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  1. get with the times old man. They are rebuilding blast to be pretty much identical to gas except after 1 second doing the aoe part without leaving cloud.
  2. yeah I've seen it and yes. Bringing impact mag on Corpus tileset appeared to be as strange not to say the least
  3. Your gun shoots twice instead of once. Thats the multishot. No need going around it trying to explain what it isn't
  4. Tried the setting I was talking myself. 96k dpi is about what I consider similar in feel. Mouse goes about the same but not at a constant pace. Flipping is still easy but now I'm much more to perform slow movements where as it was before mouse was moving at same speed no matter how delicate I was. Max report rate is a very important setting too. The actual problem I am facing is actuall NEED to zoom in order to shoot where I actually aim. Or otherwise it's just random from where end of the barrel is.
  5. yes. Because every viral procc above status cap is literally wasted. I'm not talking about 100% since faction mods would just straight up abuse this but at least something. It makes no sense as it is of right now. Also, Blast should be 0s not AFTER 1s.
  6. Yeah. But you are forgetting relevant enemies are immune to them anyway except for gas or electric. Being able to apply only 4 calls out for hit and run tactics and if you do weak statuses it makes absolutely no sense at all except for the fact Gas/Electric occuring on hit except after 1 second so if you were to constantly reapply heat it will literally do 0 dmg. Just trying to put other statuses in par since they just feel dumb to have at status cap + and above. Now imagine someone bringing Nourish or any other element to your High Electric Status primary totally ruining your dmg output what do you do? Extract and play in Shock Tropper squad instead? GL. And seriously I'm gonna start all my post beggining with a like: AS A LEGENDARY RANK TENNO... I know what I'm talking about. Refresh mechanic does nothing and is a quick fix instead of a proper solution.
  7. I like how my Mausolon riven is and forever will be complete trash just because it's a starter archwing majority just bumps up stat usage because that's the only one they have so dispo low.
  8. hehe always pick OP frame with all shards to make any guns 1000x stronger Hema best gun
  9. Say target has 10 viral. Applying 11th viral acting like first electric/gas proc dealing its dmg instantly and not after 1s like DoT types ie Bleed/Tox/Heat No more issues with overstatusing your guns. No more issues with wasted statuses spent for otherwise 100 impact statuses. They really wont stagger more than 10 really. No more need for -negative IPS rivens JUST so Acolytes ignore your statuses Give all statuses dmg they deserve.
  10. Here I'm dreaming about Rad immune eximuses with pink shields...
  11. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Condition_Overload_(Mechanic)#:~:text=A multiplicative bonus that adds,compatible with all weapon bonuses. Dont wanna argument anything based on what has been written in wiki but the chances are you will be too preoccupied to read all that then agree with what I said before is good enough answer for your issue here
  12. yes thats why everyone tells you RJ is good for endo farm thats how old this bug is.
  13. happened to me once too except the other way around without archwing down there.
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