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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. 1 hour ago, Imaru said:

    What is your alignment? I've seen people saying (and encountered myself) that if your alignment is Neutral or Sun, they don't show up but Moon alignment will summon it. 

    I'm heavily slanted towards Sun and I've still had it show up. Pretty sure it's just random--kind of like the Second Dream loading screen teaser from U17.

  2. They were nerfed because they had a full-auto weapon that, at high levels, did enough damage to kill most frames in one or two shots. Those two things aren't really supposed to mix.

  3. I assume it's just to keep clan research efforts relevant (resource dumps, clan affinity, etc.), and to provide different avenues of weapon acquisition. From what I've seen they tend to alternate (more or less) between releasing weapons in the market and clan research.

    Also, while it's true that ClanTech weapons went untouched for a long time, DE was also a much smaller team back then--and if I remember right, there was a lot of pressure from players to do more with it. So that's probably part of it too.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    isn't eidolon subfaction of sentients? :l

    i'd rather have them have another similar but different song

    leave this one for when we kick hunhow's arse to the ground! :D

    They're a different kind of Sentient, but they're still Sentient, in the same way that conculysts, battalysts, and oculysts are all Sentients even though they do different things.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Kurokoz said:

    Well for that last matter, I would guess not many places in the solar system since most of it is not solid.. I imagine Mercury sucks, Venus seems okay at this time, Earth cause duh, Mars is alright..the rest don't seem very much of a good idea.

    I could see Europa and/or Lua being potentially interesting. Neptune and Pluto also share the outdoor Corpus tileset with Venus, so they could feasibly do something with those as well.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Alienaa said:

    Yeah man. I hope we get to know more and I'm saying this again and again so hopefully DE can notice this. xD Like heyyyy I wanna know about this story so please make it a bit more understandable? 

    Well, good news there is that DE is always working on new story stuff--not just quests, but also things like boss reworks (Ambulas and Kela de Thaym come to mind), events, new zones, and even collection stuff like Kuria and Cephalon fragments. It's a bit of a slow burn, but the payoff is worth the wait.

    Also, a slight addition to Krion112's otherwise thorough summary: Based on some of the Synthesis lore entries, the Orokin were looking into the Tau system because they were running out of either space or resources (or both) for their empire. The trip to Tau, the creation of the Sentients, and all that followed essentially come out of that.

  7. While Warframe's lore has gotten substantially richer since open beta started, there's still a lot of blank spots; chances are good if you're reading theories about things, it's probably stuff that the rest of us have no clue about either. So you're not alone there.

    What, specifically, are you curious about?

  8. This is the blessing and the curse of a game that's constantly updated. It's nothing new, and certainly nothing they haven't done before.

    That said, I'm guessing DE looks at more than just how popular a weapon is when altering its riven disposition. Popularity can be a red flag for finding unbalanced weapons (or other things), but if they're smart they're looking at the actual impact rivens have on those weapons, and more importantly the impact that the whole package (weapon+riven) has on a typical mission run and/or the game in general.

  9. Two questions, one lore-related and one gameplay.

    First: What is that strange Sentient device the Corpus use in the Valkyr Prime cinematic? And, as a follow-up (or an alternative, if you don't want to spoil it), will we ever see it in-game?

    Second: Currently excavation drills have a fixed health pool, which makes them increasingly easy to kill as enemy level and damage scales up later in the game--to the point where they can be destroyed by a couple of stray shots in e.g. sorties. Is there any chance their health can be made to scale up, similar to how defense and mobile defense objectives were changed a while back?

  10. 2 minutes ago, eksby said:

    The main problem is, the current login reward system rewards players who are able to log in every day—it doesn't actually reward long time players. 

    This is gonna sound harsh, but you just described almost every reward mechanic in the game. First mission bonuses, sorties, crafting times, and even just general gameplay--there's very little that a daily player won't get before a less frequent player. That's just the way of things.

  11. Just now, eksby said:

    Well, a lot of people who play this game are collectors...you can't really dismiss those people by calling them "narrow-minded" just because your playstyle is different from them. Isn't it a bit narrow-minded of yourself then to say what you said up there?

    Besides, even some veterans don't have 600 days logged in, because not everyone can log in every single day. The way the login milestones are set up right now kind of punishes players who don't have time to log in every day.

    Some people are collectors. And I fully understand that itch of having missing spots on the list with nothing you can do about it. I just think focusing on that and only that is not a good way to keep engaged with a game like Warframe, which offers considerably more than just collecting stuff. That is, quite definitively, a narrow-minded approach. Which is not a judgment call--it just means you might need to open yourself up to new avenues of enjoyment. Worst case scenario, it means Warframe just might not be your kind of game.

    Also, you can flip the logic around pretty easily here: Login reward weapons are, essentially, free high-quality gear; all you have to do is stick around. That's a time commitment to be sure, but it's also a sure thing--which, for many, is a godsend in a game with heavily RNG-driven rewards like Warframe.

  12. Isn't the point of login rewards to provide something for consistent players? As someone above me pointed out, by the time you get most of them, you're really not a new player any more. And if you ARE a new player, you're in no dire need of Primed Vigor/Shred or any of the sundial weapons.

    Not that things like the Zenistar aren't cool and all, but...really, I hate to sound dismissive, but if that's the one thing you're fishing for in a game with hundreds of weapons, you may be a little too narrow-minded for this game.

  13. All containers and enemies can drop any of their planet's resources; however, in the case of containers, the smaller/common containers typically have a lower chance to drop things like resources, energy orbs, etc. compared to the uncommon/rare/reinforced ones. If you're hunting for a specific resource, I recommend exploring side rooms as much as possible--these are where storage containers tend to spawn in the highest numbers, and by extension where you're likely to find dedicated resource nodes (which spawn in place of containers), which are guaranteed to drop their respective resource--usually in higher quantities than normal. You can usually find at least a few rare resource nodes (e.g. Orokin cell arrays), per mission if you're thorough. To that end, equipping a loot radar mod can help you find some of the more hidden side rooms, which can help your odds a lot.

    Bringing a frame that's tailored to loot farming--Nekros, Hydroid with Pilfering Swarm, Atlas with Ore Gaze, etc.--can also better your chances on the enemy killing side of things. That's a little more hit or miss, in my opinion, but either way it doesn't hurt your chances.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Neo3602 said:


    Hunhow called Alad V an Orokin once during the Second Dream quest.

    I read that scene more as Hunhow not being able to tell the difference (or maybe not even knowing there is a difference) between Orokin and Corpus, rather than some kind of revelation that Alad V is an Orokin. Your mileage may vary.

  15. It's not a question of power, either as a healer as an enabler; it's a question of effort and engagement. If you look at well-designed healer/support archetypes in other games--MMOs, shooters, MOBAs, whatever--they always have tactical decision-making to do. In many cases there's interplay between their abilities, or with their allies (or even enemies). There's elements of timing involved. In short, there's limitations--whatever form they may take--that help differentiate good ability usage and bad ability usage, which in turn helps playing the character feel more immediately satisfying or rewarding.

    Trinity doesn't have much of that, if any. That's all that the guy at TennoLive was saying; the payoff is disproportionate to the effort put in. The second part is what needs addressing, not the first.

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