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  1. Not to mention you do know Slam attacks have only been buffed for 6 months? That'd be impressive as f*ck if I got a 7.9% usage rate on a frame in only that amount of time, given my account. I'd have to be macro botting Wukong for hours a day, every day to get what you're insinuating.
  2. You do realize Wukong hasn't been trash since 2019, for various different reasons. He's also had his Prime since 2019, only a few months after he was no longer trash. And you do know having your clone active doubles your usage rate just like specters do, right? Before the Old Blood, Wukong had the best melee in the game, just below Maiming Strike builds. So he was used a fair amount there. But by far the massive bulk of his usage stat on my account was from using him for his speed, as my old crappy PC couldn't handle Titania (and she also wasn't buffed for a while). So every single mission from Spy, Capture, Rescue, Assault, Sabotage, solo Railjack (no crew back then), Assassination, etc... was done almost exclusively by him for years. And all of them require little to no killing. And around the time of the Zariman he got a short stint as my preferred frame to run for Exterminate. And you do realize I've been playing Warframe for 6.5 years and all those stats are cumulative. Artax has over a 52% usage rate at the top of all sentinel weapon... I have not used it since ~2019? But it's that high because that's all I cared to use as a new player, seeing as Fetch didn't exist and Sentinel weapons were low impact. Taxon has a 14.7% usage as the top sentinel. Again, haven't used it since ~2019. The Centaur is the top at 70.6% usage... haven't used it since 2020. The top melee, Dohkram, at 11.1% was barely used after 2019. And has not been used since the heavy slide attack nerf. The Ignis Wraith at 15% has not been used in over 1.5 years. The next 3 frames after Wukong being Hildryn, Nidus, and Limbo Prime, with 5.2%, 4.5%, and 4.5%. They have not been used in 1.5 years, 5 years, and 2.5 years. Personally I'm fine with it. It's public information and I occasionally use it too, but it needs to be properly understood and used wisely.
  3. What are you on about? Basically any frame can tank SP perfectly fine with just Adaptation and either Pillage or Condemn (as well as frames with innate OS like Protea, Mag, etc...). It'd be a massive loss to the game to have them removed, as they are thee best low investment tanking option in the game. 1,200 ehp with built-in 50% damage reduction and very easy ways to instantly generate it is nothing to scoff at. Overshields also increase your shield gate duration even though DE and the wiki say otherwise. She kinda does, but not what you're asking for. The gate doesn't apply to enemy damage, but does apply to abilities she cast. Like say an ability cost 1,000 shields to cast, but you only have 5 overshields. That ability will now only cost 5 overshields.
  4. I have never seen a "thermal fairy" in anything but base starchart fissure missions, nor I have heard anyone complain about it in anything but base starchart fissure missions. I'm sure she's run in other places like invasions and such, but the moment a you dip your toe into anything considered barely endgame (sorties up), she's nowhere to be seen. I also believe I have to yet to see a slamkong, but I don't do many non-endurance SP fissures. (If you're playing on the Asia servers, I recommend you switch from what I've heard.) Because otherwise your statement either comes across very hyperbolic, or that you do almost nothing but short-form fissures in a game that has dozens and dozens of different game modes. If 50% of your missions are played in the same game mode in a game that has lets say a hypothetical ~60, then you gotta admit there's a problem. (Not to mention each mode tends to have it's own unique meta that's very similar within itself, but very different to the next one.) That's not an excuse, nor do we live under the Scott regime anymore.
  5. You speak as if every mission in Warframe is an exterminate fissure. Is that really all y'all play?
  6. They seemed to have fixed this recently, but maybe not. My experience in the field leads me to believe that incarnon evolutions are host dependent, surprisingly. They're not like mods where they're innate to your weapon once you put them on. No, the game seems to need to constantly check to see if you've activated them all mission long. Which means if you have a laggy/poor connection host, there'll be times the game can't confirm if you've activated an evo. And crit chance is the easiest one to notice because it's literally color-coded live.
  7. Just sayin' it.... That's hellva investment when you could just play someone like Revenant, definitely not "close to being nerfed soon" worthy.
  8. Maybe the augment in your head would be, but the real one only has a 10sec base duration. You'd need 600% duration for 60 seconds. It also has a 25sec cooldown, not a 21.
  9. Dagath has a Zenurik (=) aura polarity for a reason, and the only Zenurik aura is Brief Respite. Put that on and either Blind Rage or Catalyzing Shields and you'll have no problem with the 25-5 second downtime of Grave Spirt. If Dagath with her augment is one thing, it's her not being short of energy to spam abilities with.
  10. Any enemy the devs forgot to add a ragdoll animation for (or chose to not to add) will be immune to any abilities that CC via ragdoll. Other abilities will CC them just fine as you've noted, so it's very likely an oversight. The more you play newer content, the more enemies they tend to forget. For example, the Murmur faction is rife with them. This shouldn't be the case, as Khora's dome works like a radiation proc. Enemies aren't guarantied to target those in the dome and you can be hit by stray fire, but they should still target them when the conditions line up. I just tested it in the sim. Are you 100% sure?
  11. Being downed and dying are not the same thing. LG happens after you get downed, not after you die. When you die, you have no option to continue the mission except to use one of your 4-6 revives (or mission specific mechanics like the Void Angel in EDA). And if you can't kill 3 enemies without softening/debuffing them with your secondary, you will die die, unlike the alternative. Because most people spam the operator button if they're about to get downed to try and save themselves (e.g. Magus Elevate). But if you react too slow/die faster than you anticipated, you spamming the button automatically triggers LG. Needing to hold the button (for LG only) would mean your spamming/late press wouldn't accidentally activate LG. From what I've seen, I'm 95% sure they do. But... This is anecdotal Rarely do I do this (not that I have the chance to seeing as I usually accidentally pop LG) LG doesn't have a conventional timer you can see
  12. I think he means you're penalized with being more-likely to die in places you can't (conventionally) revive. With the biggest reason (at least that I have) being that you lose the ability to soften/debuff enemies with your secondary before you use Last Gasp. You also lose the 20 or so seconds you could just chill in bleedout before you use LG, giving your teammates more time to get to you if you can't self-revive.
  13. Maybe it doesn't count for the very few sources that dissolve bodies (Ferrox, Plasmor, Molecular Prime, etc...). But playing this game for 6.5 years (and mainly playing nuke builds) makes me think the majority of sources do, but at the end of the day that's just an anecdotal account. I'm curious if you tested something that doesn't dissolve bodies?
  14. Overkill damage has always contributed towards the stat for everything, not just slams.
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