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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. If you notice in the excalibur lore, they said they sent people to the void in desperation. I don't think they had any idea what it would do, only that they were losing a war bad and needed something to turn the tide.

    Assuming the Tenno rebellion was swift and efficient there was not much time between victory over the ancients and the collapse of the orokin empire. Given the relative completeness of the towers it's pretty safe to assume that the void wasn't an entirely new discovery they would have to know void energies would have some strange properties. Since I also believe the Tenno were a people apart and that the Orokin would know why (technocyte infection without succumbing) it would be a desperate but logical experiment to put the two together and see what happened.

  2. Yeah, Ninja Gaiden has power creep. Right.

    Oh for the love of.... Fine: All games with ongoing development the purpose of which is to release a stream of continuing content here represented by expanding online games including but not limited to mmorpgs but excluding single player contained experiences for which little to no future content is planned or in development for contain to some lesser or greater degree power creep.

    There is that better now? You don't have to use any critical thinking to get the op's meaning.

  3. Zanuka doesn't have an "Orokin style crown". Nor do I think that the proxy is made up of live Tenno.

    Why is this? It's the only explanation that doesn't contradict established lore (that being that the frames are nothing at all without a Tenno in them)

  4. No, did not say the first warframe.

    The entire entry was the process by which warframes came to be a thing. Then it says Excalibur was the first. I mean its not like you have to reach really far to draw the conclusion. What then if not a warframe is Excalibur the first of?

  5. People seem to throw the word "balance" around a lot, but what does it mean? Is it supposed to keep all forces equal? But not having a winner would result in an endless war. I can imagine few reasons for it, if thats the case:


    1. Endless war means endless opportunities for mercenary work. Tenno are a weapon after all.

    2. Keeping all factions fighting between themselves makes them an easy prey for any new invading faction we dont know about. If the new faction happens to be the Sentients, it would only reinforce the theory that Lotus is also one of the surviving Sentients, using Tenno to prepare the playing field.


    As you can guess, I'm not really buying into Lotus being the benevolent benefactor she makes herself seem to be.

    You and a lot of other people, man trust issues abound ^_^


    Equally plausible though is that the balance is an ancient Tenno belief and they set up the Lotus to ensure they would maintain it knowning the cryo sleep would wipe their memories. If it was always our core principle then naturally we would wish it to remain as we rebuilt our culture. Perhaps we went to sleep in the first place to clear our minds of remnants Orokin brainwashing. If you think about it Balance certainly wouldn't have been an Orokin objective as it's not much of a logical leap to see how that could have turned out bad for them (and did). 


    Maintaining the constant war isn't eternal though. Eventually both sides will have suffered such heavy losses that they will be demoralized or gone, and the while forced to split their attention between the Tenno and their other opponents which would not allow them to focus on the civilians we are meant to be protecting with our actions.


    I'm curious though why do you not trust Lotus? There's almost no evidence to suggest we shouldn't (conversely there is precisely the same amount of evidence we should which is why I'm curious to the motivations of those who don't) Part of the reason I do is out of game logic, she just serves as a way to deliver information to the player, if there is some sort of betrayal DE will have to create a new character to serve the same function and they have successfully gotten much of the player base to bond with her so I'm not sure they'd want to mess that up. If they allow proxy wars to begin serving the same purpose rather than a secondary source then it creates schisms in the player base and we won't feel like a unified whole anymore. Though with PVP dark sectors that argument holds less water than it once did. The rest is just cause I don't want to believe the Lotus is evil and Steve said we are the good guys. Probably the flimsiest reasoning I have but it is what it is until we get some actual evidence one way or the other. 

  6. Hrm...well in the grand scheme of things I suppose they are. They don't have any higher motivations than maintaining balance and regaining their history. That doesn't necessarily mean they are going to take the moral high road, or are above looting and treasure hunting. The galaxy is a pretty rough place.

    Oh most certainly but it is a matter of perspective whether those actions are good or evil. Often forgotten about (because they have almost zero in game presence) are the civilians who do not belong to either the Grineer or Corpus factions. In fact I'm not sure anyone would know about them if they hadn't seen the specific dev stream where they were mentioned. You can frame all the looting and treasure hunting as gathering resources to be strong enough to serve as the protectors the Tenno are meant to be. In that case and from the perspective of said civilians I doubt very much of what we do could ever be considered evil. We have not been shown to be overly sadistic, and though some argument could be made about the capture targets we don't really know what happens to them afterwards, I wouldn't imagine it's pleasant but by the same token it probably isn't overly cruel either. In either case though the Tenno were not directly responsible for anything more than their capture. 


    The mercenary thing is a little overstated in my opinion certainly there are a number amongst the community who approach the game with that attitude some with a delightful tongue in cheek narrative to it (*shoutout* GO TEAM GREED!) and some simply because it's a game and there are really no actual moral implications to the things we do. However don't forget that during the Gradivus event the Corpus were steamrolled to the point that it required DE to completely re-work their plan for the event. This because our Tenno brothers and sisters were threatened. 


