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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

    Ok, but just bc there's a EULA, and something won't get changed, doesn't mean there can't be a discussion around it. Not that they're the same at all, but if everyone just said "EULA, shut up" about Battlefront 2's loot boxes, nothing would've changed.

    Conversation isn't bad, conversation can lead to changes, sometimes in rare cases, major changes.

    While I'm inclined to agree, I don't get the sense from the original post, or any of his/her follow-up replies, that conversation was ever the goal here. I hate sounding so dismissive, but it reeks of somebody just looking for an echo chamber full of agreements.

    Balance changes are part of the package when it comes to persistent games like Warframe, and devs can't account for every possible moment in an item's lifespan that players might choose to invest in that item. If people want to have a discussion about Mass Vitrify, that's one thing, but "I bought this because it was OP and now it's not any more, can I get a refund?" isn't inviting a discussion; it's just whining.

  2. A role? Yes, almost certainly. A major role? Eh...maybe.

    Either way, accusing DE of making changes (be they buffs, nerfs, or otherwise) based on player feedback is like accusing water of being wet. Which is to say, they've always done that, will almost certainly continue to do that, and can typically be found doing that via cursory observation or interaction.

  3. My list for this year, broken into nice clean sections based on price range. I also made one in-game for those so inclined.

    Cheap and Easy (5-20 platinum)

    -Liset resource decorations

    -Orokin catalysts

    -Weapon slots

    -Warframe slots

    -Daman Sugatra

    -Pazzo Sugatra (Thanks to @Onilink_ for this one!)

    The Middle Ground (30-100 platinum)

    -Auditor noggle statue

    -Mirage/Nidus/Titania/Gara noble animation sets

    -Affinity/credit boosters

    -Greater Focus lenses (Unairu mainly; others welcome)

    For the High Rollers (100+ platinum)

    -Mag Pneuma collection

    -Nekros Irkalla collection


    Looking forward to giving out what I can. Happy holidays, folks.

  4. From what I can tell it's intended primarily as a method of quick transportation, not something you stay in for long stretches of time. Not that you can't stay in it for long stretches of time, but you have to be very careful of anti-air missiles, both from Grineer ground troops and their missile turrets.

  5. I tend to run Oberon Prime for all my solo hunting needs. Don't have the exact mod setup in front of me, but the main parts are Rage (or the new Hunter Adrenaline) plus ~200% power strength--I use a combination of Energy Conversion and Growing Power to keep a pretty strong Renewal rolling at all times. Don't usually have issues with the eidolon lures dying, unless I pick up the really low-level (~15) ones near the gates; just have to remember to cast/recast Renewal once they're rounded up, otherwise they won't get the buffs. Weapons include Tigris Prime and Euphona Prime, both modded for as much radiation damage as I can get, plus crit/crit damage for the Euphona. Shwaak Prism and/or Pencha Scaffold are both good amp choices for burning down its shields. The Shwaak Prism especially has the added bonus of being really good at killing vomvalysts since it has a wide AoE and punch through, and it also provides a guaranteed impact proc for Growing Power if you're running it. Usually I can perfect clear one a night with ~15 minutes to spare.

    Hope some of that helps.

  6. I remember hearing in a recent devstream that Operator idle animations are in the works. Would love to see some of those. Maybe some Focus school sigils/badges related to progressing through each tree? More stuff related to the Quills? They don't have a sigil or anything yet, and they're basically the Operator faction; seems like a good place for a lot of this stuff.

    I'd love to see some syndicate-related Operator suits too.

  7. Now that you can transfer back and forth more fluidly, I'm finding they're a lot more useful. Void Mode makes reviving allies way easier. Chaining Void Dash can cover a lot of distance, can go through things like spy vault lasers, and is usable after bullet jumping. Many of the focus improvements to Void Dash/Blast make it worth hotswapping for a few moments. The non-starter amps are actually quite useful even against non-Sentient enemies; depending on which parts you use, they can help cover weak spots in your main loadout, or at the very least serve as a backup weapon when you're low on ammo.

    Your Operator won't replace your warframe, by any means. But they do provide enough that it's worth tagging out every now and then--which, as I understand it, was kind of DE's goal with the whole setup anyways.

  8. 4 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

    i have literally no idea how u managed to keep them alive with just oberon heal, the multiple times i tried the heal was very slow on them to the point where the only hope was keeping them away and bringing them in at the last second

    With the right procs (Energy Conversion + Growing Power, like I said previously) I can cast Renewal at 220% power strength, which amounts to an 88/s heal and a 441 armor boost, which is enough to outpace most of the teralyst's attacks; a Rage mod, plus the constant stream of damage from the teralyst, gives you all the energy you need to maintain it and then some. The main thing to watch out for is the pulsing shockwave when it swings the tree; if the lures are too close, they can easily get hit by several pulses in quick succession, which is sometimes (depending on the lure's level, and thus HP/armor) enough to destroy them outright. Most of the teralyst's other attacks don't do enough damage to significantly threaten the lures, provided you're engaging it and not leaving the lures as its only target (e.g. for the homing shots or energy rain).


