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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Le 31/08/2019 à 21:39, TheGodofWiFi a dit :

    Firstly this is not a rework I'm suggesting, just some QoL tweaks.

    Baruuk is one of the Warframes you very rarely see running around in random missions, which is a shame, because his concept is very interesting. It's just the implementation of some of his powers is really not that great. Desolate Hands does not synergise well with the rest of his kit as it directly suffers as a result of you building for his first two abilities; Elude and Lull. Right now you either build for range or build for strength with negative range. The former high-range build renders Desolate Hands useless as a player defense power as it means the trigger distance for a dagger to fly off onto and enemy/ally is extremely far, especially when you have Elude active. The latter negative range build in-turn renders Elude and Lull a virtually useless as they require decent range to be effective.

    Desert Wind also is not a very good exalted weapon due to the energy waves not counting towards the combo counter. Since it's doubtful Baruuk will get something like Excalibur's Chromatic Blade augment, this means that Desert Wind is just not very good as the ragdoll effect works directly against building a combo counter.

    His kit needs tweaks in order to put Baruuk in a decent place, because right now he is another victim of being less useful than a lot of other frames that can do his job and he is rarely used/seen outside of dedicated XP farms like Hydron as a result.

    My suggestons for tweaking Desolate Hands and Desert Wind/Serene Storm inparticular would respectively be;

    • Tweak DH so that the daggers do not automatically fly off onto enemies/allies and instead make it so that the daggers stay with the player until the ability is cast again, upon which the daggers will then fly off all at once to the nearest group of enemies/allies.
    • Tweak Serene Storm so that the waves count towards the combo counter or sacrifice some crit chance to buff up the status, so the waves at least have status build potential. Both options would increase Serene Storms usefullness as an exalted weapon.

    I would also add a few tweaks to both his Restraint passive and an extra one to Serene Storm;

    • Increase the amount of Restraint lost when using abilities as right now it is too slow even when using all three of his abilities.
    • Remove the 50% damage Reduction on Restraint and the 40% damage reduction on Serene Storm. This is to compensate for having more control over the daggers which already give you enough damage reduction at a cap of 90% with nine daggers which is easy to achieve with a small amount of power strength.
      • Baruuk simply does not need to have so many different ways of reducing damage. That sounds like a silly thing to say on paper, but in practical terms it really is not. All Baruuk needs is for his Desolate Hands to be tweaked so he has more control over them and you don't need anything else. A flat 90% damage reduction on one ability is good enough. Having too many ways of reducing damage ironically means he ends up being more of a hassle than other frames with the same damage reduction capability.
    • Replace the damage reduction on the Restraint passive with a melee attack speed and/or reload speed buff perhaps. This would also go with his theme of becoming more agitated as his Restraint goes down.

    These are just some QoL tweaks that would make Baruuk more attractive to use IMO. The concept of pacafist Monk who is actually a John Wick style badass fighter is an awesome one and Baruuk should live up to it, but right now he really doesn't. As the old saying goes; other frames can do his job but a lot better. With these changes, his Desolate Hands would synergise with the rest of his kit, Serene Storm would be a more useful exalted weapon and his Restraint would be able to offer us a different buff as opposed the same one that two (one if these tweaks were implemented) abilities already do.

    Baruuk has a lot of potential, but right now he is just another forgotten frame.

    I wouldn't lower Baruuk damage mitigation mechanics (especially since he doesn't necessarily have all of them, all the time) or at least not remove them entirely cause Baruuk isn't much resilient at first, his health is quite pathetic for example. In fact a nullifier only can make him die in a sec if you're not careful enough.

    I wouldn't care much about combos since it's likely to be removed along with melee 3.0 in 2044, at this point Serene Storm will definitely be buffed along with Excalibur's own blade. More status could be nice (perhaps an augment who knows) but a whole armor scaling/elemental damages rework would be better.

  2. Il y a 20 heures, Uhkretor a dit :

    Differently from you, apparently. I can solo lvl350 enemies without worries.

    Edit: Then again, running Excal from the 1st second, since U7.

    Every single frame can kill pretty much anything with melee weapons only, that's not an argument. OP isn't complaining as a whole nor saying Excalibur can't kill a thing either so unless you're trolling on purpose or having too much hate to share, i don't get your point.

    Are all players from U7 that arrogant or you're the only one ?

