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Posts posted by atom

  1. Getting left behind is only one of the problems with coptering though.

    It mostly invalidates any other form of movement.

    Why use a rush mod, why use parkour, why use shortcuts, why use a warframe that has special movement abilities (valkyr, zephyr, etc), when a copter weapon does all of the former stuff better - basically being able to skip whole rooms because you chose Copter weapons is pretty silly imho


    and the whole "play solo" argument never made much sense in a Co-op game.

    "just play with people that feel the same" - true to an extent, but my friends/clanmates aren#t always online or in the mood to play mission X, so sooner or later i will have to play with randoms^^

    so you see a mechanic a huge portion of the playerbase likes and uses on a regular basis and somehow you think its a good idea to remove it because you don't like how it looks. wow .. 


    as for rush, frame abilities, parkour and shortcuts they do NOT get invalidated by coptering ... they are, same as coptering, mechanics that allow you to go fast and that for many players is FUN. use any one or combination of elements you like and let others do the same. i for one sometimes use all of them when i do capture or assassination missions for example, yes even the rush mod.


    like other have pointed out you can use parkour and shortcuts to keep up with coptering. i know this for a fact because i use heavy and sparring melee on occasion and granted its not as easy as using ONLY coptering but it works and i can keep up.


    the argument for "play solo or with friends" makes sense in any MP game including this one because on public servers theres always a higher chance you will meet differences of opinion on playstyle and *gasp* they are all valid. same goes for the real world really ... maybe take this as an opportunity to exercise tolerance? have you seen ninja movies? if normal earth bound ninjas can fly around like crazy why you trying to keep us space ninjas down? have i mentioned coptering is fun?

  2. btw you know what really mean and cruel is? To take the Kudrow to E Prime mission and let him fight his family - his brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers and burn down their villages. OMG that's so dark and sad that I've got tears in my eyes!



    Do you know the main difference between a Kudrow and a Sentinel?


    Sentinel is a machine, like your cellphone. It has no feelings and was manufactured to aid you.


    Kudrow is a mammal born from an egg. You have enslaved it and it is kept alive by drugs.

    so few seem bothered by the questionable ethics behind the kubrow mods and eggs delivery method, but i have to admit its a good marketing strategy ... u can buy free range eggs from the market and fair trade certified kubrow mods from farmers in the trading channel

  3. no one here knows what % of the company was sold or even IF the deal went through (tho im assuming it did because of the silence). tbh i really think the whole thing is about publishing rights in PRC. in any case seems its a delicate matter and especially after the community reaction of course DE are trying to package this in a good looking way. a simple y/n footnote on the forums is not going to cut it im sure they are looking for the proper way to say it they are not and never have "spat on the community". so far its still the only game i'm inclined to play the people behind it are the same devs we all love. looking forward to tennolive and hoping for the best

  4. Dude, stop beating a dead horse. It's the internet, nothing anyone says is true anyway.

    thats not exactly what i meant i think his points are valid for the majority of ppl which was his original point anyway and is true for this thread. i find that history tho sometimes has more versions of truth with details "lost in translation" especially when ethnic minorities and conflict are concerned.


    back on topic one of my closest high school friends announced her wedding today ... coincidence? i think not ... 

  5. I was born and raised in Ukraine... and my entire family is from there.... See how that works? My grandmothers side were all from "Ukrainian" area while grandfather was from central Russia. And yet not even their grandparents ever considered themselves anything other then Russian. My mom was born in Germany since gramps was an officer... so what? Is she German now?

    Quit watching american news and considering that you have a clue. Just because nazis got into power doesn't mean the world changed. Outside of Kiev most people never spoke Ukrainian and never will. My best friend was Lithuanian so was his entire family and they also never considered themselves anything other then Russian.


    In short... You don't have a clue.


    Want an actual history lesson? Just to take your Ukrainian example further, about 1/3 of "Ukraine"(west part) was the lands Poland had to give up back in the good ol days when it had slavery. Or they risked getting completely wiped by then Imperial Russia. Another 1/3 was taken from Ottoman Empire when they got too greedy and also got put in their place.  So what should be call people that's been Russian Ottoman/Polish? You don't know jack about history. And you don't know anything about countries you use as examples.


    Just because at the moment its a new cool thing in Ukraine to bomb hospitals and schools and nail kids to a cross and gut them while dragging their mothers with a tank around, doesn't mean world changed and people suddenly changed from one thing to another.


    And this is utterly irrelevant to the topic so it will be the last time I bother responding. Not that there is even a remote chance you got a clue and learned something.

    i could reply in the same manner you did but i will try to keep cool and say this. im pretty sure not everyone in ukraine shares your view on nationality and history. let me remind you that history is mostly written by the victors so please try have an open mind. your view seems biased but its understandable if your version is deeply rooted in the very effective russian military history. now how would you like it if i called you cupcake in an inflammatory manner?