    8 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

    as i said: this would be smth to improve him when u want to heal things with ridiculous ammounts of HP like defense targets where a trin beats any healer by the simple of virtue of her heal being % based(even if it wasnt 100%, it would still beat all heals if the target has thousands of hp)

    Not that Trinity's kit doesn't present some balance issues of its own, but she is the quintessential healer/medic frame; whatever the changes she needs, I think it's a pretty safe bet that "best straight-up healer" is a title she will, and should, keep. What matters, in my opinion, isn't if Oberon is a better or worse healer than Trinity (or Harrow, or Equinox, or whoever else), but rather if he's good enough to get the job done--which, as things currently stand, I think he is.

  9. 10 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

    thats if u are running a lot of str, cant remember of the top of my head how much 190% gives, but i recall the heal/s was 72 or smth like that


    i dont want a huge buff on him all of the sudden, more of a change to improve him on certain specific situations


    right now trin is a MUST if u care about capturing eidolons, why? cause no other healer heals % like her, and she can heal 100% in the drop of a hat(plus energy isnt a concern for trins)


    i just oberon to be more useful(not saying he is useless, i love goat man)

    I solo capture eidolons with Oberon regularly. Energy Conversion + Growing Power works wonders for Renewal; even the lower-level eidolon lures (19-22 or so) rarely go down, provided I'm staying on top of the vomvalysts. Also keeps me alive pretty reliably through similarly tough situations, like max-level bounties and sorties. Between the armor buff, the healing throughput, and the general ease of use/maintenance, I've never felt like post-rework Renewal wasn't doing enough work.

    Just my experience though. Your mileage may vary.

  10. In order:

    1) The lures don't really seem to capture the teralyst itself, so much as capture the important parts (i.e. cores)--which, presumably, are destroyed otherwise.

    2) They tried to in the Eyes of Blight event. With the rediscovery of Archwing technology, almost all of the fomorians were destroyed before they could reach their objective. As it turns out, Balor fomorians are incredibly costly to make; it was such an egregious waste of resources that the Grineer leadership decided Vay Hek wasn't their man with a plan any more, and devoted their resources elsewhere.

    3) Putting aside for a moment the fact that fomorians aren't big or powerful enough for something quite that scale: The Grineer may not be the good guys, but at the end of the day they're conquerors, not destroyers. Destroying an entire planet means they don't get that planet's resources. They'd need a pretty damn compelling reason to do something that drastic--if, of course, they actually could.

    4) Hard to say. In terms of appearance, they're obviously adolescents; mentally, they seem a little more mature, but maybe not quite full adult yet. Unclear at this time if cryosleep paused their aging process or if the Void-jump incident just halted it permanently. I personally tend to lean towards the latter, because the Tenno were around long enough post-incident to found the five Ways, fight (and win) the Old War, etc., and those sorts of things don't happen quick.

  11. If I had to guess, I think the assumption is that by the time you finish progressing through Uranus and reach the junction node, you'll have run into at least one oculyst. Which is a pretty safe bet, as the spawn rate ramps up quickly. The scanning part is less clear though. I guess by that point you're expected to have a codex scanner handy and be in the habit of scanning things.

    I think the quest tab in the codex might direct you to scan an oculyst? I can't recall.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Elrond_McBong said:

    Yes it does.

    Treasure hunting (e.g. syndicate medallions, resource caches) is a slow-paced, methodical routine that doesn't involve killing things; is that also "not Warframe"? How about cracking spy vaults--another area where the emphasis is on careful planning and meticulous movement instead of just shooting things? Where exactly is the cutoff here?

    You can of course argue that those things still involve core gameplay routines, i.e. dispatching enemies with guns, melee, and powers--and that's true, in an indirect sense, because there's enemies along the path towards those objectives. But that's true of activities on the plains as well.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

    That's not really true. Quests still involve using your warframe (killing things, etc) so does getting syndicate rep, melee combos, raids, etc. All of them do. These things do not. This is a fundamental shift from fighting with warframes and weapons to... well... standing.  From beating up on corpus, grineer, and infested to being hunter/gatherers. This  is not really the same kind of change to the game as others. It definitely is trying to move it to a more MMORG like style in ways other updates did not.



    Mining and fishing are both variants on the basic aim-and-shoot mechanics that you use throughout the entire game. Just because it's slower-paced and you're not killing something doesn't mean it's a fundamental shift in gameplay.

  14. There were a lot of things that, once upon a time, "weren't Warframe." Quests, for example. Syndicates. Melee combos--real ones. Treasure hunting. Raids. The whole point of all of those things, and the point of Plains of Eidolon, is to expand on what Warframe is.

    Personally, I'm glad DE had the good sense to build the mining/fishing stuff around existing gameplay routines, i.e. aiming and shooting. There could've easily been a huge disconnect, and instead it's just the same skills from a different angle. I like it.

  15. 3 minutes ago, JuicyButthurt said:

    It's spreading its roots all under the plains, growing, corrupting, it's about to erupt and take it all over.

    That may or may not be true, but either way it has no bearing on whether or not this particular Infested boil is/was Konzu's uncle's ship.

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