  3. Pretty much this, especially concerning the synergy part.

    I don't mind an individualistic frame though cause all frames aren't meant to buff the entire team anyway. But since Gauss is no nuker and no buffer i don't get why he did get all of this limitations and overcomplicated mechanics. Almost half of its kit isn't even in its ingame tooltips.

    Locking kinetic plating and thermal (fire or explosion) behind its battery/redline level is quite awful, as if this powers weren't there to be used. Well as you mentioned already, his fire and explosion synergies are so bad that i'd keep on with ice procs anyway. On the other hand Kinetic plating brings a lot of interesting buffs but tbh if enemies are dealing poison, viral or whatever it isn't protecting you from, you're pretty much screwed anyway...

    Gauss should have a frost/fire eximus detector cause at this point i'm wondering how such kind of specific protections are meant to be used (by human beings of course).

  4. Duration implies it was meant to be used as a temporary buff not a channel power. But its high cost prevents that so there are two solutions:

    First DE confirms it's a channel power and thus removes its duration and reduces its energy cost.

    Second, DE confirms it's a temporary buff and then solve its balance issues with Battery/redline mechanics.

    I don't mind which one was meant to exist but tbh the current in-between situation isn't much helping cause this power is currently impairing every single synergy Gauss is supposed to have. Powers are supposed to help with synergies, not the opposite.

    • Like 1
  5. Il y a 13 heures, (XB1)Knight Raime a dit :

    Then maybe Gauss isn't for you?  He's literally about casting constantly to maintain his battery.  The only person I've watched today that managed to struggle with battery/energy was someone purposefully using a high duration build and not casting as often as he should have been.  Which got him killed.  Even in Brozime's video where he has more duration than the guy was able to keep his energy/battery up.  I don't know how many times I have to emphasize it.  Gauss is supposed to survive through constant movement and cc.  If you're not doing either then you're going to have a bad time.  Kinetic plating is not a turn on and forget primary tank ability.  It exists to cover up a few shots whenever you stop moving for a moment.  You can blame DE for not explaining how his kit works with the tool tips better.  But you literally going against his design and then complaining about it is exactly why DE could skip your feedback.

    Stop acting like a dev, you're not one and obviously doesn't have a clue about what devs did have in mind when designing Gauss. What you said is only entitled to your own opinion.

    If Kinetic plating wasn't meant to be used more than what you think it does, it shouldn't be buffing your melee damage, make you deal slash or even have such a long duration and high cost. Most people who are complaining about this power are right about it being damn expensive, it basically prevents you from getting enough battery and thus impairs every single power Gauss has. Kinetic plating weakness is its own strength - this power is way too strong and thus devs definitely had to put important limitations to balance it - problem is that it pretty much impairs whole Gauss kit while messing with his tedious battery management.

    Synergy wise, all of Gauss powers are meant to not be used until he gets 100% redline cause all of this synergies are working only when his battery can't be depleted no more (at 100% then). Problem is that redline is a pain to increase, you won't benefit much from his 100% threshold and tbh half of his kit can't be used in the meanwhile or you'll just have to start all over again.

    My concern about this whole mechanics isn't that you have to use his 1 and 3 regularly, but only about how it works as a ressource. First you need to get past the redline threshold (cast 1 or 3 once you have 100% battery then) and wait until redline increases by itself - nothing can help with that, no matters what, it's just a wait mechanics. And if you're using kinetic plating or even thermal with fire, you're good to cast a few 1 & 3 again to at least get to the redline limit... Then you can pretty much forget the 100% redline and no cost power - You're screwed for the whole duration - you won't have enough time.

    Gauss is overcomplicated, his battery not much rewarding, and too much of a pain to build. At least kinetic plating is damn effective at protecting him but thermal isn't doing much since it costs a lot. For now Gauss works fine when you're not messing with his battery, hence not using kinetic plating or thermal with fire when you're not at 100% redline first. I don't have any issues with him as long as i'm not using half of his kit, so yeah Gauss definitely needs some balance tweaks, perhaps some ways to speed up redline (the more opponents thermal hits, or enemies you're passing through with his 1st, for example).

    I wouldn't mind a cheaper kinetic plating too but then it'd need some limitations (only effective while moving for ex). It's damn annoying to be knocked down while sprinting because his only power that prevents it is too expensive. Something is definitely wrong in Gauss kingdom.