  6. rad proc doesnt do much in pvp. and not a good dmg type since tennos actually have ferrite armor. 

    Magnetic proc on the otherhand can break the effect. Or a 1 shot type of weapon.

    are you sure? the wiki says:


    • Flesh: Applies to all WarframesSpectersTenno Specters, and the Stalker, mostly damaged by Infested faction.
    • Ferrite Armor: Applies to Rhino's Iron Skin, Specters and Tenno Specters.
    • Alloy Armor: Applies to all Warframes and the Stalker, mostly damaged by Corpus faction.
    • Shield: Applies to all Warframes, Specters and Tenno Specters, mostly damaged by Grineer faction.
    • Proto Shield: Exclusive to the Stalker.

    and idk why it seems to make more sense for radiation to proc energy drain and magnetic to proc only shield drain to i know that atm magnetic procs both

  7. I think it is obvious that the game where you have to watch for your re-spawns, simultaneous attacks and spots for energy-regrouping will be won in a stable team much easier, than with a bunch of randoms that play each one on their own and revive you once a match if you lay in front of them.


    To have a full coordinated team with payers, that you played with for ages is NOT a wonder of tactics - it is a privilege that is limited to attackers right now.

    Skill can be shown by using the strength of warframes in an open fight - not a spamlike spawn-bashing and standing infront of shooting enemies, that can't even dmg the AI mobs, course of the dmg reduction, to have any hope of leveling up.

    i really don't see how its limited to attackers since you get the same situation if the defending team is well organized and the attacking team with limited respawns is not. but i guess it all depends on which side of the fence ppl are in a given moment .. i noticed they tend to complain the other side has an advantage even if its not the case.

    to me the issue here seems to be the unlock levels players get when not joining from the start of the match. that is what really needs balancing and unfortunately counts a disproportionate amount towards losing or winning the match. 

  8. Welcome to the defenders spawn: Trinity spams energy Vampire on small Corpus - next to her stands Ash and spams Blade Storm. If you can't get dmg by Blade Storm course you just spawned, it repeats to bash you, til you are vulnerable again. There is no skill, great tactics or what ever behind that - it is a common exploit, that is frustrating for ppl who join such a session on non existent levels.


    Btw, defenders fail to build teams (it ends in a black screen and a frozen game), while Attackers group up to stable teamspeak powered lobbies.

    it sucks to join one of those matches but it i have to disagree. you need skill and tactics to properly configure your arsenal and play their strengths, to unlock your stuff fast and get in that press 4 to win state. i played loki, ash, mirage, frost, rhino, valkyr, ember and nyx yesterday to find that most frames are viable and can be OP in the right hands. the only exploit i see here is taking advantage of the unbalanced unlocking rules for clients that don't join from the start of the match. understandable because everyone is trying to win. i'm sure DS PVP will get fixes and tweaks and i hope others like it as much as i do.


    edit: if organized teams win and disorganized teams lose i see that as an indication that skill and tactics are rewarded here..

  9. give it a chance. after playing for a couple of days i think it will be amazing. sure it needs tweaking here and there and a bit more skill and strategy then when fighting mindless drones that don't put up much of a fight but i think the potential is huge. this is the first pvp manifestation in warframe that is really engaging and rewards teamwork and skill. i'm really excited about this

  10. of course, if they can do it they definetely should. im just not sure if it´s possible.


    the thing is that the creator of oveergrowth is basically a coding genius. he made his first game engine when he was a child. he made overgrowth engine after with all the wallruning and movement from the ground. i dont know if the evolution engine (warframe engine) can do the same, but i hope it can

    ok hire that guy

  11. i suggest waiting for DE to fix the whole kubrow delivery/dispatch system.


    DNA imprints should 100% transfer over breed AND looks this way: 1st imprint for breed and second for pattern. futuristic space ninjas should have the technological prowess to do it.

    Colouring should be customisable.

    Allow us to make more than 2 imprints/kubrow. at least 6 would be ok.

    Have a quest/mission type to release kubrows into the wild or make a dojo kubrow room that we can use to retire unwanted kubrows.

    Make it possible to buy purebred eggs from the market for plat guaranteeing specific breeds. (something like random egg 10p purebred 100p)

    If the kubrow dies permanently make it leave behind a genetic sample that we can use to breed it back to life.

    Remove stasis recovery time or make it 10m (rush for 5p).

    Make it possible to also rush maturing with plat.


    i think that should fix all the major issues and make kubrows fun

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