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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. Shield Transference is highly effective. it's not godmode because you can literally generate it at the press of a button provided there's Enemies with Shields.

    i can, because literally nothing was changed.

    now Mag will just go do it alone. use your LoS ignoring Pull to hide in a corner and Kill everything and collect the l00t. but only for yourself.

    that sounds great in Public Matches.

    Yes its effective but it still falls in late game as your shields won't recover as fast after 50+ min in t4 surv you still have to rely on QT+ primed flow + evasive manuevers which is fine and all but it used to be more EFFECTIVE before it got nerfed as you were able to tank 1 shots from nullifiers or even go into the bubble without your shield bubble disappearing. About what you said yes I do see that the new nerf to G pull will just hinder gameplay as mags will now just simply not help contribute and selfishly get stuff for herself promotes selfish gameplay.

  2. It's not a nerf to Mag... just a nerf to an Augment Mod. If you feel she needs a re-work, then that was true before the change to Greedy Pull. A frame shouldn't need an Augment mod to stand on its feet.


    That being said, I still think she has a lot of potential, I've always loved her gameplay.

    Well then DE should rework her crush then so that we don;t have to rely on fracturing crush always when we face anything other than corpus. How about her bullet attractor which we only use on bosses or heavy units we should be able to recast it in multiple instances. Crush is one of the most UNDERWHELMING ultimates in game that relies an augment mod.

  3. I do feel her shield transeference could be more than just overshields, maybe some DR, proc resistance/inmunity or something. Also not sure if the bubbled has been taken out but if so DO bring it back please.

     Yes her shield bubble used to make her augment UNIQUE that and you can tank nullifiers with it and used to make you really tank without and overshield limit.

  4. Okay I get the reason why Mag G pull was nerfed and only affects her now a lot of people will definitely rage because she loses her co-op potential but since you did nerf her can you at least BUFF or REWORK some of her OTHER abilities? Like bring back the shield transference bubble invulnerability, and at least CHANGE OR REWORK CRUSH because without the augment that should be a base feature in the first place her ultimate actually feels very UNDERWHELMING against all other frame ultimates.


    While your at it can you also at least BUFF bullet attractor so that we can be able to multi-cast it? DE please take a look again at Mag after your frost rework because that NERF is not justified as it will discourage people from using what should be one of the most versatile and decent frames in CONCEPT.

  5. I really wish DE could refer to the video I posted I mean they did promise us that ^ and honestly it looks so cool unlike the bunny hop but yeah they can incorporate the wall jumping as long as they speed up the pace and polish it more to make it more fluid along with more omni-directional and fluid wall running + wall cling that will be the perfect iteration of parkour.


    Did we watch the same preview? I watched her pick up some serious momentum and cover a whole room in the void in seconds, much like how it is now.

    This is what I was talking about the new parkour system should be similar to this with some elements of faster wall jumping but mainly this is what they promised and they changed it.




  7. I really hope they keep horizontal wall-running, It's pretty much my favorite part of warframe's parkour system, now its getting dropped for this wall-jumping maneuver...


    This is how I want to wall-run:




    Not hopping across the wall like this:




    They could make this work if they combined both parkour 2.0 previews together, You could keep wallrunning by holding down either Sprint or Jump and then let go to wall-hop to an adjacent wall or to wherever the camera is facing, This could lead to more tactical and precise parkour movements throughout the game, Since currently you are just kind of flung in one direction after you transition from a wall-run instead of getting to choose where you want to go.


    I mainly hope they keep the directional horizontal movement they showed in the first preview, That alone could add so many more possibilities to warframes parkour system, Along with the new wall-latching ( Which could probably be achieved by hold Ctrl/crouch while using wallrun ) It would add a lot more uses for parkour ingame.



    This dude we share the same sentiments that DE should just allow both versions wall running + faster pace more fluid wall jumping+ wall cling+ nerfed air melee attack/coptering distance opens up new possibilities thanks for even displaying images for visual representation let us hope DE see this so that they can take it into consideration before they finalize parkour 2.0

  8. There is an immeasurable amount of fun to be had, and a good deal of practice required, with the current melee system as demonstrated here. And this was before vertical melee.




    After carefully watching all the recent demonstrations of Parkour 2.5 on the LiveStreams, all it reminds me of is this.


    Agreed the previous parkour system was fun we will surely miss it and now we will be bunny/frogs hopping at turtle like speed.

  9. ^This I like it even though the hopping is a bit frog like. I like to hang on a wall and feel like a ninja. Spying enemy's and landing on their heads. And shooting from above. I wonder how it will feel while playing with Zephyr.

    Yes I like it too as well but only if they make the animation more seamless and fluid a bit faster paced to fit the fast paced combat system of the game and I also suggested to incorporate old wall run along with the new faster paced wall jumping and wall cling basically more mobility options the better and = perfect mobility

  10. Every Parkour 2.0 thread I see says this. Air melee & slide attacks were never going away. Limiting the distance to a fixed length has always been a part of their plan.

    well now in that case all is good then DE just has to streamline and make the wall jumping more fluid and fast paced.


    EDIT: I still believe like what I said in the OP that wall running+ faster paced more fluid wall jumping+ wall cling+ limited range (shorter range fixed limit) air melee attack/coptering

  11. I'm really worried about the momentum gains through walljumping. The demonstrations we've had haven't shown any of this properly and I'm just hoping that the demonstrators were bad at parkouring and not that the whole system is slow as S#&$. And no, I don't care about coptering. Even without coptering I can easily move 2-4x faster than the devs at any of the pk2.0 demos.

    Yes yeah momentum gains the current wall jumping they shown looked very static and slow.

  12. Wall hopping looks hella ugly, imo. It looks and feels clunky and slow, and while it provides more maneuverability, it just doesn't have the speed that we all love. I feel that the parkour system we have now is fine, and the only features we need here are wall-latching, changing direction, vaulting from wall to wall, and changing the height of the wallrun. You know, those features from an earlier devstream which Rebecca showed.

    This ^ where did all the things they teased initially in the original parkour 2.0 trailer go now that was amazing. the new wall hoping looks clumsy down graded slow mode were gonna become turtles soon.

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