    Edit. And i don't even get your "cover up" excuse to use kinetic plating as a short life saving power, most of the time you don't even know when you're going to get oneshot or anything, game isn't working like that so what's the point ? Getting energy back would have made more sense to me but who needs that anyway. All frames already have high duration 80-100% protective powers or even shield mechanics, why Gauss should have to activate his own the second he's supposed to die. Is he that powerful he has to sacrifice his own kit to protect himself ? He's no nuker, no team buffer, no tank and has no exalted weapons so why such a limitation ?

    • Like 3
  6. Le 22/08/2019 à 22:29, Steel_Rook a dit :

    That's... Actually a really good idea. One Aura is pretty strong, but the bonuses from additional ones diminish the more stacks you have. I considered simply making multiple versions of the same aura mutually exclusive, but that created the redundancy problem - people are encouraged to pick an Aura they might not necessarily like, but simply because it's something others on the team AREN'T using which will better stack with the rest of the team. I suspect giving them diminishing returns at the expense of making individual auras more powerful, though, might be a good compromise.

    Diminishing return on auras is a bad idea cause you never know who's gearing what on most missions, plus it wouldn't be fair to punish people who are using the same mods. But something could be done about their range and thus encourage coop gameplay. Auras could have an affinity range for example.

    Rejuvenation is a really useful aura since it does heal pets or objectives, which is really nice if you aren't using Vazarin or specific frames, but as OP said 3 health back is laughable for any frame and even worse on objectives with 15k HP, or pets with 2k HP. 2% or even 3% would definitely make this aura worth and at least it would scale with what it is actually healing.

    • Like 1
  7. Il y a 21 heures, Chewarette a dit :

    What you would want to do is transform Ivara into a Lokivara. There is literally no point for DE to even think about doing that. That's as dumb as asking DE to change Ember to be able to place Fiery Spores on enemies that spread when you shoot on it to make her on par with Saryn.

    Loki doesn't have any speed limitation, so what are you talking about ? Don't know who's dumb here at this point.

    I'd prefer a speed limitation than not being able to use half of whole game's movements, at least you can buff sprint speed as opposed to dull rolls. To each their own, i know it hurts but one may have different opinions you know - being insulting won't help much.

  8. Il y a 20 heures, (XB1)Thy Divinity a dit :

    Dated?  Ivara is borderline broken (well, in Warframe terms anyway).  If you think she's dated, I'd love to see your idea of state-of-the-art.

    Topic is about stealth. I don't know what you're talking about but certainly not the same thing. Ivara's stealth mechanics is nowhere near broken. And i don't care about her bow or anything else cause threads aren't made to talk about out of subject stuff.

  9. Le 20/08/2019 à 02:41, Riger82 a dit :

    It only works on the left shoulder? I was so excited when I saw it. Then I saw that unlike every other shoulder attachment I can think of, it only goes on one shoulder? Can we please have the ability to put it on both shoulders? For symmetry, if nothing else. Otherwise I'm never even going to use the thing.


    I don't see what's wrong with asymmetry, it's perfectly fine even if it doesn't suit your personal taste for some reasons. I wouldn't mind being able to choose which shoulder i put it on though, on Deluxe Saryn for example.

  10. Le 01/07/2019 à 14:31, Marine027 a dit :

    For me the OP, what i read out of it, seems like those small kiddies who enjoy gore like in Mortal Kombat or so and see it as the onyl way to show the game is "adult" enough, because gore and blood is so effective to show things apperently for them, you know, the graphic peopole who only enjoy a game for its graphics instead of its gameplay.

    I don't think gore is "adult" enough as you said. Pretty much some immature stuff these days, quite common too. For my part i've always found extra gore quite ridiculous (then funnier than scarier material) and i'm pretty sure than Gore contents are targeting young audiences instead of old people like me. 😅

  11. Le 25/06/2019 à 15:57, Chewarette a dit :

    Toggle is a huge benefit as there is no downtime at all. So yes, I'd rather we keep the movement restrictions, because if they were to disappear, that'd mean Prowl would be changed to a set duration. This would effectively transform Ivara into Female Loki.

    Who cares about Loki, Ash is also able to make himself invisible - Octavia, Wukong or even Wisp also have invisibility powers. Only Ivara has to rely upon ridiculous and slow movements, perhaps it was fair or balanced at start but now she's only quite dated.