    As a side note I'm loving this thread. It's been a long time since I've been involved with a Lore thread that didn't devolve into a shouting match

  7. The fact that they're making such huge changes as these is evidence that the game is in a heavy development stage, or "beta"..  The exact meaning of "release" when the game has indeed been accessible to players for a long time is just semantics.  Obviously "release" as it is used here just refers to its initial release to the players.


  8. The answer is beyond simple. Let's put an example on this. Tenno's, from my what I can see, emotions can be controlled by the Lotus itself. The Lotus was created by the Orokins to control the Tenno, basically saying that the Lotus was a mother figure to the Tenno. The old war with the Sentient was fought using the Lotus and the Tenno, and once the war was over they saw the Tenno to be useless garbage. They decided to throw away the Tenno, in which the Lotus figured that out. She was enraged, she believed that the Orokin empire was owned by the Tenno. She told all the Tenno, and thus the Tenno killed off the Orokin. The Lotus has a human mind, even if she knew everything and was the most complex being at the time. Emotions can cause a lot of things, emotions drive humans today. It doesn't matter what her sole purpose was, when she deems something as insignificant she'll destroy it.

    And, if anyone has any questions about this, look at the Lore leaked by someone out their. I forget where it was, but it's still out there.

    Not to be a naysayer but where do you get the lotus controls Tenno emotions from?

    No one really necessarily said we are the good guys, but the Tenno don't have any specific objective aside from balance and personal profit. They don't dissect corpus or seek to exterminate all Grineer

    Actually someone did say that the Tenno are the good guys. Steve in a dev stream using those exact words.

  9. No offense but god of war is pretty lame, its a copy and paste game and the dual chain blades are pretty lame too. Even Kratos admits that mid way through each of the games by getting new weapons that keep him from even using his original weapons again.

    What are you talking about with copy/paste?

  10. My questions are what makes the Lotus so special as to order the tenno around? She literally controls the most powerful beings in the system. What do the tenno gain from this? Is it a debt for saving them from cryo? What kind of "Oracle" tech does that woman have?


    She holds all the answers imo, we straight up need info on her.

    She might not have much of the bigger picture either. It's been suggested that she is a logistics AI for the Tenno who awoke them when some criteria or another were met. While she shows compassion towards the Tenno and autonomy enough that claims we are Lotus' slaves or even that we are controlled by her are overstated. Despite this she may not be programmed with any information regarding who or what the Tenno are or any thoughts beyond what would put them in the best tactical position in a given scenario. This would require a lot of information on current situations but ancient historical data such as why we went to sleep in the first place wouldn't be helpful in a good many cases. In fact her code could be blocked off from her access so she would not even know why she woke the Tenno herself.

    Reportedly DERebecca at some point or another slipped up and confirmed lotus is an AI but I've not looked into it myself and beyond that its speculation.

  11. Well........ by Ember's Lore said that there were children in the Military Ship that Kaleen found and entered and was burned by an scared child that we became to know to use the Ember Warframe.... in the last parts Kaleen asks what they (her superios) have done to them, there wasnt an answer, so we can think that they were.... brainwashed? Trained to be child-soldiers? Maybe there were experiments(Hojo/Jenova type experiments) on them? And they were completelly aware of this fact and hated their situation, and ploted since then to wipe those that called themselves their masters.

    I had to re-write this several times because of organization reasons so I'm going to front load my background beliefs rather than try to explain it as I go.

    Lots of people will disagree with one or all of my points just put "I believe" in front of all of it.

    -Poly-Tenno we do not play as one thing that changes suits but as several individuals, this is supported by embers codex in that the individual powers are inherent to the Tenno not the frame.

    -Tenno are a warrior culture made up of technocyte infected decendents of Hayden Tenno and exsisted long before the Orokin started shoving them into the void to give them crazy powers.

    -Void powers are a result of the interaction between void energies and technocyte, this is why other humans who have been to the void (corpus and grineer corrupted enemies) do not develop them

    Ok, yeah you might be on to something there. I would imagine the Orokin would have started with the adults who would be more combat capable than the children. The lore suggests an element of desperation in their fight against the Sentients. Once the adult Tenno were on the front fighting they could have then continued the experiments on the Tenno children (embers lore). When the Tenno return victorious I imagine they would be pretty angry about this and would then have revolted. As an interesting aside to this the explanation for multiple embers and rhinos and what not could be that familial lines of Tenno would always produce similar powers which are then channeled by the frames. This would mean that the powers are a result of three things genetics, the void energies, and technocyte infection. I actually really like this idea.

    At the end of every Extermination mission, the Lotus tells us: "Other than you, I can detect no other life-forms aboard this ship". Or something like that (I can't find the direct quote).


    Unless she's lying to us, I'd say we're living beings. I actually think we control multiple Tenno.

