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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. It hasn't been confirmed that it is in fact blood. There are other forms of circulatory systems that do no require cells to distribute nutrients.


    If it looks like blood, and acts like blood, and comes out when blood's supposed to come out...


    Also, Chroma's appearance is rough and wrinkly because he's wearing a pelt. If you cast Effigy, the "true" Chroma has a very similar design aesthetic to other warframes.

  2. You didn't care for the repetitiveness of Gradivus, but this repetitiveness doesn't bother you? Granted, the acolytes spawn on different mission it's still (in my opinion) VERY repetitve. Start mission, run around map wait for acolyte to spawn, fight acolyte, complete mission objective, repeat process. (sometimes meaning doing same mission another 2 MAYBE 3 times before the location changes.) And secondly, not saying your wrong about the mods being added to the game after this but that didn't happen for all event mods...Buzzkill and the other slash mods are VERY sought after since they were NOT added to game after the event (except for fussilade which baro had 1 time)


    Gradivus was nothing but invasions for a hundred straight runs. (I didn't even get that far; I got burnt out after qualifying for the Machete Wraith.) At least with Shadow Debt there's some variety in tilesets, enemies, etc., and I have some downtime between appearances to take a break or go about my usual business. If you're after some of the specific mods, then yes, it's probably a little tiresome, but grinding for rare mods has always been like that, particularly when they drop from rare or uncommon enemies.


    So I moved my goalpost. I'll shoot for the Vulkar Wraith and Acolyte Lacera skin (and maybe one of the lower-tier clan decorations, depending on how many friends I can round up to get involved), and whatever mods I happen to get along the way will be a bonus. My weapons are already pretty tricked out, it's not as if I'm losing a lot by not having Argon Scope to make things even more ridiculously easy to kill.

  3. If the datamined drop list is any indication, Misery's probably the last one to appear. In any event, I doubt Argon Scope is going to disappear forever after this event. More likely it'll get introduced somewhere else in the game, like most other event mods.

  4. It's nowhere near the worst, at least for me. Cicero Crisis, Tethra's Doom, and False Profit take the cake for me, as a predominantly solo player. Didn't care much for the repetition of the Gradivus Dilemma either, cool as it was from a story standpoint.


    I just try to stay focused on the event rewards for this one. The mods will come sooner or later, either from doing the event or from when they're inevitably added to the game at large afterwards.

  5. Ahh the event is the event, so you include the horrible farm to the event.. now you cant tell its not a part of the event.. by that logic to complete the event you would need all the mods, tell me that you enjoy that (while the enemies arent much distinguishable from a corpus soldier because they are just as useless regarding their threat level)


    The mods are going to be added to the game afterwards eventually, just like every other event mod save Primed Chamber. I'll be happy if I get all of them, but the actual event completion stuff (the sigil, badge, Vulkar Wraith, Lacera skin, etc.) are my priorities.


    As for what the event is to me besides that... New lore stuff, Second Dream tie-ins, more Stalker developments (who'd have thought he'd find a following?), an excuse to poke around random missions, an excuse to do stuff with friends; there's probably more than that, but I'm not keen on spending too much time dwelling on it when I could be doing more productive things.

  6. PuGs behaving in a way that doesn't align with your intentions is, has been, and forever will be a risk of playing with people you don't know. This is not a new problem, just a new instance of it.


    Well players who like it are either new to the game or dont play warframe often.. this is the reality


    I've played Warframe since update 7, and I'm enjoying the event so far. What reality are you living in?

  7. Ok. Here is a dumb question. I am going to be going away for awhile, so the chances of me missing this event are very high when it comes to Ps4. Are the mods worth it, or should I not worry about them?


    Some of the mods are really good, but if past events are any indication they'll be added to the game somewhere else after the event finishes. You won't be missing out on them for good.

  8. A few things. First, we still don't know the exact circumstances under which the Tenno eradicated the Orokin. The "why" of that is a pretty crucial detail, and without it we're missing out on a lot of the dynamics of the situation. Second, Lotus's assessment of the Stalker may not be entirely true. It's been established that she means well by the Tenno, but it's also equally well established that she's not always truthful; besides that, she (presumably) has no connection to the Stalker any more, and isn't even omniscient when it comes to the "good" Tenno, so she's probably not in the best position to comment on his mental stability--and "driven mad" can mean a lot of different things as well. Third, we don't really know what the Stalker's opinion of Hunhow is. We know he'll tolerate working together, but that's about it; even if the Stalker is on the Orokin's "side" still, the fact remains that the Orokin don't have a side any more, in which case, well, the enemy of an enemy is a friend when you're looking for retribution. Temporarily, at least.


    I'm somewhat anxious to see what the other Acolytes have to say, though, when they appear. Maybe we'll find out more.

  9. Honestly, their names don't sound any stranger to my ears than "Ember," "Excalibur," "Hydroid," etc. They're with the Stalker; it fits with his motif.


    I like it so far. They have an interesting blend of powers, but aren't quite as oppressive as the Stalker (no Sentient armor, room lockdown, dispel, etc.). I just wish they had actual voice acting.

  10. It's not about free players vs. paying players, it's about newer players vs. established players. Newer players don't have access to most of the star chart, so non-devstream alerts and invasions are usually out even if they're on at the right time. Events are possible, but questionably doable due to equipment needs. Sorties are right out of the question for obvious reasons. Baro Ki'teer, even if he continues his trend of offering superchargers, currently has a rather prohibitive cost attached. And while, yes, catalysts/reactors aren't "necessary" in the technical sense--you can, in theory, do even most high-level content without them, provided you have a lot of Forma--they're still generally accepted as a given for most high-level content. I know for my part if I'm packing a weapon without a catalyst in it, it's probably a weapon I'm not using past mid-level areas like Sedna or Europa. But even putting that aside, tell a new player sometime to "just Forma all your gear a bunch instead"--and don't forget to explain what that entails--and see what their reaction is. I doubt it's going to be one that involves actually playing Warframe.


    And no, Forma is not "readily available" for a new player. Not unless you have a buddy who can get you to the places you need to go, either for the blueprints themselves or the resources to craft them.

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