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Everything posted by Kaggelos

  1. Opinion and rant incoming; I still for the life of me dont get how or why almost everyone likes the Orokin Tileset. It has gold, i hate gold, its too pretentious, its kitsch. it gives off i "pretend to be rich and have no taste" vibes. Its also too white and bright. Can anyone explain to me the appeal? Been playing for over 5 years, and still loath that map. Great for gameplay and parkour though, ngl. PS. My faves btw are Jupiter GC, Zariman, OV Corpus building interiors, and Grineer Galleons. Techy stuff mostly. #*!% the orokin everything btw xD
  2. Yeah i know. But mercy kills are funner, and dont replace abilities like Wrathful Advance does ^^
  3. I do. And im all for it. Mercy kill animations are dope af. Also great buffs (cc entire room, energy, health, ammo reload etc).
  4. As per title, i joined the event solo, defeated him and the Orowyrm, and got zero banes. Am i doing something wrong? Ty in advance
  5. As per title, can i buy the parts from Chipper, and trade them to my sister who missed the Game Awards Twitch stream? Thank you in advance ^^
  6. Im not the kinda guy that sees numbers and goes brrrr. Having said that, The Sun and Moon is one of my new favorite stances/weapons. Because its just pure fun, thats all. The animations, movements, sounds and feel of it are juuust right.
  7. While i understand where you're coming from, i cant resist not using this gif
  8. Thank you for another survey, its always fun doing those ^^
  9. I mean if I'm gonna be honest, Archwings and open worlds are for me the most boring way to move around. They are way too good, i.e. Super fast, super maneuverable, with almost zero drawbacks. To me this is boring. K-Drives on the other hand at least are a bit more fun, what with their own unique way of movement and different ways of implementing tricks and stuff, plus I really appreciate the sense of momentum they have, like, they're more physics based. Archwing throws all of that out the window. And lastly, Kaithes. I used them once or twice in open worlds, and the immersion aspect was just simply amazing. I really really loved using them. So imma keep using them more, even thinking of outright removing the key bind for Archwing, unless we are doing Eidolon Hunting, purely out of respect for the time and effort my teammates will put into it and not time gate them.
  10. my only gripe with stances is when their combos are repetitive. E+E+E shouldnt be the same as Block+Attack combo. Also in our current system there's not clear risk/reward for our combos. E+E+E should be the weakest, as it is the easiest to pull off for example.
  11. Incredible and to the point answers, ty for the info, was a bit confused as well with Pazuul especially ^^
  12. Agreed on this, more customization options are always welcome ^^
  13. There is no image attached, or at least I don't see one. Here's one; (Now, artist's opinion incoming) Overall his new deluxe skin is really good looking. My only issue is for the thighs to be shortened and calves to be elongated a bit ( or at least the armour protruding at the front of his thighs), it seems to be a bit unbalanced in terms of proportions, in my opinion at least.
  14. I just wanna have the big ass void beam we first got after the second dream, power, cooldown and all.
  15. My favorite, if not the best Defense mission type in the game. Also yes, ziplines are super fun. Also imo the new corpus spaceship map is... not to my liking, too flat (barring a few rooms with loads of complexity and verticality). Jupiter and Corpus RJ maps on the other hand are just amazing
  16. Thank you for another Survey! These are always fun to fill out ^^
  17. (Barring progression bugs) Yeah the open world is fantastic, combat is neat (Sirocco aiming is a little too literal i think or wonky?). Verdict is still out for the Circuit for me. I mean, at first I was absolutely livid for my lack of choice ( not because I like using meta equipment mind you, I at least have that amount of self respect). But if it's at least a very dedicated game mode, and I get at the very least some decent equipment that is fun for me to use ( not so much stats wise I mean) in steel path, then at the very least I can tolerate it. My main issue is the lack of choice, but the suggestion ( unused or forgotten equipment) aspect is more than welcome.
  18. The pre Melee 2.99999~ COMBO system. Im not taking about the counter, nor the blocking, or the directional slam attack. Im referring to the combos each weapon type and stance had. I believe many of them were downgraded, not from a stats pov (of which i dont care), but button flow, visuals and feel. Sparring, dual wielding nikana, defiling snapdragon, Iron Phoenix, and a few more. I want them back personally.
  19. Personally I would suggest camera angles be of various distances and angles, randomized, for each instance of a finisher. There's this bug that changes up the camera angle and sometimes it looks really cool from a tilted perspective. Would be super hard to implement, but I thought I'd just point it out.
  20. Maybe, i guess i'm open to solutions ^^
  21. Please consider making steel path circuit randomization optional. One of the biggest and strongest aspects of the game is freedom of choice and personal expression. Respectfully I understand what you are trying to do, but let us have the choice to do so on our own. Thank you.
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