    Also Steve said in a dev stream "the Tenno are, or at least were human and warframes are something that wrap around them"

  12. If anything it'll be made into a Vandal. And chances are that won't happen for a while.

    Blue Potatoes are common enough that if you really like it, just stuff a potato into it.

    If it does get made into a vandal it will be an event reward, those always come with a slot and a potato so there is at least an equivalent exchange there. Forma however.....

    Edit: I see I was beaten to the punch.

  13. Some of the abilities they talked about were just so damn terrible. I really hope they can move away from the rather poor frames they have churned out recently.

    They only mentioned one and it sounded intriguing to me. I mean feel free to pass judgement based on a vague description of a single power but your really narrowing your field of view and predisposing yourself to dislike something that could still turn out awesome.

  14. The only problem I have here is that the stalkers lore implies that it was on the eve of their victory over the Sentients, like they come home from the front and immediately wipe out the Orokin. The picture you painted seems like it would have taken time and had build up. I think the basic premise is probably correct but whatever the Orokin did to precipitate the Tenno's actions must have been much bigger and more sudden. Of course it could be a scenario where all the Tenno were gone for a long time and came back to see what the Orokin had become as well. Something about that scenario bothers me too but I can't put my finger on it.

    Really I think I may just be being nit-picky.

  15. You make a point on dual weapons being difficult to learn to use, but that's why they require their own leveling, even if you've already mastered the single. What does affinity represent, if not learning how to use the weapon?


    There is no logical reasoning behind requiring a special blueprint or orokin cells or a link or any other arbitrary grind thing to figure out that you can hold a pistol in each hand. The dual cestra are simply the worst example by far.


    And yes, I'll be a little ironic here. The Mutalist is exactly what I want from a research weapon. It just doesn't fit into any of the labs thematically. Maybe if there was a "Hybrid Technology" lab, it would be right at home.

    The best explanation I've heard and I love it. The research wasn't so we could hold 2 of them it was so the mods would apply to both.

  16. I have to say, I love the animations, particularly how the gauntlet part expands and contracts. That for me was the biggest thing. The animations look good and from the first time they showed a combo, there was a shield-bash maneuver in there.


    When I visited the studio, I got the pleasure of talking to Geoff (Gefu) and I told him that the reason I wanted a bash was to reap a whirlwind of revenge on Shield Lancers. Hopefully he took that to heart, but I have only seen as much as you guys now. Bearing in mind, had we designed weapons knowing about Melee 2.0, they may have come out much different.


    I don;t think any of the winners will be disappointing though. I am really looking forward to the Bladed Tonfa.

    Thank you for sharing, I look forward to using your weapon as I do all the winners.

  17. Yeah. You could say that it farts rainbows and I would still be stoked to see it in game.


    Just a liiiitttttle bit bias. I am more here to see you guys talking about it. It's really awesome to see people giving their opinions on the design and implementation, even if some aren't favourable. The fact it is being talked about alone fills me with fuzzy feels.

    Awesome I can only imagine what that would feel like. If you don't mind elaborating did you have any ideas going in on what you would like to have seen? All my notions during votings were firmly rooted in M1.0 and completely wrong. It's great you like what is being done with it, I would honestly feel bad if you hated it. Not that I'm connected in anyway or important just empathetic that way.

  18. Oh, having bugs isn't the hallmark of being beta. That's not what I'm saying. The point is that it's an excuse not to deal with issues. This game is past beta imo. Why DE still keeps that label, idk. To me it's an excuse. Somebody offers feedback on a particular issue, "BETA". Someone doesn't like something in the game, "BETA". DE doesn't fix an issue after it's been known for a while, and someone asks when it'll be fixed, "BETA".

    What's the difference between excuse and reason? It's not like they're sitting around the office having money fights and ignoring things. Stuff gets fixed all the time. I have heard there is a document of persistent bugs floating around and viewing that might change my opinion but I find my experience to be largely bug free. Certainly no more so than the games I mentioned that have no hope of ever being fixed significantly less in most cases. I also don't run into much that makes me go "that's been in here forever".

    You still didnt answer what you thought would change if they dropped the beta tag. It's a work in progress now and it would be if they changed it. I doubt it would cause a noticable shift in the corporate culture or their approach to the development. The people who are unhappy won't be any happier and those of us who are happy could care less what they call it.

  19. I just hope later stances for Sword-and-Shield weapons are more pragmatic, and less flashy/Captain America.


    Throwing your shield should be the last thing you ever think you have to do to win or survive.

    I hope we never get pragmatic stances. Warframe has a lot of flash and that's why I love it as long as it still works the more flash the better. Realism is another word for boring in my book.

  20. Then what's the point of a "beta"? I'm sure that will go over real well for every other studio as well, who decides to keep their games in beta while essentially selling them, like you would with full releases, to justify having numerous bugs that won't ever be fixed.

    You act like that doesn't already happen. Skyrim, fallout 3, GTA. In fact find me a game any game at all that doesn't have bugs. What exactly is the name change going to accomplish in your mind? Do you really honestly believe it even matters at all?

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