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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. 12 minutes ago, KisaPrime said:

    He didn't want her to be killed and tried to talk her out of having anything to do with the Tenno. 

    At the same time, though, the judgment at her sentencing was unanimous, which means Ballas voted for it too. Whether or not he liked it, he played a direct role in her death.

    On topic: I think the Orokin kind of collectively set themselves up for their own downfall. They created a bunch of things they ended up being unable to control, and also alienated pretty much all of their subjects.

  2. 1 minute ago, tnccs215 said:

    I fully agree with your first paragraph, but fall more on @vasvaska's side in regards to your second. The thing is, making such an engrossing world takes a lot more of time and effort than simply scattering around some junk for you to collect. And the way warframe works, there isn't much beyond simply killing stuff in the game - that is, there isn't a lot of premade systems that can fill this void of things to do. And that means that PoE being indeed more immersive will take a lot more effort and require the introduction of a lot more stuff than one would otherwise think. So yeah, as Quiette Shy put on her video: "hope for the best, expect the worst"

    They did say during the demo that they're already having to basically perform coding miracles with Plains because it's doing a hundred different things the game's never had to do before. So...I guess what I was getting at more than anything is I'm optimistic.

  3. I said this in another thread recently, but having an open world by itself isn't, in my opinion, very exciting. It's easy for a developer to present players with a big world and say "okay now go find your own fun somewhere in this box," but without some kind of direction it falls flat fast. The reason that good open world games (Breath of the Wild, Skyrim, more recent Fallouts, etc.) are so good is that they have worlds filled with stuff: Quests, towns, challenges, dungeons, treasures, you name it. All the developers need to do is give the players a nudge to demonstrate that their exploration will be rewarded, and players have all the incentive they'll need to start poking around, climbing on stuff, checking back at different times to see if anything changes, etc.

    That all said, everything DE has said and/or demonstrated so far suggests that they're aware of those things, and it seems like they're really committed to making the universe feel more alive. So I suspect it'll be pretty awesome.

  4. I don't think an open world by itself is automatically going to make Plains a success. Part of the reason Breath of the Wild, Elder Scrolls, etc. are so successful is not strictly that they're open worlds, but that the worlds are filled with stuff--treasures, challenges, quests, dungeons, whatever--that makes exploration rewarding.

    That said, it sounds like DE is pretty cognizant of that fact, and even if they weren't, they're always listening for ways to improve. So I think it'll be awesome.

  5. As has been pointed out, thrown melee weapons help a lot here, as the thrown attack benefits from stealth damage multipliers. I would also highly recommend installing some sort of enemy radar mod (or running Ivara, who has it baseline); the range is pretty big, and more importantly it lets you know the enemies' facing so you can better tell if they're at risk if being alerted.

    I'd also recommend doing some practice runs in Simaris's room at a relay, so as not to use up your one shot per day just learning the ropes.

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  6. The Dragon Nikana is probably much less widely used on account of the mastery requirement, crafting cost, and the Nikana Prime just being flat-out better without rivens involved. That's probably why it has a higher disposition.

    Also, with the way things have been going with recent updates, I wouldn't expect the Nikana Prime to have 0 mastery rank requirement forever.

  7. DE has pretty much always been content to do their own thing with Warframe. They sometimes draw inspiration from other games--melee 2.0 for instance was heavily inspired by action games like Devil May Cry--but never without making it theirs first. Anthem may prove to be a good thing for Warframe, but if it does, I doubt it's going to be because they feel the need to compete with anybody.

    Besides, it's incredibly difficult in the game dev industry to pivot in response to e.g. a new game announcement the way some people seem to think developers do. Game development just doesn't really move fast enough for that to work.

  8. Addendum: Chains of Harrow is also spooky as hell. This was probably obvious from the teaser material, but...yeah. DE wasn't kidding when they said Chains of Harrow was basically the opposite of Octavia's Anthem. It's dark, it's moody, and some really freaky stuff goes down. Prepare yourself in whatever way is appropriate to your taste (or distaste) in horror.

    Also, if you're planning on buying Harrow straight out instead of farming for him, make sure to do so before you finish the quest, as there's a free melee riven in it for you if you have Harrow already.

