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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Honestly the Polarize shards would be fine with just a few small changes. Pull really ought to be able to move them so they can be moved into Magnetize fields; otherwise there's no way to make use of shards that land outside a field, short of trying to cast a Magnetize over that area. Would be nice if Crush also consumed them to gain the damage multiplier that Magnetize has, so it could maybe be an effective crowd clearing tool against higher-level targets with the right setup.

  2. According to some of the Cephalon fragment entries, the Infested transform their victims based on survival needs, not the biological properties of the victims themselves. They sometimes bear a passing resemblance to their pre-Infested form, but it doesn't sound like it's required by any means.

  3. I wouldn't hold out much hope for having different idles by warframe animation set--that's a hell of a lot of work, with ~20 different types of melee weapons and 30 or so warframes--but, as DE says, never say never.

    What might be more doable though (and, to me at least, equally cool) is to have different idle animations for each stance. Still a lot of work--by my count there's about 45 stances in the game, not including special weapons like Exalted Blade and Hysteria--but more manageable than tying it to warframe animation sets, and ultimately it'd achieve the same goal of making melee idles a little more varied and flavorful.

  4. Just now, Beowulf57 said:

    Out of curosity on a scale of 1/10 of DE listening to the community where would you say they fall on the scale?

    If we're talking about "listening to the community" as in reading feedback, responding to player concerns, conveying development plans/intentions, and generally being in communication, I'd say a 9 or 10. Easily. They're on the forums basically every day, they host two regular streaming events (Prime Time and devstreams) with community involvement, they give advance notice when updates get delayed (and work like crazy to ship them when they set a hard deadline), and, as I mentioned already, there's a long list of game changes--even some very big ones--that came about directly because of player feedback. The only other dev company I've interacted with that I think rivals DE is Riot Games, and they have the advantage of being a much larger company.

    I don't strictly agree with all of the things DE says (or does), but I've never doubted they were listening.


  5. DE listens to their community more closely than pretty much any other developing company I've seen. But they're a (relatively) small dev team handling a more or less infinite stream of player concerns, not all of which they necessarily agree with. If you want proof, there's a laundry list of things that were implemented directly as a result of player feedback--including, to name a few, most of the deluxe skins, several weapons (the Mios, Kronen, and Silva & Aegis for instance), at least a few warframes (Chroma, Zephyr, Mesa, Nova), stealth attacks, and every frame rework to date.

    Believe me, they listen.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Qianna said:

    Her original form IS the Prime version. It is the Gersemi one that has been built by the Tenno (or whoever). It doesn't matter, though, since neither were subjects of experiments, and hence should not posses the same abilities as the "regular" version.
    Gameplay-wise that would be unreasonable, but as far as lore goes - this is as logical it can get, IMHO.

    Mad science isn't the only cause of torment in the galaxy. It's wholly possible Valkyr Prime's abilities were inspired by something else; the Orokin did fight a war that spanned their entire empire, after all.

    On topic though: I really don't think a rewrite is necessary here. Let alone based on the reasons presented in the opening post.

  7. Let's see if I can come up with ten items...

    1. Solstice Salix Syandana 

    2. Winter Gene-masking Kit (Kavat)

    3. Orbiter resource decorations (preferably not the large mineral deposit ones, they look a little tacky)

    4. Dojo color palette

    5. Twilight color palette

    6. Daman Sugatra

    7. Udyat Syandana (gifted it to myself during the sale, lulz)

    8. Mirage noble animation set

    9. Any inventory slot expansion

    10. Any item power-ups (e.g. Forma, Orokin catalysts/reactors, focus lenses, etc.)

    Happy holidays, folks.

    EDIT: Many thanks to @Fabpsi, @Nate1387, @-----iseeu2-----, and @brewedjuice for the Orbiter decorations, and @Fifilona for the weapon slots. Bonus thanks to my buddy @Raidax for the Solstice Salix Syandana, Winter Gene Masking Kit, and Forma bundle. You guys are wonderful.

  8. -Only a few waves of guardians spawn per siphon; you don't lose any Kuva if some of the clouds reach the siphon, so if you're having trouble with them, it's sometimes easier to kill them off before dealing with the siphon.

    -Switching between Operator and warframe is fairly quick and responsive. With some practice, I found it pretty easy, even under fire, to just run up to the Kuva clouds and quickly string together Transference, Void Dash, then Transference again, often putting me back in my warframe before it takes any significant damage.

    -Guardians are dangerous, but because of their leap/charge attacks, they're also very easy to bait away from the siphon.

    -As others have pointed out, frames with high CC, area damage, and/or decoy powers are excellent for keeping enemies occupied while you deal with the siphon; use them to your advantage. Otherwise, you can throw down a specter or two as a distraction.

    -When using Transference, try and get in the habit of immediately crouching to turn invisible. It's not a surefire way to avoid damage, since there are sometimes AoEs and such flying around, but it can often give you a moment to position yourself to dash through a Kuva cloud.


    Hope that helped.

  9. The Lex (or Lex Prime) is wonderful. It has some recoil, but the fire rate is slow enough that it's little concern, even with Lethal Torrent installed. If you're looking for a different damage distribution, the Magnus handles fairly similarly, but has a larger clip size and impact damage rather than puncture. I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard the Marelok (and it's Vaykor variant) is similar--high power, high accuracy, but low(ish) fire rare and clip size. Any one of those would probably be a good bet.

  10. 10 minutes ago, BaIthazar said:

    well to be honest, a lot of the mechanics for your ult suggestion sound like they could have been copied straight from starcraft

    In all fairness, there's a lot of similarities to the Zerg in the version DE's presented as well. And just in the Infested in general. It's bound to happen when they're both running on similar themes (i.e. highly adaptive organic infestation).

    Still, considering how far along Nidus seems to be in the development process, I think it's probably a little too late to be suggesting full-scale kit ideas.

  11. In all fairness, Teshin does kind of come at us with the whole "you're still just a kid" thing even after we've proven ourselves capable of...well, basically everything you have to do to reach the Sedna junction and unlock the quest to begin with. I'd be pretty cheesed off by that too.

    If I had to guess, though, based on the story so far and what people like Steve have said on devstreams in the past (e.g. acknowledging that some people wouldn't like the twist in The Second Dream), they're doing what writers should do and writing the story they want to tell, rather than trying to write a story they can market to this or that crowd.

  12. 11 minutes ago, low1991 said:

    True... But this spaceship node is covered by infested-material (nano spores?).

    You excavate the earth (Earth node) to uncover artifice under. Would'nt you excavate the infested covered spaceship to uncover what's consumed by the infestation?

    You can't really dig through a ship. Also, stuff that's been consumed by the Infestation is just that: Consumed. Also also, Orokin derelict endless missions already have relics from basically every era.

  13. My first one turned out to be a pretty nice Dread mod, so that's had me revisiting my stealth loadout a bit. More recently, I got a good one for the Ignis that's made me dust it off and take it to some Infested runs. Also got a Daikyu one, but I'm not a Daikyu fan and it's kind of terrible besides.

    Still, I like the idea, especially now that Kuva siphons spawn a lot more reliably.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Endiri said:

    Everyone will have to farm the new relics which contain the vaulted items. After the unvaulting period ends, you get to keep the relics you've farmed. That's all.

    This is correct. During the unvaulting period, a whole new set of relics will be available containing the old items. Any such relics you find can be kept even after everything goes back into the vault.

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