    I don't mind less speed but no sprint nor bulletjump is just plain dumb now. Anyway Loki is way more viable energy wise, Ivara costs a lot since she's channeling both her prowl and her artemis bow. I don't even see why Ivara is the frame who got the movement penalty - did she really deserve such thing in the first place ?

  12. Il y a 11 heures, TeaHawk a dit :

    Even with 300% melee damage riven and all damage mods on jaw sword, you will only have around 50k damage while breaking your mass vitrify with a high duration build and acceptable range. Only 50% of that damage is stacked in your shatter shield. That means that to have 1.000.000 damage you have to recast it 40 times. And you won't be wasting energy because of risk of loosing stacks. An average time between casts of mass vitrify must be around 22 seconds. On average you have to maintain your shatter shield while continuously stacking damage at least for 15 minutes in order to reach 1.000.000 damage. I don't think it's that op, as long as you have to be so concentrated on time management while playing. You could not renew your shatter shield at time? You lose all stacks and must restart at ground zeros. It's just rewarding. And it should stay rewarding. It's just that active gameplay DE wants players to be engaged in.

    To mention, you should invest in riven and mods to reach these levels of destruction.

    I don't get your point at all. In a few shatterings only you have enough damage to kill everything in your path. Extra damages are only useful to scale with endless mission's enemies level, why would you care about having 1.000.000 damage anyway ? Most common enemies have less than 200-300k health at level 160...

    I don't need a lot of shattering to be able to kill any current level enemy, even bursars or elite at some point, and Gara can't waste her energy because of Spectrosiphon augment mod only.

    Gara is one of the best overall frame around, she's lacking of popularity cause (1) no fancy frame (2) still no prime (3) "overcomplicated" - you can't play her effectively spamming her 4th only and the most important part (4) most players don't have a clue about what's going on in this game - they're complaining all day here about frames when they don't even understand how they should be played or which synergy they have.

    Inifinite scaling damage, 95% DR, infinite energy orbs, lure and exploding walls... Seriously, each time i play her content become so easy suddenly.

  13. Le 18/08/2019 à 15:43, (XB1)KayAitch a dit :

    The Kohm is in kind of a unique place - it has just enough riven dispo so that a status riven can give it 100%.

    This makes a massive difference to the weapon. Without that magic 100% it's still really good for it's MR, but only OK overall. Not MR fodder, but not by a lot.

    The problem is that the Kohm+riven combo is really popular, popular enough that the riven should have been nerfed twice over. However, nerf it and the Kohm can't reach that magic 100%, making it a hard nerf for the weapon. Enough that few people will continue to use it and the dispo goes back up on the next pass, leaving it stuck bouncing dispo.

    So, the fix: release a Prisma Kohm or Kohm Wraith, about MR12-14 and not easy to get, (maybe on a par with the Gorgon Wraith). Give that new gun the 30% base status (and maybe a utility plus too, like higher ammo cap or shorter reload, it can't be too OP).

    This takes the meta Kohm build out of the riven balancing. On the next riven pass the disposition can drop to match the popularity without making it bounce back on the pass after that (as some folks will still be using the Wraith/Prisma variant).

    There are already a ton of discussions on here about whether riven disposition should exist in the first place, or should be fixed forever once you have unveiled the riven, please let's keep that out of the responses here.

    First Kohm isn't that better on a full status build. You can strip enough armor with less status and tbh its slash damages aren't that great without critical so applying lots of them won't help either. fire rate is a good alternative too, it makes this shotgun work more like an assault rifle. I wouldn't end with explosive too cause aiming at heads with enough critical is also making the Kohm quite a lethal weapon - It's a damn precise shotgun.

    Second a Prisma Kohm would be nice but definitely a bad idea balance wise. This weapon is already a monster, i can't imagine it with even better stats. 😮

    Maybe it would end like the Opticor, not an enhanced version but a changed one.

  14. Banshee has a lot of CCs but the only thing she's lacking of is high duration ones. Enemies are staggered, ragdolled or stunned but never impaired enough for a long time. Silence can work if enemies didn't spot you but it may not work on a team gameplay.

