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Everything posted by Kaggelos

  1. Please, i have standards, dont lump me with the meta chasers xD
  2. I will respect your perspective and just say that my issue isn't a practical one, but a matter of taste and opinion. Also please do not lump me with the meta crowd, I have standards. oh look, pitchforks!
  3. As per title, I do not wish to engage in the circuit, the random element is antithetical to my way of playing. Is there any way for me to get the rewards other than this game mode? Thanks fellow Tenno (and Devs)
  4. I get what you're saying. If you want it, keep it, just make it optional for the rest of us.
  5. Please reconsider making steel path circuit randomization optional. It is a matter of having the choice to express our playstyle the way we want. This game's strongest and unique point is it's player's freedom of choice and expression. Don't take that away from us. thank you
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