  9. Plains of Eidolon has me hyped. The Sentient coming out of the ground at the end was very Shadow of the Colossus. Can't wait to kill one.

    Also, I believe they've already said they plan to do more open-world zones with other tilesets. Some of the Corpus planet-side tilesets (Europa, Venus) would make good candidates. Maybe Mars as well.

    I've always been sort of neutral on Umbra, because while it certainly looks cool, it hasn't really meant anything in the context of the game, because there hasn't been any context. That said, it sounds like The Sacrifice will be delving into what (or perhaps who) the warframes are--and that does interest me. So I'm pretty excited for it in that capacity.

    Chains of Harrow was really cool. A lot of good lore, and some really good characterization in the form of Rell. Parts of it are a touch repetitive--there's 3 missions or so that basically follow the exact same gameplay pattern--but the dialogue and such helps hold it up. There's also a part that involves using the Operator in combat, which may frustrate you or not depending on how much you like the Operator; regardless, it's pretty forgiving, as any progress you make in between deaths/retries is saved.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

    Actually makes me wonder if all Tenno are out of touch with their own emotion in a way.

    I mean they went through some pretty crazy ****, wouldn't be surprised if they displayed similar behavior.

    In the end, the others may not have been so different from Rell.

    I think that's kind of the irony in the story. Rell got left out because of how "different" he was, but he was the one smart enough to recognize that there's a conscious, malevolent entity in the Void--and, at the end of the day, the one to save all of them, at least for a while, by staying in the Void and occupying its attention.

    Also, I believe Rebecca confirmed a few weeks ago over Twitter that they were indeed attempting to portray Rell as autistic (with a Warframe spin, naturally), much in the same way that Cephalon Suda's story in Octavia's Anthem/What Remains was about dealing with dementia. Personally I don't think it matters to zero in on what specific "thing" they're suffering from--Rell for instance is clearly a weird kid who has trouble with people, and the story works because of that and not any specific label attached to it--but there you go.

  11. It's pretty clear from some of the quests that the warframes possess at least some kind of instinctive or animal-like intelligence even when they're not being operated. Seems perfectly reasonable that they'd have different personalities.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Trentiel said:

    Would probably need new animations.

    Not to be a downer, but this right here is why it'll probably be a while before we see anything like this, if we do at all. The speargun weapons had a gap of probably a year or so between the teaser/concept and the implementation, entirely because new a new grip type means new poses, animations, idles, etc. for both animation sets on 30+ warframes--and needless to say, that's a pretty tall order.

    Would be cool to have some single-handed throwing weapons though. Axes, spears, bigger throwing blades--to say nothing of whatever DE is crazy enough to come up with themselves.

  13. Trinity and Rhino were problems because their invulnerability wasn't windowed or restricted pretty much at all. Covenant has a very important difference in that there's a significant period after it wears off where you can't recast it because of the retaliation portion. Compare that to old Iron Skin or Blessing, where pretty much the only time it wasn't up was during the cast animation, and there's a world of difference in how it plays out in-game.

  14. Go through Neptune and, once you get there, Pluto. Both the junctions out of Pluto unlock more quests (Patient Zero for Eris; The War Within and Hidden Messages for Sedna), so you'll have plenty to do. You can also go to a relay and pick up The Silver Grove from Amaryn in the New Loka room--if I remember right it only requires The Second Dream and a modest mastery rank (I think 6) to pick up. All of the above quests are relatively easy and have some cool lore associated with them, in addition to unlocking other stuff.

    Might also be worth checking out The Limbo Theorem for the story, even if you're not interested in the frame.

  15. Funny story: After Chains of Harrow dropped, I started seeing a room in Corpus ship tilesets I haven't seen in a long, long time. Specifically the big, open, square-ish room with the raised platform in the middle and the catwalk running along the perimeter of the room. At first I thought it was just part of the quest, but...nope, started seeing it in normal missions too. Really took me back.

    Would be nice to see some of those old rooms come back--with a bit of remastering, of course. I used to love jumping down from the top of the elevator in the room the OP mentioned.

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