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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Always. That said, one of the things I've liked about Warframe (and DE) is its willingness to take things slow when it comes to the story. So while I'm always eager to know more, I don't want to know it all at once.

    Would love to see them revisit some non-quest lore stuff though, like synthesis targets and codex entries for warframes.

  2. Has there been any progress on making older quests replayable? The three we have so far are great, but there are a few others (Silver Grove, Hidden Messages, Natah) that I've been dying to play again.

    There are still a few stances (Pointed Wind, Sinking Talon, both the polearm stances) that only have one or two non-basic combos attached. Are there any plans to revisit stances like that and add a bit more variety in combo options?

    Any plans in the works for a non-Tenno katana weapon? Maybe some kind of Corpus laser blade? (All you have to do is say yes and I'll start throwing money at my screen.)

    Any Corpus shotgun ideas on the table? Currently there's just the Convectrix, which...isn't really much of a shotgun, at least in the traditional sense. It'd be nice to see more.

    Anything in store for Archwing at the moment? New weapons, new Archwings, new locales--anything?

  3. Pacifism Defect was endless; current rescues are not. Having only one revive available for the rescue target would make rescues--especially sorties--significantly more difficult. Also, lore-wise, rescue targets are Tenno (or syndicate) operatives, whereas the Pacifism Defect targets are degenerate Grineer. Revives in general are a little fuzzy lore-wise, but it makes a degree of sense for Grineer targets--especially those in the Pacifism Defect, whom we're told are unfit for fighting--to be more fragile.

    Aside from that... Since the rework way back when, rescues have, to me at least, more been about the prison break aspect than a traditional escort mission. The hostage AI, while not terribly bright at times, is decently competent with a sidearm and will help you out once you break them loose; the climax of the mission isn't so much getting to extraction, it's getting them out of the cell (undetected if possible) in the first place. Pacifism Defect, by contrast, is more just an escort than a rescue, as the actual "rescue" part of the mission is just...well, the end of the mission, when they're all loaded up and fly out.

    The teleport thing is purely game mechanics. Hostages (or companion pets, who do the same thing) don't have magical teleporting powers; they're not Nightcrawler. It's just a stopgap to allow them to keep up with players, who are much more mobile and not restricted by level pathing.

  4. 45 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    What purpose would walking serve? I can't imagine a single instance in a mission I said to myself "Gee I wish I could walk right now." Captura I can see it being useful, but not in missions.

    Dramatic purpose is purpose enough.

  5. 11 hours ago, (Xbox One)Harper Lord said:

    It always amuses me how people complain about weapons in a Co-op game where the goal is to be as powerful as possible and work together to complete the objective. Didn't realize we were competing with each other for kills, assists, etc.

    There's not a lot of "working together" involved when somebody in your squad had one of those weapons. In fact, it wasn't really "working" at all--more just standing around doing nothing because everything dies before you can draw a bead on it.

    I mean, yeah, it was probably good fun for the person doing it. But most of us, I'd wager, join public games to actually play the game, not to watch one or two people play for us. And that's not even beginning to touch the fact that those weapons had a grossly disproportionate relationship between their power and the skill/risk required to use them.

  6. Honestly, I welcome it. I don't play a ton of public games, but I've had the experience of running into people using the Telos Boltace, Mirage+Simulor, etc. the past few days and I have to say it doesn't feel good. I ended up doing a lot of standing around because everything I tried to aim at died to a radial blast before I could draw a bead. I don't begrudge people that (it's probably good fun for them after all), but it is a bit counter-intuitive to a co-op experience.

    Besides that...it seems like they're shifting the Simulor's damage from orb stacking to the alt fire explosion, which could be fun. And I'm definitely looking forward to busting out my Attica and Glaxion again. All in all I think it's pretty good.

  7. 1 hour ago, ZBanx said:

    she's kept secrets from us before. she still hasn't told us her true motives either. she just dangles the concept of saving civilians by killing soldiers in front of us, because she knows it's something we care about, and will motivate us.

    Keeping secrets is different from lying. She withholds information--a lot of information, even--but she has never, at least as far as I can recall, actively misled us. And while we don't know what her endgame is, it's clear from a lot of the quests that she's at least somewhat compassionate, towards both the Tenno and the people of the system at large.

    I think at worst you could say she gives us tasks that serve both our goals in the short term and her own goals (whatever they are) in the long term--maybe a little suspicious, but still not what I'd call untrustworthy.

  8. The Tenno are about preserving balance in the system. Sometimes that means being heroes (the recent event is a good example of this), other times it means committing assassinations or wiping out ships full of soldiers. It's less about good and evil, and more about power dynamics and avoiding extremes--things get bad for everyone if the Grineer, the Corpus, or whoever else dominate the entire system, after all.

    Also, if you take Lotus as a trustworthy guide--and, to me at least, she usually is--she makes it pretty clear on important missions (e.g. assassinations) that you're killing Vay Hek, Ruk, or whoever else because a lot more people will die if you don't.

  9. 10 minutes ago, AetherAids said:

    In my personal opinion the operator just has a slightly subconscious control over frames even when there not using them but say the operators focus is broken by something internal *cough the grinder queen* the frame can break loose into a more feral state

    That's an interesting theory, but there's not a lot of evidence to support warframes being "feral"--not without exacerbating circumstances at least. They don't seem to be naturally bloodthirsty or anything when they're not being controlled; they just sort of stay where they're at. The only exceptions we've seen are when they're under intense duress (as in the Rhino Prime codex--and that was an early Transference experiment to begin with) or when someone they're bonded to is in life-threatening danger (Titania in The Silver Grove, or your warframe in The Second Dream).

    It may be that some warframes are like that--it's clear from things like their poses and animations that they have at least a little bit of personality to them--but at this moment it seems unlikely.

  10. "Independent" is probably too strong of a word; it's pretty clear they need the Operators to function with any kind of consistency. That said, it's also pretty clear that they have some kind of consciousness/intelligence of their own, if only on a very basic level. (The Silver Grove quest confirms this as well.)

    I'm interested to learn more, in any event.

  11. Any new katana weapons in the works? Would love to see something besides the Nikana line. Maybe a Corpus inspired one? Not that I'm biased or anything...

    Similar question: Will we ever get a Corpus shotgun weapon? (A real one, not whatever the Convectrix is.)

    Is there any chance of you guys making arsenal slots (weapons, warframes, etc.) available outside the store? Perhaps as a rare alert reward like Orokin catalysts/reactors?

    And lastly: Which one of you at DE plays Executor Ballas, and how much would it cost me to learn how to narrate like he does?

  12. I sympathize with the pain of personal headcanons ending up not being the reality, but there was an official word on this over a year ago when Equinox came out (and even before): Both forms are female. The day form as a more masculine appearance as part of the frame's theming (Yin/Yang, day/night, light/dark, etc.), but that's it--and having a masculine (or feminine) appearance is not a 100% accurate reflection of one's actual gender.

    You can, of course, ignore the word from DE and substitute your own version of things--I know a lot of people did that after The Second Dream came out--but asking or, worse, telling the rest of us to do the same is not going to go over well, as is plain from some of the responses here.

  13. Just because you won't get them first, or won't get them as early as people who have more free time, doesn't mean you won't get them at all. As someone else mentioned, the new system counts total days played, not consecutive days like the old system. You'll get the rewards eventually.

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