    People are complaining a lot about low health low armor frames survivability, Nyx for example. When i'm entering a tileset i'm definitely casting an augmented psychic bolt and no one is firing at me since they're all stunned for a decade. Banshee can't do that, she can survive a second or two but her kit isn't helping for a longer fight.

    Spamming her 4th can help though until you can't kill a thing at higher levels. So maybe her CCs could have longer durations, enemies stunned by Silence could be stunned slightly longer or maybe her scream could lower enemies speed too, such things would help without changing much her whole kit.

  15. Le 15/08/2019 à 12:58, (PS4)chris1pat8twins a dit :

    tired of the lazy play solo response. Us real players shouldn’t be forced to solo a game that DE has designed for teamwork because of a few leechers/AFKers. They should be the ones to play solo. 

    Tbh i wouldn't even consider WF as a coop game, at least not without friends or family. Afk/Hosting/lack of coop incentive are making this game quite awful to play along with PUGs.

    I do enjoy it a lot while playing with wife or friends but i would definitely stop playing it if i was solo only or relying upon one of the worst online hosting mechanics ever. WF suits well 2019 gamers spirit though, most people don't care much about coop nowadays, most of them are quite individualistic or simply don't care about others at all. It may explain why a 4 players game is still working fine - without solo or with much more players, this game couldn't work.

    The only way to deal with toxicity (hence lazy leechers since they're part of the global scheme) isn't to hunt them, it never works. The only solution is to make the game impervious to toxic players. More fun, less braindead farm and mandatory coop gameplay - Lots of WF players are playing the game solo, even if playing along with 3 other players. Tbh finding "trolls" isn't rocket science, they're quite often playing the same kind of popular games.

    The only thing DE can do is to make their game less attractive to such players. And it won't ever happen.

  16. Le 19/08/2019 à 20:06, zekkzekk a dit :

    No. Implementing a diminishing return on increases to modified critical hit chance will remove the necessity and or well distributed application of the crit-tier system. Furthermore no one is going to be successful using redcrits against grineer. Status weapons have incredible power through slash procs which no crit weapon will be able to compete with at the upper echelons of content. Sure status weapons have a low modification ceiling, however many of the are incapable of exploiting that low ceiling and maximizing mod slot real estate.

    Game isn't working that way. Status weapons have a low ceiling only because status can't go past 100%, apart from that they're using the same ceiling as crit weapons if you can increase it. The only thing that matters here is that status is way less impactful than criticals - a sniper rifle will always deal better status damage than a Tigris for example. Full status weapons are powerful at first, help with armor stripping but their damages have a way lower cap. Crit weapons on the other hand, and that's why i don't agree with you, have infinite scaling - which means that with enough starting critical chance and the right gearing - in the end are dealing insane damages no matters what.

    No one cares about slash or anything, there's absolutely no full status slash weapon in the entire game that can compete with a full red crit. build with Hunter munitions. Even tons of dots won't do much if they aren't critical hits - and they'll even suck more if not past reds.

    What doesn't make sense is that WF crit mechanics is infinitely scaling, there's no ceiling at all and it goes up and up and up until it's damn broken. Why do you think that most people are going for critical based kitguns, critical Zaws along with anything that can buff them through combo ? Blood rush alone shows how critical isn't well balanced along once you reach 3x or 4x combo.

    I don't mind some better critical mechanics but in most games you don't have that. You deal a critical or you don't. Here once you can get past the red crit. thread, game is basically broken. I never said diminishing return would solve this but as OP said, no ceiling in any kind of game means there's no balance at all.

    Just get a Synpase with HM and a riven with critical, gear it on a Nidus with Teeming Virulence augment along with an Adarza and some avenger arcane. That's quite common stuff and see how no damage ceiling is working fine atm.

    Critical is damn broken, status on the other hand isn't scaling at all, physical and elemental damages aren't consistent at all, armor scaling isn't working either, and two factions don't even have viable defense mechanics (shield & health). Tbh the whole damage system needs some serious overhaul, lack of balance is real.

  17. Le 16/08/2019 à 04:21, (PS4)cdzbrbr a dit :

    You said it well, a 'god roll', a 'god roll' is not any roll, it's an objective concept: 3 stats out of damage, multishot, crit chance and crit damage, with a an irrelevant negative, such as zoom, recoil in some cases and impact.

