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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. A rework would be nice, as Ambulas is one of the last few vestige bosses of Warframe's earlier years. That said, I think Kela de Thaym and Nef Anyo are (rightfully, I think) coming up first. After that...we'll see.

  2. I've expressed similar thoughts here on these forums in the past. Don't know if I agree with some of the specifics, but I definitely agree that difficulty (especially in higher tiers of play) ought to be based on "solving" enemies--that is to say, reacting to certain mechanics in a way that counters them, rather than just overpowering them. Not to say that you shouldn't ever be allowed to just power through a tough enemy, but it A) shouldn't be the norm, and B) shouldn't be the more efficient way of doing things, barring instances where you grossly overlevel the content.


    My beef, personally, is with Grineer seekers. It baffles me that they have a power that requires some counterplay (latchers), but all their power is concentrated in the thing with minimal counterplay options (basic Kraken shots). It should be the other way around.


    While I'm at it, I'd also like to see enemy sniper units get a targeting laser like Ven'kra Tel.


    ...in fact, just, in general, things that do tons of damage should be clearly telegraphed. They did an excellent job of this with some of the more recently added enemies like the Shadow Stalker and both Sentient units; they just need to do a pass on older units to bring them up to par and add some clarity.

  3. Usually players that are highly skilled rush through missions like that.  Not everyone does that though.  You got to look at it like this.  We have seen every map in the game, know every corner and every crack.  We also know how to take down enemies quicker than new players.  It's experience.  That's all.   No need to punish people for that.


    This ninja speaks truth. Also, there's always solo play, where you can take as much time (or as little) as you like. I'm fond of soloing for this very reason, actually.

  4. I've always found this rather strange myself.


    No. We get plenty, but DE does need to make some money.


    Once upon a time, when I first started playing Warframe (around update 7), I would've agreed with this. But since then we've had (off the top of my head) syandanas, warframe skins, deluxe warframe skins, weapon skins, weapon accessories, armor accessories, and all manner of other stuff I'm probably forgetting hit the market for platinum, on top of the usual things like weapons, warframes, and bundles for them. Since then my opinion on the "DE needs to make money!" argument has soured somewhat in relation to things like catalysts/reactors and inventory slots, which feel more like upkeep or maintenance compared to purchasing cool stuff like cosmetics or weapons.


    Anyway. I've long felt there should be more places to get catalysts (and reactors) in-game.

  5. I don't think it's as complicated a plot hole as people seem to think. Or even a plot hole at all. Alad V and the Zanuka Project are not the only things in the universe capable of turning someone into a screaming ball of berserk rage. It's entirely possible the original Valkyr (that is to say, Valkyr Prime, and the subsequent Gersemi Valkyr) was a berserker for reasons unrelated to being tormented in a lab. Or maybe she was tormented in a different lab. Or just tormented by something else entirely. Or maybe she wasn't tormented at all, and was just naturally predisposed towards aggression and violence. Given the cut of Gersemi Valkyr's build, I could pretty easily see her just being a great (albeit terrifying) warrior from the Orokin age, prone to shouting battle cries and tearing people apart and all that good stuff.


    There's a lot of ways it could go down without forming any contradictions, is basically what I'm getting at here.

  6. 1. I can't say without more details.

    2. No idea.

    3. That's probably an Angst shadow's Warcry.

    4. It's for all frames, not some.

    5. Because humans are panicky creatures when they're getting shot, and also because at that point it'd just be a regular defense.

    6. Because it's probably supposed to be a surprise. Also, it's a little hard to fit that much information into the mission tooltip box.

  7. Just did it with me, a friend, and two PuGers. I was running Atlas, my friend was running a high-efficiency Nekros, the PuGers were Frost Prime and Ivara. We got all the way to wave 15 without too much trouble, and probably could've gone farther if people didn't duck out after qualifying for the Lacera skin.


    I mean, yeah, it's tough, but it's not impossible or, in my opinion, boring. Just takes some critical loadout assessment.

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