for one thing, which seems to be the new big thing now that Shield Disruption doesn't work--but I had all my gear maxed out and fully loaded with mods, and was otherwise executing things mostly on point (dropping in and out of Operator mode to dump Void Beam, etc.).

    So what I'm wondering is this: Are we meant to be able to solo the teralyst at any point? I know it's designed to favor groups, but...well, so are most other bosses (outside of trials), and those are at least possible to solo. Am I missing something? Because even doing (mostly) everything right, the teralyst's sheer health, armor, and shields, coupled with its immunity to status effects--most notably corrosive--make it almost impossible for one person to kill it in any reasonable amount of time. I'm all for group kills being more lucrative, much the same way most other content is, but I feel like it ought to at least be doable for a solo player.

  5. This has happened to me a few times now during the rescue stages of bounties: Once I stealth kill the first guard in the patrol, the bomb countdown starts despite the rest of the Grineer still being unalerted. Not sure if this is a bug or just an oversight, but either way it's very frustrating--especially on higher-level bounties--and feels a little misleading, as Lotus clearly says the countdown is supposed to start once you're noticed.

  6. I tend to go with warframes that can reliably kill things with powers, since warframe kills grant 100% affinity to the frame (and thus the lens), as opposed to weapons which are always 50/50 at best. Your mileage may vary depending on what frames and weapons you prefer; the poster above has the right idea in putting them on things you know you'll use a lot, as a general rule.

  7. As nice as that'd be, as others have pointed out, it's a Sentient weapon. So...probably not happening. However, that's not to say they can't make an upgraded version at some point (as unnecessary as that'd be--War is already an amazingly strong weapon)--it just wouldn't be able to have the prime tag attached.

    Now that I think about it, I am a little interested to see if they do an alternate weapon lineup for Sentient weapons, in the same vein as the Vandal/Wraith weapons for the Corpus/Grineer. Time will tell I guess.

  8. 11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Ancient Weapon said:

    I think it's pretty amazing I'm getting such rebuttal regarding an idea prefaced with "If Digital Extremes is even remotely considering...

    Which, to anyone's knowledge, they're not; they barely have enough time to do what they want to do with Warframe--a game which, as has been pointed out, is basically everything they originally wanted to do with Dark Sector in the first place. They haven't announced or even hinted at so much as a possibility of a Dark Sector remake/rerelease. Also, you may have prefaced your initial post that way, but your thread title is a very clear "DE should do this and here's why." You can't have it both ways.

    You're getting the responses you're getting because you're pitching a just-in-case idea hinging on the quantum possibility of DE doing something that they seem to have neither time nor interest for. That's a confusing logical leap to follow, to say the least.

  9. Characters with all passive abilities, especially auras, usually aren't made for a reason: Because they require no input from the player, and thus don't involve much (if any) of the moment-to-moment decision-making that other characters do. Put more succinctly, they don't have anything interesting to do, because everything they have is always on.

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