    Quite funnily this notion of "godroll" is that dumb that even status weapons rivens godrolls still include criticals. Riven hoarders are so obsessed with plat they even try to sell you highly expensive crit.+crit.dmg rivens for a Phantasma... Roll it yourself, get damage+elements and you're done. Warframe is no rocket science but its trading is all but idiotproof.

    Anyone shouldn't ever spend more than 100-200 pl on a riven, and stop caring about stupid rolls when one can roll it by himself. The whole mafia would crumble but at this point i'm wondering if most buyers are also the one who are making tons of plat out of ridiculous rivens too... I wouldn't say that i don't have 3k to spend on a riven, but why would i do that ?! Better use another weapon or wait for a disposition nerf (or [hint]...not use a riven). ^ ^

    No one needs godrolls anyway since game is already easy, quite decent rolls especially with high disposition are all we need. Spending 5k plat on such thing only shows one thing - people who are buying them aren't smarter than the one who are trying to rip off others on such trade.

    A hint though, don't trust anyone and try to get the riven at your own price every single time. Most rivens are overpriced too, especially the highest rolls. Lots of hoarders are selling mods but not so many people are actually buying them, except from most popular weapons but [second hint] most popular weapons aren't necessarily the best ones...

  18. Le 03/08/2019 à 02:02, KronkhHD a dit :

    Ok so, I recently got mastery rank 13, along the way of getting there I got a few actually good weapons which I would really like to use, however, I'm unable to get my hands on catalysts without spending plat which shouldn't be a problem considering they are mandatory on all weapons if you want to make use of their full potential.And no, nightwave isn't a good way to get reactors and catalysts since they cost 75 nightwave credits and you only get 50 each time you reach a rank which gives you those excluding the first rank.
    so, I would either really like a way to grind towards them without spending plat, or, change nightwave so that it gives a small ammount of credits for each challenge completed as to make it easier/ less time consuming to get them 

    Buy a decent aura, sell it for 30-40 pl if you pick the right one, then you can get 2 catalysts with plat. Auras are half catalyst price but can generate twice the amount of plat - nightwave currency ratio is completely broken - DE obviously doesn't have a clue about what's going on in most WF markets.

    The whole nightwave currency mechanics isn't much consistent and really needs a QoL.

  19. Il y a 3 heures, AkyFenrir a dit :

    Wanting to completely change a games mean one thing: you don't like the game.

    This is where you completely missed the point. People who complain about nukers do like the game, their main concern is that they can't basically play it because of selfish players (call that a power fantasy if you want - we aren't here to make psychological profiles) who are only spamming already overpowered powers, thus preventing other players from doing anything, at all. No one is or has to like that. No one forces you to overuse already strong abilities, Saryn doesn't need to spam her 4th every 5s - her spores aren't ruining most people gameplay and spores alone are a huge part of her gameplay.

    Last time i told a guy he was ruining other players experience for his own profit (hence playing solo in a coop game), he told me he didn't care, cause he was having fun that way.

    That's where we are now, in 2019, in a so-called coop game where only 4 people have to play together. I've played lots of games, many MMOs along with 60-30-20-10-5 players teams, things weren't that bad at first. Now you only have a bunch of idiotic kids who barely care about anything but themselves and the funniest part - They're proud of it.

    Tbh WF is barely enjoyable if you dont' have friends or family to play with. If i was alone here i would have stopped playing it a long time ago.

    • Like 1
  20. Le 12/08/2019 à 09:39, Klokwerkaos a dit :

    it's almost like what you're saying is the same thing all vets have been saying since forever... warframe needs challenge appropriate to the power level of the game to make squads matter.

    now me, i always squad... why?  it's not for the team mates... it's because their presence means more loot pinatas and since i can clear a tile as fast as can bullet jump through it that just means more resources for my dojo.  but notice how the rest of the squad'S contribution is completely irrellavent to my being able to succeed.

    indeed, on occasion i've had people get pissy in chat and say to me at various points:  "if you're so good, we're just going to stand here and fail the mission"... and then i clear the whole thing, for all four players, without their help, and pick them off the floor when they get shot because i can, because i literally don't need them and even their active hindrance by being a distraction to pick off the floor rather than clear enemies makes no difference to my success.

    at best, someone that is equally as powered as me, can maybe save me three seconds on a sabo mission by pulling the other canister while i grab the other one, or hack the other stealth computer... they haven't made any difference in my guaranteed success, they have only shaved off .5 seconds off the mission complete time and that's only if we aren't waiting for a full minute on extract for babyexcal69 mr 6 who is still lost at the beginning of the mission.

    the thing is, i'm not saying this to measure my  e-peen because literally anyone can do this in the game and it takes minimal skill and effort, just time investment.  i'm saying it to agree with how much of a problem the game design is...


    which will be ignored by de...


