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Everything posted by Yrkul

  1. No, what Arrowhead could learn from DE instead, is the ability to read the room and how to packpedal faster. Mein gott, did they screw this one up. Now Sony halted the requirement to link up with PSN for now. Sales banned from Steam in 177 countries, community manager fired, countless sales refunded despite several months of playtime, and a massive loss in customer goodwill. About time someone realized, that wasn't such a smart idea after all. It will be interesting to see if Helldivers II can recover, or if the debacle will sink what started out as a gigantic success. I actually believe, that the game failing because of this will strengthen customer rights, showing the industry, that their shenanigans can backfire spectacularly. So, yeah. Let it burn, and let the ashes serve as a bitter lesson.
  2. In light of the recent PSN related kerfuffle, I would prefer they didn't.
  3. Win? You took quite a bonk to the head from that shrapnel. Well, since you're still alive, get up, grab your rifle and fix bayonet. Assault is about to start.
  4. Sounds extensive. At least it sounds like you got a head start. On a different note, I finally got my copy of Gramsci's prison notebooks, in a three-volume hardsleeve edition. A bit on the heavy side, but his writing is popping up in current discourse more frequently, often in a rather distorted form. So to better analyze socio-political dynamics, I have to... sigh... read Gramsci. This will be as long and depressing as Gulag Archipelago. Oy vey.
  5. New employer, new work type or getting new recruits?
  6. Your feeling is of no use to me. If you had checked the source I gave, you'd see an average length between 4 and 8 months, and some even shorter than that. Perhaps you should stop making things up. The prestige ranks were originally meant for players, who put some effort into it, and finished nearly every challenge, every week. Now I'm on prestige rank 20-something, barely doing anything but the perma-challenges and a few dailies. Nightwave has become a low effort feature, for both DE and us, parked on the sideline for the next shining new project.
  7. Old news, but... And the Amnesty International report mentioned.
  8. Meanwhile, the current Nightwave season has been running close to half a year by now.
  9. One thing rather painfully evident in the usage of folk journalism is, that while you get a wide selection of perspectives and sources, the skill in comprehension and objectivity is woefully lacking. Sure, I can correllate information from a wide array of wannabe reporters, but most people don't have the time, energy or patience for this information landscape. And it is showing... /drunkenrant I hate insomnia.
  10. With how... interesting things are right now, a little levity might be in order. Right now I'm saving up energy for a bout of spring cleaning. Weather's been shifting back and forth over here, and my joints are giving me serious grief.
  11. That is oddly cute. So many questions, though... Like, why use undies as a dishcloth? And did they catch Happosai?
  12. Yeah. The more I learn about the US, the more I appreciate living in Denmark. And to think I once considered applying for a green card...
  13. Understandable. I also reckon they'll see more handling per game than the average Warhammer miniature, so wear will also be more pronounced.
  14. Had the stream running for the forma, from the start. First and second drop went just fine. Third is stuck at 99%. Yeah, gg...
  15. Ok. Plastic. Medium hardness, judging from how thin some of the blades are. Details are not Games Workshop grade, but still good enough that a good paint job will easily make up for it. Poses in general are nice and interesting. One could even make them more distinct with a black primer and grey drybrush alone: The deluxe edition has a bit more minis, though not at the bargain price you got, ya lucky bastard. 😆 And if they get enough sales through kickstarter, chances are they'll make enough for retail, seeing as you can get the base game on places like Amazon, of all places. Thanks for the gander, in any case. I should probably get back to finishing another batch of Blood Angels. (Red. Of all the chapters, I had to pick red.) 🤣
  16. Great find! How are the miniatures? In the pictures I could find, they look pretty good, but what's the material, durability etc?
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