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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. For those people that don't know bounce pad the defense pod plus disarmed enemies are one of the best ways to use bounce for defense besides trolling its also best used in infested defense. Also bouncing doorways in void that enemies go through.

  2. My gripe is the removal of air melee. I understand why on some weapons it can be a problem, but I'm one of those crazies who actually uses air melee to hit enemies. I want to be able to kick flying/tall things in the face still with my kogake. I'd say just gimp the problem weapons like amphis/tipedo

    I think DE recently previewed bullet jump which is similar to air melee.

  3. So there has been a preview of the new bullet dodge which is more controlled air melee its good to see that the Devs are not entirely removing air melee and rather just making it more controllable and limiting the distance now I just want to see more fast pace wall jumping and they should keep wall running+ faster paced wall jumping+ wall cling+ new bullet jump = perfect mobility in game.

  4. "You dare speak a heresy non believer? We arbiters hold all the secrets of the universe only through accepting the truth can one transcend one's potential we are limitless..."

  5. While i enjoyed it while it lasted, invulnerable mag was ridiculous. It made ALL corpus missions a complete cakewalk. it was almost comical and very broken. She was good in the void too, but bombards and grineerish enemies were still able to slash proc her, bringing her back down to earth.


    i do miss the bubble though. It made for some cool flair and let other players know that you were a tanky mag. I wish it would return

    We all want her cool shield bubble effect back from shield transference and at least buff the over shield capacity a bit more since its not infinite anymore like it used to be.

  6. Just no. Invulnerability abilities do not belong in a game like this. The nerf was needed. An mag is still a good frame - she may be a little niche, but she is still powerful.


    That's the problem she's niche and she relies on an augment to make her ulti even somewhat useful comparing it to what mesa's peacemaker? loki's radial disarm? See the problem there?


    Her 3rd ability is only situational and now the co-op element of her 1st CC ability has been nerfed again shield transference is still okay but it used to be better and had a cooler effect. They took away the cool effect and nerfed the ability now that is unfair treatment of a frame they could have at least kept the cool effect but they removed it and still nerfed the ability they could increase the shield cap as well since well its not infinite scaling. 

  7. I think if they rework ultimates to be more user intensive as opposed to fire, forget, collect rewards, then greedy pull can go back. I'm not happy with the change because the coop she provided was great, but I dislike the stand in place play that erupted as a result. Games should be fun and challenging. I'll grudgingly accept the change as long as the look into the root of the problem as well.





  8. I know that but what if it has to drop from prime dens that have .001% prime egg drop chance in void or if we're following what your saying then it will just further dilute the void drop tables which are already crowded as is as DE will never remove their filler stuff (O-Cells, forma, keys etc)

  9. How about... NO. I guess if you want to farm eggs with a .01% and each egg having a .0000001% chance to be primed kubrow then by all means sure go for it. You will surely encourage kubrow breeders to overprice their kubrows even more.

  10. the greedy pull nerf is up there with the shield polarize and EV nerf back in vivergate in terms of kneejerk reactions to prevent efficient gameplay in the name of 'balance'. I'm surprised that people are so fine with it. I'm not a big mag player(not since the shield transference nerf) and I loathe Draco since I can't finish four rounds of that without falling asleep, but I still think the nerf isn't justified. 


    Greedy Pull was one of the few augments people liked because it brought some sort of utility that you can't just say 'oh, so it's something the power should do by default'. It was extremely convenient when a mag piled all the loot somewhere so nobody lost time searching it or spread out for it(which is dangerous as time passes). 


    At the end of the day, this hurts 'legitimate' gameplay while it doesn't do anything for farmers, whether DE considers it 'wrong' gameplay or not.

  11. what a poor decision

    Very not just about G pull Nerf.


    Even visually mag's abilities is lackluster in terms of visual effects comparing it to other frames crush is underwhelming in terms of effectiveness and use and is only usable with fracturing crush augment mod not to mention the animation and visual effect of crush looks outdated compared to the other frames. Shield transference augment used to make mag look cool with a magnetic shield bubble forming around her and had infinite scaling that doesn't have a shield limit making it actually very effective at end game enemy levels now its still good just not good enough. Bullet attractor looks good visually and has a cool factor but besides that a very situational ability that you use only for assassination or against heavy units and not being able to cast multiple instances of it. Now mag looses further utility and her co-op capability in efficient farming its sad to see what DE has done to one of their original frames. DE PLEASE TREAT MAG BETTER YOU ARE RUINING ONE OF THE BEST FRAMES IN GAME.


    Edit: Every other frame has received better treatment and mag receives @#$! treatment compared to the newer MORE POPULAR FRAMES mag is an original frame she deserves better she was my first frame as well and I would like to see her treated better by the developers.



  12. Even visually mag's abilities is lackluster in terms of visual effects comparing it to other frames crush is underwhelming in terms of effectiveness and use and is only usable with fracturing crush augment mod not to mention the animation and visual effect of crush looks outdated compared to the other frames. Shield transference augment used to make mag look cool with a magnetic shield bubble forming around her and had infinite scaling that doesn't have a shield limit making it actually very effective at end game enemy levels now its still good just not good enough. Bullet attractor looks good visually and has a cool factor but besides that a very situational ability that you use only for assassination or against heavy units and not being able to cast multiple instances of it. Now mag looses further utility and her co-op capability in efficient farming its sad to see what DE has done to one of their original frames. DE PLEASE TREAT MAG BETTER YOU ARE RUINING ONE OF THE BEST FRAMES IN GAME.


    Edit: Every other frame has received better treatment and mag receives @#$! treatment compared to the newer MORE POPULAR FRAMES mag is an original frame she deserves better she was my first frame as well and I would like to see her treated better by the developers.

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