    The only problem most game designers have is that they have to create a constant flux of new "content" especially in such a collection game, weapons for example. And to make them more and more interesting they always end with power creep, which means that your typical mission will be less and less challenging. It's basically why MMOs are dying, they aren't evolving, theyre doing the same thing over and over until players are bored.

    Sure WF does have additional missions or areas but nothing really changes as a whole since every new content is designed to replace older ones with new items to collect. That's kind of lazy design tbh but i guess it's the easiest way to make profit - creating new areas with the same old missions doesn't need a lot of brainstorming, i couldn't even quote any recent game with some innovative gameplay, or at least revolutionnary design. Any strategy game fan could play 4X games or wargames for decades cause this games are meant to be played a billion times. MMOs are more like fast foods, lots of fat and sugar to make them more appealing but no substance - not enough to compensate the repetitive gameplay. And by substance i mean fun - many people are playing games they have no fun with, which is ironically really sad.

    So DE can implement new missions on harder difficulty like they did with arbitration, but it won't be enough cause game isn't even balanced so difficulty is really different between a low MR player and one who already got everything to gear him to the teeth. Get a fully geared Inaros and try to die at least once, best weapons/powers are literally destroying everything already...The only thing DE came out with were nullifiers and drones which are basically "cheating" with the game's rule to be some kind of threat. It's going nowhere.

    Perhaps the difficulty increase could also hide in more tactics but tbh -i know it hurts but - most players aren't really smart or way too lazy to learn tactics anymore. Modern games are more based upon braindead easy farm than demanding elitist strategies so... More difficulty in 2019 means enemies with huge health pool or stupid oneshot players mechanics. More coop could be fine too, what they did with Disruption missions in Jupiter is interesting but game is still really lacking of more incentive to play along with other people anyway.

  21. Il y a 8 heures, Somi_xD a dit :

    That's what i thought at first.
    And yes, on low lvl it isn't that effective since everything dies with one hit 😄

    But after some tests i saw, that you don't need to attack the Marked enemies.
    It is enough if Bladestorm is active and you melee any Enemy.

    Also how it works.
    The Augments affect Melee, as long as the Blade Storm is active you can hit any Mob(it doesn't matter if they are Marked or not).
    Any Melee Attack gets those +Hits from the augment, but it's more effective with the Gunblades since all the pellets count as hits and they have punch through.
    So 10 Pellets each gets +4 hits from the Augments and hits 4 Enemies in a row.
    10x4x4 =160 hits in one shot.
    And the Augment is affected by Power Strength.
    With my 229% Power Strength in the Video i do get +9 from the Augment.
    10x9x4 = 360 in one shot.

    It's more like a "Gunblades are OP" thread then. Sure this augment makes Ash get combo counters like crazy but not that much without tough/numerous/frozen&aligned enemies. In most content you'll get a x2.5 counter, which is already nice but not as broken.

    Anyway since melee combo is going to be reworked and if it's ending as a high damage finisher, it'll be less impressive.

  22. Il y a 4 heures, Chewarette a dit :

    If you need Corrosive to kill enemies before lvl 100-120, you definitely have a problem. I can eradicate Grineer with full Magnetic damage if you want.

    That sounds really optimal. Perhaps you should check what means balance before replying then. Anyway if you're killing things with magnetic before lvl 100 it's good for you - that's exactly what i said, we are facerolling that content.

    I spoke about corrosive, but not in that way, you're mixing everything.

  23. I care about only one thing, no more spin-2-win. People who basically move faster than a Volt on drugs while killing everything around, even what they can't see, only by using a macro - is plain dumb gameplay. I'm kind of worried this hasn't been nerfed yet since it basically works like an exploit. Not fond of macros as a whole anyway, on PC it always ends with silly exploits. I didn't mind that when games were more complicated (macros to help with tanking in raids in some famous MMO) but Warframe is damn easy to play.

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